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I Am The Monster — Secret Falls 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir

you do not know who is your friend

and who is your enemy

The heat in his blood demanded release—but release never came swiftly. It was satisfying, in a mindless, primal way, to finally collide, and on his terms; it was not blood but it was contact, and from here on, Ice knew that he would not escape the russet beast.

Not that he cared. As the pale fire lit up in his eyes, he knew that he wanted this—needed it. The reckless, stupid, insane crash of flesh on flesh, snapping teeth, blood and pain and anger and all that came with fighting for what you believed in. Everything else disappeared, even the body he had collided with; it fell beneath Ice's weight and, surprised, he sort of fell with it, burying his maw in red fur. All he got for it was hair, sticking in the saliva on his teeth.

And teeth. He was given no chance to savor the moment, for jaws came flying for his face. Ice pulled his head out of the other's fur, neck bristling, lips peeled back; his snarls dripped from his mouth as he parried and struck, getting nowhere.

Fighting was pointless, honestly. It was the amused observation of an elderly wolf still full of brawn—he liked the rather sickening collision between fangs, and the way it made them quiver in his jaws. He thrived on his pulse, and the way it seemed to make him throb.

But he wasn't blind to how little it solved. Likely they'd roll apart, spit and snarl, and go their separate ways. What would he have achieved? What would he have learned?

Nothing, really, but that was no excuse not to do it. His entire body screamed rage but he backed off a little, driven by the younger wolf pushing at him, and the relentless snapping of his teeth. He knew that by giving ground, the other would get up, so.. he did his best to bound in the start of a circle, hoping to get behind the rising wolf and attack his back with angry, hungry jaws.

until the ice breaks.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
5/6 I'd say you can go ahead and have Ice shove Eirian back into the snow. Eirian will surrender if Ice pins him again.

Little by little the copper male could feel the small gain he was getting with each parry and strike the brutes exchanged with their jaws, a fiery shoulder shoving against an icy one until suddenly all weight that seemed to crush the Asurn's ribcage was alleviated. Snapping jaws met frigid, empty air and russet ears filled with the sound of his teeth clicking harshly together that rattled his skull from the force of the intended bite. Nothing to show for the efforts he made except the ability to slowly clamber back up onto all fours and try to twist his body around in time to defend against an attack he knew was inevitably coming from the older male.

The motion of an ivory blur at the corner of Eirian's peripheral vision was not amiss as his creamy limbs maneuvered to lift his bulk again, a snarl in warning surging through the otherwise silent air while muscles tensed in preparation of the impending attack he knew he would be coming. Citrus irises ablaze with fury and their desire to taste the metallic tang of this man's blood while the Asurn's body finally stood and faced his enemy. There was little time for Eirian to do much other than brace himself now, the distance between them too close to bother thinking about dodging.

Dark lips curled back further and russet ears pricked forward then swiftly back defensively against his skull before a roaring screech erupted from his lips when teeth met the flesh of his shoulder, thankful for the thick winter coat that helped to prevent the points from digging in too far. Ice had landed his attack and drew first blood, the pain immediately making its presence known momentarily, but adrenaline that flooded Eirian's veins made quick work of numbing the area while he tried to jerk himself free from the other's grip. Whether he could manage to do so depended on how badly the older male wanted to see the Asurn hurt for what he had done.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
6/6 Ok! ^^

you do not know who is your friend

and who is your enemy

Part of him did not expect to come to the other's back unchallenged. He had been ready for the wolf to twist, for fangs to greet his face again and add more stinging pinpricks in his gums, where they had slid off his own and crashed into flesh. He had been ready for anything aside from a kind of tensing-up, preparation for the worst. It nearly made him doubt. It made him wonder, if it was a trap of some kind, but if it was, he couldn't fathom how.

His breath was hot and harsh in his throat, and, then—then his fangs collided with solid flesh and their points pricked into the skin below. They didn't sink very far, blocked by the mouthful of fur and the barrier of tensed muscle, but it was enough to flood his mouth with the coppery taste of blood. Savage joy swept through him, but as he began to loosen his hold to go in for a deeper, better bite the other wolf tore itself away.

Ice didn't bother with stopping to wonder what had happened—merciless, he pursued, pressed his advantage. Teeth bared and a snarl echoing in his chest, he shoved forward, bearing his head in low as a battering ram, intent on hitting the other male in the lower half of his ribcage and unceremoniously try to flip him over in the snow. What they had done had been brief and brutal, the sum of it was bruises and a little blood, but Ice wouldn't be surprised if the russet heathen would try to push it further.

And if he did, if he kept fighting and fighting, Ice would, too. Step for step he swore to pace the red demon, until the truth had been let from his veins.

until the ice breaks.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Fight 7/8 Eirian will most likely yield in his next post and scamper off in defeat ^.^ Poor boy got his butt kicked and he doesn't like it.

Eirian had not anticipated how relentless his enemy would have been, a moment to take a step back and free his shoulder from the man's jaws quickly met with another follow-up attack that forced the copper male to continue advancing in reverse. The faint aroma of his blood tainting the crisp wintry air while a trail in the snow could be seen where his paws dragged backward to avoid the merciless grip of those snapping jaws. If the Asurn had thought he wanted the vermin before him to suffer, it dulled in comparison to what Ice wanted him to feel for the wrongs he had done. Already it was being made evident just how soon Eirian would be eating his own words and forced on his knees before the battle experienced brute.

Unrelenting, creamy limbs tangled over themselves trying to avoid the battle ram coming his way, but little could be done to avoid the blow to his rib cage and the unavoidable tumble back down onto the ground aside from whipping his head with jaws parted wide to try and grab a firm hold onto the older man's scruff. He may be going down, but if there was a shred of hope left that Eirian could still turn the tables back into his favor it was now by using his weight and the momentum of his fall to bring the larger beast down with him. Snow rose all around the fiery silhouette of the fallen male and a thunderous roar rumbled desperation and fear. How could he call himself a true Asurn if he was so easily bested by the very foul beast they had been raised to stand toe to toe with?

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir

you do not know who is your friend

and who is your enemy

He had known anger before. He had known fury. He had known the raw pain and violence spilling from his mouth like a thunderous snarl, shredding his throat as it clawed its way out of his wounded heart. He had known the slow, seeping, simmering, sinister poison like blood in his veins, nurturing a grudge centuries couldn't wipe away.

But this, this was so. much. more. In the grand scheme of things, Eirian was worthless, just a catalyst—the focus for all his frustrations, his failures, his own shortcomings. His own upbringing? Check. Bennet's fall into religion? Check. Indru? Chreck. Everything that had gone wrong after he fell off a mountain? Check. Ava, Rhysis, Naira, Poison Path—Marsh, Rissa. Everything gurgled in the same cauldron, a furnace of fury, until the only thing left was to tear this heathen apart. His snarls were hot and heavy in his mouth, his bloodstained teeth clicking together as his neck collided with Eirian's ribs and began to upend him.

Again, they hit in the snow; fangs snicked shut on his scruff and pulled him down, but in his mind, he had already been falling, toppled from grace and plummeting into the darkness.

Such a vindictive, violent creature, clad in a paladin's garb of purest white, holy light and all.

The flames licking his soul were silver. Blood began to trickle from a scratch beneath his thick neck fur. A tooth had raked through the mess, punctured skin and slid out again; Ice twisted in the grip, his paws planted firmly around—or on, he didn't care—the other male but his stance hunched. A weight dragging him down. The growl spilling from his mouth was merciless.

He did his best to drive his muzzle as close to the other's throat he could, bent beneath the grip holding him a couple of inches behind his ear—in his mind, he still had the advantage. He could move, he was standing, and the jaws around his neck effectively bared Eirian's throat to his movements. It was so tempting to throw his head in underneath the jaw holding him by the neck, and bury his fangs in the cream fur and thin skin and feel the hot blood start to waterfall out, into his mouth, on his chest—

Words started to tumble out in the thunder. "Who are you," he snarled the threat in the direction of the other's throat, straining a little against the teeth, a silent way of saying I can rip my own fur out and leave it in your mouth and go for your throat, so you damn better talk to me. "Why did you do it, you filthy mutt?"

until the ice breaks.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Despite any and all efforts Eirian could hope to make in order to turn the situation into his favor, luck had now abandoned him completely. Hot breath ran its prickly fingers through the creamy fur that covered the thin flesh of his neck, a petrifying certainty that there was no escape for him now unless the beast that had bested him willed it and by the hell infused fury that licked at his words like a wildfire he doubted the ivory brute would let him off so easily. The so-called powerful Asurn was now rendered powerless, an extinguished fire in the presence of a more powerful roaring inferno.

"Who are you." The words crackled within his ears like thunder, a tug against the mouthful of fur still caught between his own jaws a silent reminder that Eirian's life was at the mercy of this tornado inferno. What hold he thought he held was pitiful, useless and thus released to alleviate the soreness that had begun to sink into his clenched jaws. "Why did you do it, you filthy mutt?" tumbling free from the older beast while the Asurn reluctantly brought the plush fur of his tail between their bodies to coat his underbelly in a sign of submission, ears splaying back toward the snow that lay beneath his pinned frame.

A snarl did manage to free itself from the fallen man's throat at being called the very thing he was not. Nothing but the purest blood ran through his veins unlike the disgusting excuse for a wolf that hovered above him now. "The only filthy mutt here is you!" He spat back in defiance, letting the citrus hue of his gaze lock onto the silvered of his enemy. "That is why I did it. They had committed the greatest sin by contaminating the bloodlines. The tainted must be cleansed by any means necessary. I, Eirian Asurn, will rid this world of filthy creatures like you one body at a time." And that was a promise.

With that, there was one final move up Eirian's sleeve and before the other man had time to react both rear legs came up to order a swift and harsh kick to his underbelly, providing the copper male with just enough room to roll free from the other before blood lusting teeth could sink into the thin flesh of his throat. While the other man was stunned from the sudden blow a speedy getaway was made, copper silhouette disappearing into the surrounding snowy landscape. He would come to be sore over the next few days, but at least he had managed to get away with his life. Eventually, his body would heal all wounds but his pride would forever hold the most severe of dents.


(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2017, 06:31 PM by Eirian.)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Thanks for the tread. <33 It was fun hehe

you do not know who is your friend

and who is your enemy

Victory—a bittersweet, fragile, and useless thing. But what had he been fighting, anyway? Shadows and smoke? The monster in them both? His hot, blood-stained breath whistled out between his bared fangs, a silent promise, a heavy wish to not honor the etiquette of a fight—his growl whispering of his need to bury his teeth deep in the other's throat and blood, and lick every ounce of life from his dry veins.

The submission only fed the fire. Fury ran along his back like snakes, every hair on edge, every fiber of him begging for the other to throw him off, get up, resume the dance, until either of them lay dead, monsters purged—Ice wanted to forget the feeling of his teeth raking into fur and skin, the tiny pinpricks of agony whenever fangs hit his gums, and the mad, pounding desire. The male was his scapegoat, his culprit, his salvation and his damnation; Ice didn't want to let him live. Ice didn't want anyone to remember what had transpired here. Ice didn't want anyone know what kind of flawed, furious creature lived deep within his soul.

And yet, he couldn't kill a wolf who had curled up his tail, submitted in every way but in his mind. Ice's tail was ramrod stiff and straight, his lips falling down across his teeth but curving into a sneer.

Turned out the fire wasn't all that doused, either. "The only filthy mutt here is you!" the wolf beneath him spat, citrine eyes churning with defiance as they met the unforgiving silver of his; his sneer grew into a silent snarl again, a reminder, a warning. He should be thankful that Ice hadn't ripped his throat out and ended his misery, not scorn the gift of his own life by poking an angry, wounded bear.

But what came next—he didn't know which was worst, misguided religion or talk about racial purity? The concept was almost entirely foreign to him, and worrying because as he stared at Eirian, he tried to work out what the fuck he was on about; bloodlines? Asurn bloodlines? And what could you not dilute it with? In what sense of the word was 'mutt' used? Something he had only called this Eirian sort of by accident, but it had apparently been the greatest insult...

"And I'll be there to stop yo-" Ice didn't get any further, as powerful hindlegs coiled and uncoiled, paws striking into his unprotected gut. With a snarl Ice staggered sideways, every curse he had ever known rolling off his tongue as the pale fluffy butt and russet tail hightailed out of there. "Coward!" he finally screeched after the other, his voice a thunderclap.

Still hunched over from the sudden blow, Ice was left alone in a much too quiet wood. What he had learned.. was disconcerting. He knew but a smattering of what was going on, but it was enough to make the back of his mouth taste sour. This kind of..insanity..never went well—and, he had not learned anything about the Rapids, or what had happened to him. Irritated and hurting, he veered off towards the falls, intent to continue his search before returning south with his news. A few hours wouldn't make a difference at this stage.

[ End. <3 ]

until the ice breaks.

let the stars above shine in your soul