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be concerned — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
works for meee! :D 1 more post from each & then archive? @Lorcan

“Well, whatever you said to her definitely worked,” he answered warmly, his lips pulling back to display a wide, toothy grin. “She’s already a wonderful scout.” XIX could not have asked for a better candidate. She was focused and dedicated to her craft; she would have made her father proud. His expression softened as he studied the tawny male, tail twitching softly behind him. “Thank you for encouraging her,” he added with a curt nod. It was good to see that Craw’s wolves were getting along so well with his own. Perhaps this alliance was going to work out after all.

His ears twitched as Lorcán spoke once more, mentioning a stream nearby. Well, sort of near by. It would require a bit of travelling to reach, but Lachesis did not mind. If the Whitestone wolf was up to it, of course. “I’m game if you are,” he offered with a tilt of his head. He wouldn’t mind having a chance to get to know the other healer better—even if it meant wandering close to another pack’s borders. They would have to work quickly once they got to the stream in order to not draw attention to themselves. With a day’s travel ahead of them it would offer plenty of time to discuss what the plant looked like to ensure they were able to retrieve it without being noticed.  He did not know how the pack would react to discovering a Whitestone wolf and the leader of Hearthwood traveling (and working) together. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
That's fine with me. Feel free to pp them finding it and departing :)

The Whitestone healer was truly delighted to hear that his friend @Inna was already perceived to be doing well at her scouting role, partially thanks to his own words of encouragement. “I’m glad to hear it.” Lorcan responded, his charcoal lips pulling into a genuine smile at the news. At the male’s thanks, the agouti male felt his cheeks blush. At the time he hadn’t thought anything of it, he was just trying to be nice, but now that he was aware of his significant his words had been to the girl, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pride.

Lorcan hadn’t been sure if the Hearthwood leader would be willing to travel as far as the Wild Rye Field borders to retrieve the sweetgrass, especially as he did not know how well acquainted he was with their neighbouring pack, but too his surprise the alabaster male agreed to the idea. Lorcan swayed his tail eagerly as he turned to face the direction of the stream. “I’ll lead the way.” He said with a grin before he then moved to walk away and begin their journey.

Hours passed by but to Lorcan it didn’t feel as long. Time always seemed to go by faster when he was on a mission. Making a beeline to their neighbour’s territory, Lorcan’s kept his eyes peeled and his nose alert for signs of the marked borders. He smelt the boundary before he ever spotted the golden glow of the rye fields in the sunlight. Slowing down to a casual trot, Lorcan made his way towards the river where Askan had attacked him after he had saved the drowning pup.

Approaching the river, the agouti male set his nose to the ground and he searched for the sweet scent Lachesis had described to him earlier. “I think there might be something this way..” He called over to the leader, gesturing with his muzzle towards the area by the water where a distinctly sweet scent was wafting from. “Is it the right one?” He asked curiously as he hovered behind Lachesis to watch him as he moved in to investigate, hoping to get a glimpse of the plant so that he could remember it for later.  
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lorcan archiving <3 sorry for the wait! also, use this for skill LP !!
healer 3/3 (collecting plants)

Politics was always on the ghost’s mind, whether he liked it or not. Continuing to strengthen his relationship with the monadnock wolves was important to him. Fortunately for Lachesis, Whitestone had a healer that was nearly impossible not to get along with—keeping an alliance with them was going to be easy. Which was precisely why he had agreed to seek out the sweet grass with Lorcán. It gave him the opportunity to get to know the healer and his pack better. His knowledge of Whitestone came from Craw; he was curious as to how the tawny healer felt about his pack.

XIX gave a short nod in response to the agouti and followed in behind, his long legs carrying him quickly over the frigid terrain. It was a peculiar feeling, to be following another—for he had done nothing but lead for quite some time—but he did not mind. Lorcán insisted he knew where he was going and XIX trusted him. For now, at least.

His lips curled into a frown as they by-passed the borders of the newly established pack. It would be unwise for the duo to draw attention to themselves. A river wolf and a monadnock wolf travelling together looked suspicious—he did not want their new neighbours to get the wrong idea.

The agouti wolf spoke suddenly, causing the ghost to lift his nose from the ground. He trotted over, the corners of his mouth lifting as the familiar sweet aroma filled his nostrils. “Yes, that’s the one,” he chirped excitedly as he bounded toward the river’s edge, his plume wagging gently behind him. “Good job,” he added with a gentle nudge to the healer’s shoulder as he nosed the grass out of the dirt. “Take as much as you need, but not all. Others may need it as well,” he instructed as he grabbed a few stalks between his teeth before stepping to the side to allow Lorcán to collect some.

Once they had each gathered what they needed Lachesis spun on his heels, heading for the looming shape of the monadnock in the distance. He looked forward to scouting for plants with the Whitestone healer in the future. Perhaps they could be joined by Emrys, as well, who had proved to be an excellent partner in the past.


(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 05:31 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health