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They went into my closet looking for skeletons, all they found were beautiful shoes — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
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Kyna Argyris Archer
So many wolves, so many names.  Kyna had to wonder if she’d remember them all later, or if it would ever matter, if she’d ever meet these other family members at all.  Did it really count as family, if you only ever met once or twice?

Frankly, the youth had no idea what else to say, other than that perhaps the learned escape mechanism was a bit too strong.  Whenever something seemed to go wrong, there went Aponi!  Off the side of a mountain and into the abyss, looking for something, looking for nothing.  Kyna gave a soft sigh and shook her head.  Be easy on her.  Why?  For what reason?  Kyna had never asked to be brought into the world, and here she was.  Whatever choices Aponi had made before were her own, but once she had children, well--  She couldn’t be selfish.  Or rather, she shouldn’t be…it hadn’t seemed to stop her yet.
“I will keep all this in mind,” Kyna finally mustered, nodding her head.  And that much was true, at least, the information wouldn’t go to waste with the strawberry blonde (even if she had no idea what to do with it just yet).  “But I should probably go.  Thank you, for telling me.  I will…see you later.”