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Kiss the Rain — Hearthwood River 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

The wonderful thing about the yearling was that, though she tried to be grown up, it was so very easy to get her in on the fun. Just a little teasing, and she seemed to have completely forgotten her earlier qualms about the rain. Kyrios cheered and danced on the spot as the dark girl splashed muddy water all around, her laughter ringing brilliantly among the huge trees. The pup felt his victory even greater, seeing her surrender to the mud, her eyes sparkling with joy as she did. Although her dark coat didn’t show the dirt as obviously as his, he still felt it under his paws as he climbed, matting the black hairs and gathering in grainy lumps. It made the feat a little harder, but ultimately he succeeded, grinning from ear to ear as he took up position on her back. She even admitted her defeat, not just to his physical dominance but his theory about playing in the rain.

A giggle bubbled from his small mouth, tail wagging wildly, sending droplets of dark water flying in all directions. He was very pleased with himself indeed; "Ya' I'm valant!" The greater meaning of the term was lost on him, but he recognized the praise none the less, bouncing slightly as he attempted the word for himself. Then Inna's shoulders shifted and he wobbled, looking down and shuffling his paws to keep his balance. It only lasted a moment though, before her muzzle found his cheek, the caress helping to steady him. He smiled up at her, wrinkling his nose lightly, then he lowered himself to lie on top of her, intend on milking his victory for all it was worth. A yawn split his jaws as he did, eyelids growing heavy. "Valant," He mumbled, then closed his eyes, tail continuing to flick happily as he fell asleep.

Word count: 309

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