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Your wooden heart is rotten — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire, but you're never gonna learn

The rogue wasn't aware she was suddenly wary of him. If anything was amiss he felt it was her injury, and the odd circumstances that had followed. Especially, because she politely introduced herself. "Glad I could help you out Faye," he responded with a faint smile. She'd almost lived here for half a year. Then, maybe she would know a few things. She had her own questions.

His silver mask smooethed. It made him a little homesick, but not nessacarily for this place. More for the wolves who had resided here. What had once been. "I was born in these woods, and lived here until I was almost a year old. You probably know my little brother Rook. Who isn't really that little any more I guess. It's hard not to see him any other way." A sad smile stretched his mouth, but was quickly gone as it had come. The other matter. "I met another one of your pack mates, but sadly she couldn't tell me her name. Only encouraged me to come see my brother. Maybe, you could just relay a message for me." He tried to meet her gaze to see if he could detect any reluctance.

She didn't seem certain he could escort her back. He hadn't really thought it would be an issue. But, she was hurt, and it wasn't like they were long, lost friends."Yeah, me either." He wasn't in any mood for a fight, especially when he wouldn't want to hurt anyone. She would probably be okay by herself if given a moment. "All right, I think I could manage that."

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
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Amaryllis Azalea
“And thank you, for helping me.” She dipped her head slightly before bringing it back up, ears perked as she listened to him talk.

“Oh! I didn’t realise you lived in these woods before.” That would explain why he appeared so at ease with crossing the borders and where to find that herb. “I know of your brother, I think, if he is who I think he is.  But I haven’t gotten around to meeting him yet, since we’ve both been busy. But I’m more then happy to pass along a message, when I see him next.” Which...she wasn’t sure would be, because if Rook was the one she was thinking of, he was rather elusive at the moment. “Unless you did want to come along and pass it on yourself? I meant no offense before, I simply don’t wish for any accusations to go flying and things to become heated. Not that anyone within the pack is so hotheaded, I’d like to think.” She chuckled lightly, feeling somewhat guilty at possibly denying the other a look around his old home again.

And he also mentioned he’s met another of her packs mates who couldn’t tell him her name? She frowned for a moment before realising he meant Pip. The girl wasn’t able to talk so that would make it hard for her to talk to others and introduce herself. “You must mean Pip! She’s mute unfortunately but she’s a good friend." And the young girl was, despite her muteness.
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2017, 05:26 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire, but you're never gonna learn

"Of course," he replied. He was happy he had happened to come along to do so in the first place. Even if her pack mates were not too far to have been called.

No the history of the Hollow seemed to be gone, just like the wolves who had created it. She didn't seem to know Rook personally, but still offered to give him a message. Then she seemed to wonder if he would just want to do it instead.

Mouth opened, and his eyes fluttered. No, he wasn't ready. "That's understandable, I am still an outsider. But, no if you just tell him I wish him well. Hope to see him again." He didn't exactly feel he would need more than that. It was a step in the right direction. Hopefully, it would make it easier when they saw each other again. Put the past to rest.

The other member seemed to elude her for a moment. He watched her closely trying not to appear desperate, but still hoping it would come to her.

"Pip," he tested, a little tempted to see her face again. He still had other things he needed to do. He thought if he followed, he would want to stay. It wasn't where he was needed. "Tell her hello if you would. I think you're starting to get your bearings, I better let you get back." He offered a more pleasant smile, dipped his head, then made his own exit. Maybe, they'd meet again some day.


[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]