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moonlight encounters — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I am terrible. Sorry sorry.

As snappy as he could be, Askan was not one for arguing with Drestig. There were times in which he disagreed with the old man-  oh that happened plenty- but he never disobeyed, not outright anyway. Like he'd said all those months back, if Drestig told him to jump, Askan would ask how high. So even though the Yukon wolf was in no mood for being friendly, he pursed his lips into a thin line and simply watched. Ready to spring into action if need be, at his alphas call. 

His gaze flickered between the two wolves. One was dark like the night and the other was pale as though it had been bleached by the sun. Askan liked to think he had the area figured out, but he did not recognise these strangers. He had no way of knowing whether they were a threat or not. He hoped not, for the sake of simplicity, but even he knew that being too optimistic was dangerous. You could never be too friendly , as it was easy to mistake it for weakness. And with things as they were, hanging in the balance, it was a risk Askan could not allow.But he had to have faith in his alpha, the man he had chosen to follow. Drestig was no fool, there was a sharp mind ticking away behind his bright eyes. Like Askan, he had to be sizing them up, putting together theories as to how and why they were here.

But there was one thing that bothered Askan, enough to make his frown more prominent than usual.

"You heard?" 

His wording was strange, the meaning difficult to put together, but Askan assumed that he meant that someone had told him there were wolves nearby. They hadn't been that noisy after all, it wasn't as though they were advertising their presence. They'd been careful. 

"Who told you?" Askan asked, doing his best to keep his tone neutral, casual even. It worked somewhat. At that Askan sent his alpha a quick glance, he was certain Drestig did not have a hand in this. He would have told him otherwise, or at least he should have.
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2016, 10:16 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
skipping @Drestig to keep this thread moving -- wrap up soon?? :)

His nose twitched as he observed the golden-eyed wolf they had been trailing, his posture tall as he allowed the others to digest his words. Celandine kept her tongue planted firmly between her teeth and, for a moment, the Archer envied her. He did not want to be the diplomat—no, he was the observer; the fly on the wall. The roles should have been reversed. However, despite how uncomfortable he was, Greer refused to allow it to show. This was business—he did not want these wolves to think he was weak. The Whitestone wolves were a force to be reckoned with.

The one called Askan made an outburst at Greer’s response, a frown cutting into his dark features. The inky skeleton nodded sharply in response, his brows pinned together. Who told you? The boy quickly shrugged in response, his silver gaze flickering over to the other raven-coloured wolf. The one in charge. “Not matter,” he responded quickly, dismissing Askan’s question. He did not want to mention Lorcán, for he worried they would find the medic and seek retribution. He took a step back, his silver gaze flitting over to Celandine. They needed to return to Whitestone soon—he did not want to linger. They had gotten the information they needed. There were wolves here, and by their reactions there was more than just two of them. He couldn’t tell, from first impressions, whether these wolves were to be trusted. Would Craw see them as an asset or as a pack for them to avoid?

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry guys, I'm happy to finish with Drestig's next post.

As one might expect, the abundance of prey in the Lowlands drew an abundance of hunters. With so many wolves, both packs and loners, coming up from the south to hunt there was no way to keep track of everyone. There was certainly nothing familiar about these two, and though they wore the scent of pack, it was not one he had smelled before. The leader shrugged to himself, the lanky raven and his pale shadow were hardly a threat and though he didn't like them lurking around this close to his borders, they had done nothing wrong. He glanced sideways at Askan, smirking lightly, they'd been spotted before they had the chance.

The dark stranger spoke up, but rather than answer their questions he made an odd, broken statement, studying the two of them in a manner one might a strange bug. Drestig wrinkled his nose, raising one brow in mirror of the stranger. His companion beat him to respond though, rather reasonable questions falling from his lips, and the graying man looked over at his subordinate again, nodding faintly in approval. Again the gangly boy seemed mostly indifferent to their efforts, giving a simple nod and shrug in response, rejecting the last question in that same, curt fashion.

Silvered brows furrowed now, ember eyes narrowing at the strangers. Despite his brusque way of speaking, the young man's voice did not seem challenging, neither did his stance. The Rye leader was left to shake his head in confusion, eyeing the two of them with lifted brows. A yawn split his jaws and once it finished he drawled: "Well then… Unless you wanted something specific of us, we'll be back to bed and you best be off…" His tail flicked lazily, head lifting, every inch of him more than ready to turn around and head back to the den.

Word count: 309

"Speech" Thoughts

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
this is greer's exit <3 feel free to post after and then archive! :D ~
Scouting 3/3

They had gotten what they needed and it was time to go—before they overstayed their welcome. It was up to Craw to decide what kind of relationship he wanted with these wolves. Greer did not want to be the cause of any turmoil before a pack was even established in these lands. What if they were merely squatting until the winter months passed? His nose twitched at the thought—no, these wolves looked far too defensive for this place to be temporary. Something was brewing and the spider was not going to be pleased.

The shadow glanced once more at his pale companion, his hardened gaze announcing that it was time for them to take their leave. Just as his silent message was given, the dark male spoke once more, dismissing the duo. His lips tightened over his teeth as he gave a short nod in response, his head dipping politely as he took a step back. He made a mental note to return in a few weeks, perhaps without the company of the pale girl, to see if things had changed. Craw, no doubt, would poke his nose around as well—if not introduce himself to these wolves. Something was happening here, but what?

Without further delay the shadow turned on his heels, Celandine at his side. It would not surprise the Archer if Craw was still up, waiting for their return. His pace quickened as his silver gaze remained fixated on the monadnock in the distance; Greer did not want to keep the spider waiting.


(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2017, 10:58 PM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan watched the two strangers leave, his eyes narrowed with concern.

So they'd just shown up to see if the rumours were true? That's what it seemed like. But who had told them about their little group? They hadn't been making too much noise, but at the same time they hadn't been laying low either. Askan supposed it was possible that they had noticed their scent, but then again the black one mentioned hearing about them. Not that he worded it as such. Either way, it was troubling and Askan wasn't quite sure what to do or think.

"Well that was weird." Askan muttered, breaking the silence.

He turned to look at Drestig, a frown still evident on his face. It seemed as though those wolves were content with what they had learned, but both Askan and Drestig were still left in the dark, none the wiser. That wasn't exactly fair now was it? There was little they could do about it now, as the two visitors had wandered off into the night, going back from whence they came. Askan supposed he could follow them, but for all they knew it might be a dangerous idea. Who knew what sort of wolves they were? No, it was safer to remain here for now.

"I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow, Old Man." Askan said, deciding he was about done.

He doubted they'd turn around and come back, especially after they made a show of leaving. So Askan didn't feel as though they were in any immediate danger. If Drestig felt like staying up, well he was welcome to. He wasn't going to get any complaints from Askan.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
I'm the worst guys! :c Getting this archived @Greer @Askan

No more words were offered before the strangers turned and left, apparently satisfied with what they had learned and not intending to interact further with the establishing pack. Drestig snorted, shaking his head lightly as the figures disappeared into the night; What a pair..! Even he had showed better manners back when he went scouting for Oak Tree Bend.

Turning on his heels, the prospective king met Askan's gaze with a quirked brow, mouth tightened in an unusual frown. "Rude is the word you're looking for, my friend," he answered the boy's comment, a cool smirk turning up his lip. Obviously their visitors had not expected to be caught and now they were slinking back into the woodworks, no doubt reporting back to their superior what they had observed. The dark man nodded at his subordinate, shrugging his shoulders lightly; "We'll hear back from them soon enough, I'm sure. Goodnight." He'd walk the would-be-borders one last time, just to make sure no one had slipped past their watch; They'll be set soon enough..! Then no one would dare traverse the rye without permission; And I just hope their next delegation will have more tact.

If he only knew.

Word count: 200

"Speech" Thoughts
