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You be sweet and I'll be grateful — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: We can wrap this up now! Exit posts? @Gent

There was a gripping silence to follow up her request, no doubt filled with serious stares as Sylva made her way slowly toward the entrance. The next voice she heard though, was Jynx, and the new mother was quick to answer her offer. "Don't worry about us," she started gently, eyes switching between the dark form of Sylva and the light behind her. "I'm really just tired myself; thank you Jynx." She spoke the last words with an audible grin. She was so glad the whole ordeal was over with. This morning had taken a year at least. 

The matriarch's attention then settled squarely on her invited guest. She had perhaps never seen the yearling move so carefully, but even so she felt her body shuffle the tiniest bit tighter around the babies, just in case. When at last the girl was about a head's distance away, Raela fought back her protective instincts long enough to pull the shroud of her tail back and reveal the precious new lives. Sylva seemed riveted. 

A smile crept across her face, broadening slowly with the yearling's words. For once, she couldn't bring herself to speak; it didn't seem necessary at all. This was the first time Sylva would have seen puppies, she supposed, and for Raela it was the first time that they were really hers. She let the moment draw on in the darkness, until at last the spell seemed to ebb, and the Notch's resident yearling retreated into the sunlight with a  quiet 'thank you' for her husband. The Queen watched her leave, then curled her tail back onto the murmuring children. She nudged each with her nose once more, content with the knowledge that she was keeping them warm, and that the pack outside would keep them safe. 

            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

Gent gaze remained glued to Sylva as she cautiously made her way underground, unwavering even as @Jynx approached him to speak. Her question was met with a curt shake of his muzzle 'no' before Raela's voice picked up to greet them from the inside again.

"I'll be fine with this," he answered her, paw stepping back onto the mallard's dead body as with a small quake of his stomach, he realized just how hungry he'd gotten.

His ears strained to catch whatever was occurring within the den, but he wasn't left on high alert for long. Without incident, Sylva reappeared, a humbled expression on her features and a thank you floating off her tongue. Just like that, he could breathe again, his body relaxing and the smile returning to his face. A sigh fled his jaws as he took a moment to stretch his legs and spine before settling down onto the ground, the bird pinned between his forelimbs.

Finally looking up at Jynx's face, he gave her a more genuine response than previously.

"Thanks for the offer, though. You can all stick around as you'd like, but it'll be pretty quiet around here."

He didn't expect any more visiting to occur with the children, not today, and once after finishing his meal he would be back in the den curled around his family. He settled into cutting open the bird, answering any questions or listening to the small talk of his packmates that might occur and saying short goodbyes as necessary, and offering Raela a share of the meat once he reached it.

/Gent out

(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2016, 09:41 PM by Gent.)
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Short exit post

Reach for the stars

Assured by both newfound parents that there was nothing further that they needed, Jynx gave a satisfied nod. Her piercing yellow eyes remained fixed on the den entrance where Sylva had entered for a peek. She watched the yearlings every move, making sure each one was placed with care and that she did not linger too long. When she finally did withdraw out of the den, with a breath of thanks, the tension in her own shoulders lessened. 

With permission to either stay or go as they pleased, Jynx stretched, bowing her spine to let her stomach graze the earth. She could see that Gent and Raela, especially, would be tired from exciting events that had played out not long ago. Even for herself, the idea of new life, had gotten her heart racing. "I think I'll stick around for a little longer." She offered, moving off to the side, but still well within view of the den. Spending quality time with the pack in this way was good for bonding, especially when marked by such a special occasion. Choosing a spot on top of some sun bathed rocks, she leapt up and laid down, stretched out comfortably. Placing her head between her paws, her sun colored eyes gazed out contentedly towards the den in which the new family rested, until her own eyelids drooped shut.

Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
The peaceful bliss that seemed to extend to all the wolves touched Sylva, new life could do so much to take you away to a moment of peace I'm a harsh world. She was happy to try and extend it, but as it seemed everyone was settling down, the yearling felt the urge to try and be productive. There was still a lot to be done, plants to sort, herbs to gather, plans to be made, poisonous plants to be eradicated so the pups didn;t chew on any.

“I’m going to head on out….there’s a lot of work to be done, but I’m glad I’ve got to see them, we’re gonna keep erm safe Gent, from the wolves, the plants, the rocks.” she paused for a moment, her brown gaze settling onto the pebble near her paws, she was clearly giving it an ‘I’m talking about you’ look as she stood up “I’ll see if I can find Raela a good meal while I’m out searching for herbs.” giving a small nod to the others as the resident loon wondered off to do whatever she did, sometimes she just winged things and stuff worked out.