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Failing myself — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
i played the wolf
renier lyall
and left it to the sheep to figure out

The Ashrelle remained polite, but honest to the fact under other circumstances she wouldn't have prevented the loner's hide from being beat. What grace she had to speak it all in such a way, and inquire of his well fair without being or even seeming rude was beyond him. Though he'd guess it was likely by her nature.

The gray and cinnamon flecked loner offered a nod to the knowledge. He seemed to realize what it could have came to, so the Lyall didn't feel need to say more. In truth Renier felt some pity for him as well. He wondered what else he had been through to be so thin, and temporarily lose his wits. Whatever it was, least he was more aware, and easily supplied Enoki with an answer. Two weeks. He could feel his own stomach pinch. It was a long time, and just a rabbit that probably been winter killed. He was sure he could see where Enoki was going with this. In the past he would have scoffed at the idea, what kind of man was he to do nothing? If he'd been down on his luck, which he had a time or two, a kind stranger would have been appreciated. With his mind made up his gaze shifted to his pack mate, then this Latif.

"Well, sounds to me like you need one, and since you meant no harm I will go get you something to eat myself." He tipped his head to the pair, and left before much argument could be given. He had caught a decent sized turkey yesterday, and had tucked it away. He was sure it was probably frowned on to share resources, he felt it was his to give. It would give the two a moment without another pair of ears.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2017, 03:33 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Whispering Pines send my baby back to me

Dark hued ears pinned themselves back and the magpie made little effort to hide the deep frown that tugged the corner of her lips downward toward the snowy ground. Two weeks and only a meager rabbit to keep him going? The idea had the huntress bewildered, the muscles in her gut tightening in feigned pangs of hunger and such was expressed within the depths of her smoldering amber gaze. Blame it on her upbringing, or her naturally kind deposition, but Enoki Ashrelle could not let the silver dusted man before her go another day without at least some solid subsistence filling his belly. It would seem her pack mate had been on the same wavelength, though, as Renier spoke up with word of fetching Latif a quick meal himself.

No argument was made on the magpie's behalf, instead giving the Lyall a nod of appreciation as she watched him trod off toward a cache within the territory. Surely had it been any other member of the Ridge the prospect of getting a free meal would have been likened to the chances of hitting a bullseye in the dark, but thankfully on Latif's behalf that was not the case. A mental note was then made in the back of Enoki's mind to repay the man for his selfless good deed by replacing whatever it was he decided to bring back, attention soon swinging back to settle on her friend.

"Well, he beat me to the punch, but I do hope this will help you survive a little longer out there." She spoke gently, a light chuckle escaping her lips. "Do you have any plans or ideas on where exactly you might be heading next?" The piebald woman was generally curious to know whether she would see more of her newest friend or not and perhaps Latif would be more comfortable sharing these plans now that they had a small window of privacy for the time being.

Word Count: 324
Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2017, 05:17 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
His answer apparently hadn't been one that they had been expecting if their reactions were anything to go by. Two weeks was a long time and he had been trying to keep track of the days so that he would know how long he had eaten. Not that it would change anything but it helped to keep him from giving into Winter's grasp. He had made it two weeks this time and when he felt like giving up at two days he would force himself to remember he had gone longer and could still go on. It helped, at least a little.

Surprisingly it was Renier that spoke first saying that he would go and grab something for the pale man to eat. Latif felt his eyes get a little bigger and he nodded. Thanks. I would appreciate it. The thought of a handout wasn't something he liked but how could he say no when he was as hungry as he was? Besides his mouth was starting to create saliva as he thought about finally eating something and his stomach wouldn't let him say no either. With that the other male left leaving Enoki and him alone.

I hope I survive longer as well. Latif responded back with a small smile. He hoped that he would at least. I was thinking about heading North again. I might try to return home for the Winter if I my luck doesn't change but right now I'm going to push my luck a bit further. It was probably a fatal error on his part but he wanted to try for a little bit longer to be on his own. Maybe he was being too optimistic. If the worse were to happen and he was inches from death he would try and find someone willing to take him into their pack. He still wanted to be on his own though, at least for the time being.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
you can't fight the friction
renier lyall
so ease it off

The loner's surprise was evident, but maybe he realized the weight of the gesture, and extended his sincere gratitude. It was that simple, but thoughtful thing that made it easier for what Renier was about to do for him. As he'd guessed Enoki didn't mind, but seemed grateful. So off he went, giving a quiet sigh as he trekked back into the land of the Ridge.

It took him a little while to head back, and dig. Luckily no one noticed, and he began to carry, sometimes drag it through the snow, feeling the powder wouldn't do much damage. After all the effort he was glad to see the two still at the edge of the territory. (If the man had run off in his absence Renier wouldn't have taken to the matter lightly.) He set the wild turkey at the man's paws, a single wag of his tail. Then smoothed his tongue over his lips, giving a huff, drawing to draw in another breath from his efforts. "There you go. Should help hold you over." He stepped away, exchanging a look with Enoki, curious if he was staying. Or perhaps going to eat, and move on. The rogue tried not to care, but it would be interesting if he had chosen to stay.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

The small smile was returned with one of the magpie's own, ivory tipped tail thumping idly against the powdery snow that lay at her feet while a dark hued brow quirked upward when Latif revealed possible plans he already had in mind. None of which sounded like some pointing toward the idea he may like to stick around these parts. "Well winter can be quite the unrelenting force so if you do continue pushing your luck I hope you have quite a bit left. I'd suggest staying here for a bit, but you seem pretty intent on wandering still." A soft chuckle falling from her lips before the sound of crunching snow revealed the return of Renier and the curtain call on their moment of privacy.

 An ebony ear rotating toward the approaching male before smoldering amber gaze followed suit. Nodding her head once, a warm smile was granted to her tawny pack mate. "Thank you, Renier." With that her attention returned to the paler coated man, curling the length of her tail around her paws to offer them some relief from the bitter cold surrounding them. "Please, enjoy and let me know if there is anything else we may be able to do to help before you set off again."

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
It seemed like he had surprised Enoki as her brow raised. He knew that it wasn't the best plan but he still didn't want to join a pack. It was an incredibly stupid thing for him to continue to run around especially in his state but he had the urge to keep going. Besides he could find his way back home as long as he didn't get lost again. Latif was felt a little bit better though when Enoki didn't try and tell him his plan was stupid and then try and force him to stay with them. No, he felt better knowing that he was still in control of where he was going.

The sound of paws against the snow announced that Renier had returned and Latif turned to face him. When he saw the turkey his eyes went wide and he could feel the saliva pooling in his mouth. That was for him? He swallowed sharply as Renier placed it near his paws with a brief wag of his tail. Latif was almost reluctant to dig in simply because he had been expecting a rabbit, or some smaller creature, not this giant bird. Thank you. Latif finally responded his tone filled with gratitude. Then after Enoki spoke he shook his head. You have already given me more than enough. Maybe too much.

Then after another moment of hesitation, he began to eat. Completely ignoring the fact that there were feathers he pulled at the turkey swallowing every bite that he could get. Latif could honestly say that it was the best meal that he had ever had.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
you can't fight the friction
renier lyall
so ease it off

Latif and Enoki easily supplied their gratitude. The rogue merely nodded, despite his kind, and rare deed. It may not be easy to replace the turkey, but he thought the gesture worth more. A lesson his mother had tried to teach him, and he had rebelled against until now. What had he really lost?

The piebald lady made the offer of doing more. The loner politely declined. It was then Renier highly doubted he would be joining their ranks. Feeling he had done what he could, it was time to make his exit. Why he felt no regret in giving a meal to the man, he couldn't stand by and watch him enjoy it. It was pushing his limitations. With a faint smile, he dipped his head to his company. "It was nice meeting you Latif. I wish you luck in your travels, should you come this way again I hope you feel you could drop by."There was the slightest wag of his tail. He would draw away from the two, making his leave. From a distance he would make sure the man didn't linger.{exit}

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 03:56 PM by Renier. Edit Reason: dem tag )
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enoki Ashrelle

With it being made clear that there was nothing more the Ridge could do for Latif after providing a much needed meal the magpie woman knew that this encounter was drawing to a close and would be done officially the moment the starving male had devoured all that he could from the bird Renier had provided. Speaking of the agouti man, amber irises shifted toward him when his voice broke the momentary silence to politely dismiss himself after wishing the other man the best of luck in his endeavors. Eventually she too would need to take her leave, some tasks left unfinished that were needing to be attended to before the day was through.

Quietly she watched her pack mate disappear into the depths of the pack territory, her attention once more settling on the silvered man before her as he gorged on the provided meal. Once the carcass began to look less like a turkey and more like a pile of bones and feathers, Enoki spoke up. "I should probably be on my way as well before someone suspects me of slacking off." A soft, amused chuckle falling from her lips. "I do hope that you succeed in your journey and I look forward to one day crossing paths again, although hopefully under better circumstances. You know where to find me should you be inclined to visit." A warm smile was offered and a quick nod of her head in silent goodbye before standing and turning about to begin heading back. She didn't regret the good deed that was done, but she had a turkey to replace.


Word Count: 268
Ashbash 2016 - Sebastian Unrau 
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2017, 05:41 PM by Enoki.)