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Teddy Bears Picnic — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo
@Odin - sorry for the wait. And for Ophie... Yeah, just sorry.

As the sunset furred girl made to act all big and bad, Ophelia grinned with an expression that called the other girl out for being horribly ineffective. Her Mama made scarier faces than that and she wasn't scared of her! Truly, it was a miracle in all the tangle of limbs and bodies that the smallest of the bunch ended up on top of the heap. Said heap likely consisted of the poor boy doing his best to get free.

Joan's biting demands for her to get off the boy were met with a haughty sneer. Just who did she think she was?? Not the boss of her, that was for sure!

"Friends??" Ophelia sputtered suddenly, her jaw fallen open when she caught the last olive branch her sister extended. "Are your ears waterlogged, you dummy? She dun wanna be yer friend! She wanna bite you." The pale princess paused for a moment before that grin returned. "She wanna bite me more." Her tail lifted high to wag excitedly at the prospect of a showdown with the bigger lass.

This was their home turf! It was their job to defend it, and there Joannie went trying to make friends with them.

All of this was fun, she supposed. Finally stepping off her pup-perch, Ophelia narrowed her eyes to reconsider. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have them around after all. Still, the feisty girl couldn't resist heckling the pair. "You're lost, aren't you?" she accused.
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
@Kara @Ophelia if you guys want to exit feel free (I think Kara needs one more for LP?) Otherwise feel free to archive. Sorry this took me so long!

When Kara joined his cries to get off him he realised it wasn't his sister that had him pinned down, and even the grey stranger weighed in with a get off. So it was the smallest one then, but she sure was heavy for such a small wolf! The familiar sting of teeth in his ears was met with bared teeth and a half-hearted snarl, but really there wasn't much more he could manage other than to brace his legs beneath him in an attempt to throw her off. Combined between them, he somehow managed to break free, backing up to face the pair with his head dipped wearily low.

"Friends?" The word felt foreign on his tongue but he supposed it wasn't the hardest one to wrap his mouth around. "Sure." He finally answered the bigger one with a smile and a wave of his tail. Kara probably wouldn't be too happy with the prospect but when would they be back this way again? Probably never. Somewhere in the distance he could hear his mother calling for them, the smaller ones acusations of being lost met with a sneer of his own, "Nah, we're travellin' through. We live on the tundra, it's a long way away," and didn't that make them grown up? travelling a long way from home with just their mother to look out for them. But he knew better than to keep their mother waiting. "I'm Odin, Archer." He threw the name over his shoulder with a lopsided grin. "An' we better not keep ma' waitin'. She can get cranky real quick... See ya!" He trusted that his sister would not be far behind.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Against all odds, the boy accepted her sister's olive branch with friendly wave of his tail and a smile. Impressed, she regarded the male a bit more seriously. For all his goofiness, he was quick to forgive and really hadn't been looking for a fight. Perhaps Ophelia had gone a little overboard. Just a little, though. The princess was never wrong by a large margin.

The pale girl tilted her head in confusion as their meeting was suddenly adjourned. Hearing his name tossed over his shoulder as he ran back to his mama - not in fear, despite her wishes for otherwise - Ophelia barked out in laughter and called back as well. "See ya, Archer! Don't forget this part of the woods belongs to the Macieos! Don't forget to announce your presence next time!"

With that, Ophelia nodded towards the red female, even offering a parting wag of her tail despite her earlier aggression, and trotted back towards home. A job well done! She bet Daddy would praise her.

Ophelia's exit. @Kara - I think it's just one more post for you to claim LP. Feel free to archive when you're done and let us know! c:
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
Sorry I held this up for so long! This is archived now <3 get your lp @Odin @Joan @Ophelia

Kára's jaw almost fell open when the girl she had been attacking plopped her arse upon the ground and asked if they wanted to be friends. But then, she had never had a friend besides Odin before, maybe this was completely normal and how you went about getting them. Ready to jump in and announce that she definitely wanted to be friends her jaw snapped shut when the other one interrupted. Odin was quick to follow agreeing that they could all be friends and the scarlet child's eyes narrowed defiantly.

Turning back to Joan she announced in her most authorities voice, "We'll b' friends with yer, bu' we ain't gonn' b' friends with her" The last word was emphasized by Kára throwing a dirty look over her shoulder to Ophelia. Then as Odin introduced himself she perked up, <b"'m Kára!"</b> but he was quick to remind her that they needed to get back before Mum came back and found them gone. That certainly would make her annoyed and an annoyed Mum made for a sad Odin and Kára

Standing to follow her brother's lead she looked back towards the other girls, smiling brightly she called, "Bye friend!" Her grey eyes skipped past Ophelia quickly as if she didn't exist and with that the Archer children disappeared into the foliage, taking their stink with them.

Coding and image by becuffin
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health