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Fairytales Are Not Found — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<3 @Kyrios

Once he hit solid ground the ghost released his son from his jaws, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. Kyrios was safe and that was all that mattered. He rested his chin atop his son’s shoulder, a relieved smile working its way onto his pale maw. For now he ignored his water-logged fur, his lanky body not yet ready to move. A soft chuckle rolled off his tongue at the boy’s comment as he pressed his nose to Ky’s pale forehead. “Next time you’ll get it,” he offered in encouragement, his tail thumping lazily against the ground. Just a little more practice and the Aegina would be an expert in crossing rivers—this was only a minor setback.

“You move fast.” His grin widened at the compliment, his head tilting to the side as he studied his son. “And soon you will, too,” he retorted, bumping his nose to the boy’s forehead once more. “If you were blessed with my long legs, of course.” So far Kyrios and his sister looked like a perfect mix of both of their parents, aside from their eye colours. Atropos’ had begun to change into a colour similar to Lachesis’, while Kyrios seemed to be adopting the same golden hue Naia had. But how would adulthood treat them? Would they possess the same lanky, tall stature as their father or the compact, swift frame of their mother?

“Now that we’ve crossed the river, where would you like to go?” He asked suddenly as he pushed himself into a stand. The healer gave a violent shake to rid himself of the water that soaked through his fur, purposely trying to spray the pale Aegina. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark
Fade here, or you can wrap up? <3

The boy felt the shifting of his father's quick breath behind him as he spat the last water from his mouth, that and the touch across his shoulders helping him to calm himself. He relaxed back against the wet fur, laughing breathily as the adult's chuckle shook through his own chest. His whole body seemed oddly heavy, paws tinkling and legs trembling slightly. But it wasn't fear that coursed through his veins as he glanced back over at the rushing river, it was longing.

The gentle touch brought Kyrios' attention back to his father, eyes crossing as he tried to look at the man beyond the nose on his forehead. The assurance made him smile, tail thumping happily in time with the other's. His shoulders shifted as he felt Lachesis doing the same, straightening up a little and properly turning his head to meet the pale-green eyes. "You really think so?" He asked excitedly, eyes wide and bright; "I don't wanna look all wonky, though!" The comment was accompanied by a wrinkled nose, soon followed by a mischievous grin as he eyed the lanky limbs sprawled out around him. As if reacting to his insult, they sprang to life, shuffling around and gently pushing the pup aside as their owner got up, Kyrios quickly following after. He looked to his father curiously, the question sparking up his adventurous heart anew.

Still, he paused to glance over his shoulder, at the ever running water. It's steady rush filled his ears, seeming to whisper; Back..? Then he felt wet sprinkling, turning back to his father with a surprised exclamation. The shock only lasted a second however, then he started laughing, returning the watery assault by shaking his own pelt. The river was, temporarily, forgotten, as Kyrios reared on his hind legs, shoving his paws against the pale man's shoulder before jumping off and starting to run. "As far as I can make it!" He shouted back, both a challenge and a request. If he could, he would keep running forever, but today, until his father could catch him would do.

Word count: 348

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Kyrios sorry for delaying in wrapping this up >.>
* archived!

“You won’t look wonky, don’t worry,” he chuffed in amusement at his son’s comment, his chartreuse gaze softening as he studied the ivory boy. If the Aegina was lucky he would be the perfect blend of his mother and father; Lachesis’ tall frame and Naia’s solid build. Unlike his sister, he did not have a green paw. Pursuing the role of healer later in life did not appeal to him. No, Kyrios was much better suited for a scouting role, or perhaps a hunter or guardian. No matter what path the ivory youth chose, XIX would support him. He pressed a slobbery lick to the Aegina’s forehead and nudged his shoulder with his own. “Okay, maybe a little wonky,” he chirped as his tail wagged enthusiastically behind him.

For a moment XIX thought that his son was going to suggest going back across the river to Hearthwood. Once the boy showered the ghost with his own assault of water drops all doubts were erased. A wide grin tugged at his lips as Kyrios gave him an affectionate shove before taking off, leaving the lanky ghost at the water’s edge. “Lead the way!” He called after the boy as he followed close behind, his wonky legs allowing him to catch up to Kyrios quickly. Until his son was ready to return home, they would explore, for he did not want to hinder his adventurous spirit. For now, there were no limits.


[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you