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I guess now I know better — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
Short, stub of a tail rapped the ground again. Lila held onto her sister's words. They would remain with her for a time until this promise was kept. Why she was eager now, she realized how easily her short legs tired. She did not want to be carried all the way neither. One day they would see the mountain. She was sure she would like it too.

Head cocked to the side quizzically, earnestly she sought Kyna's face as she began to paint a picture for her. But, she had had her at fluffy and white, but games as well? She would teach her?! "Oh, yes, yes pease!" She declared, enthusiastically. Then leaned over just enough to rub her nose affectionately against her ginger coat. @Kyna was good for all sorts of things. For this Lila felt grateful. Why they were not littler mates, this was the next best thing. An older sister who knew so much more, and was willing to tell her, teach her! She settled for Mother to continue her tale, knowing it was not yet at an end.

She did her best to listen, and process these things. She felt they were important. She liked to hear of Aponi's stories. But, she was distraught over it all. Why mother had to go. Why that other boy was so mean. How momma had one friend, who was more? She liked the part where they joined a new pack together. How swiftly, her little mouth fell open. Kyna had a dad? A brief look was given from sister to mother. Then quickly, she tucked herself closer by that simple touch. She did not know if it was for her comfort or Aponi's, but she did not mind. The story grew even more sad. Lila, felt herself deflate. In the Bend these things did not seem to happen. The others were not her siblings they got along fairly well. Everyone seemed to look after each other. She could not imagine a loss of a friend, a sister, nor her mother. She wanted to tell her mother she should fix things with her sister. She could not find her words. A soft whine carried in her throat for all the pain. Why she was young she knew Kyna's father was not here either. Momma had gone through so much, and yet was here for them.
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2016, 04:57 AM by Lila.)
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
Why was Aponi telling this story now?
The question continued to plague the young Argyris as her mother continued to speak – it was not as if the redhead was disinterested.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  But wouldn’t this have been good to know before?  If she felt Lila was old enough to know it now, surely she could have explained to her first daughter as a pup too, no?  Perhaps things would be easier, would be different, if Kyna had known and understood—
Would she have understood, though, before Phineas died?  Before Wren went missing?  Before they had to leave Silent Moon Plateau?
Kyna sighed softly and closed her fire-bright eyes; the mention of the former alpha’s name seemed to resurrect the man like a ghost.  Would there ever come a time she did not think of him and her heart would ache so fiercely?  At least the story was something else to focus on – the story of Aponi and her sister – and a grim smile found the youth’s features as Celandine came to mind. 
Maybe we are cursed.
How rare was it that Kyna was lost for words.  Her eyes stung.  Her breath hitched somewhere in her throat.  “Thank you for the story.”  Her words were little more than whispers as they threatened to strangle her all at once.  “I--  I think I need a moment.  I am sorry.”

Was she apologizing to her mother, or her sister?  In any event, she did not want either of the other females to see her cry – without another word, she started to backtrack, and all she could do was hope to banish her ghosts before the tears started to roll down her ginger cheeks.

@Aponi @Lila -- Sorry for the wait?  Maybe we could close this one out?
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Fade and archived

The rest of the story that was fresh on her lips paused as Lila snuggled into her side, a low whine working its way up between them. The pup did not yet know of the hardships of the world, she had always had her mother and her sister and the other children. Fate had dealt a harder hand of cards to the mother and to the blonde teen who had spent most of her childhood in the care of one parent without the other before losing her father permanently. Blue eyes lifted from where they had rested on the dark pup to take in the appearance of the yearling who completed their trio.

Beautiful and graceful to be sure, long legs, blonde fur and poised words and foot falls, but none of it could hide the turmoil behind the fiery eyes. How could someone be born the child of a leader, have the intelligence and beauty of a princess and still have more anguish than anyone should have to endure? Aponi knew that she herself had been the catalyst to much of it but she could not change the past now, instead she had to focus on the present and the future.

Unsure of how to reach out and comfort Kyna as she once had been able to as a child the space between them felt like miles. Opening her mouth as her daughter stood, voice barely more than a hoarse whisper as what seemed to be tears began in her eyes Aponi couldn't think of the words and instead closed her jaws and nodded. Watching the cinnamon girl disappear into the mist a small ache in her chest began to form. Sighing Aponi stood, "Come on now Lila, I'll finish the story another time. For now let's get some rest."

[Image: AplcUOC.png]