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You've Got Me Under Your Skin — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

While Larkspur was cackling Kino was distinctly unamused, feeling at though he was going to pop a vein in frustration. What was with this guy? Why could he not get it through his head that he didn’t belong here? If Kino had been through the same situation that he had he would have turned tail and headed off somewhere else in a heartbeat. He’d been a lone wolf before, he could do it again. And if the man happened to die? Well that that was just too bad wasn’t it? And, with that thought he paused his thoughts in shock though he remained displeased on the outside. Had he just wished death on someone else? At that point he was no better than Gent, wasn’t he?

“Whatever man. Chew on that leg with whatever teeth you have left in that nasty mouth. Just keep your teeth to yourself. You stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours,” he snapped, a growl leaving his jaws. Turning around he stalked away, thinking strongly about mauling a rabbit or taking a run.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 01:02 AM by Kino.)
Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Larkspur Ritter
His lips twitched, threatening another smile. He felt like he'd won, with the boy not having much left to say. There was little left to be said after he got his own sort of satisfaction of winning, if only because it meant he was on top. Well, as on top as Larkspur could be, given his current condition. He could play the I'm just an innocent, injured man card for a little while, but it was pretty clear that Alastor would be a thorn in his side. A temporary thorn, but a thorn nonetheless. He wondered how quickly it would take for him to be able to be off on his own again, and made a note to maybe go find Oak Tree Bend's healer and find out.

At last, Alastor decided to stop playing big man in the pack and turned around. Of course not before shouting out orders at him. The older man paused his mindless chewing for a moment before calling after the boy. "See you around," Larkspur teased, eager to let the blue eyed boy know that this definitely wouldn't be the last time the two would see each other.

And then some, but neither of them would know that.