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I just want you to know — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
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Neha Vuesain

His final words stung and they were true. She had left, yes. But she had not abandoned her family. Everyone had known, including himself, that her departure was only temporary. It was not some selfish adventure or wild escapade. She was not like @Aleksei , who had not once, but twice, turned tail without a word. There had been a purpose, a reason behind her absence. To further her education in becoming a healer. Had he forgotten that?

There were times when she did indeed, regret her choice. She had missed being with her family, had missed the birth of her siblings. Yet in a sense, she was spared from the heartache her family and the rest of the pack experienced when her mother gave birth, yet lost a life in the process. Shielded from this knowledge, Neha could never understand the whirlwind of emotions...all the mix up, until she found out for herself. Before words cold form in her mouth again, the dark male had turned, his back to her. She sniffled softly, eyes fixed on his retreating form. So that was it then? She huffed to herself and him in dismissal. So be it. Her heart on fire, she whirled in the opposite direction and ran until her tears had dried out. Ran until she was out of breath, having only energy enough to shut herself away from the world. Broken, Neha needed to be alone.

Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.