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You break the rules and I'm the fool — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan grinned at Neem’s response about the mountains, but his advice had been genuine, any wolf that was afraid of scaling heights would not do very well in such treacherous terrain. His golden eyes glanced across to look along the horizon at the tall rocky peaks in the distance, remembering back to his first encounter with @Craw. He held back a chuckle, remembering back to his shoddily made den and the incident that had occurred because of it. Though, he mused, if not for that incident he may have never called Whitestone home.

Lorcan shook his head at the male’s apology. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” He reassured him with a small smile. His safety was all the mattered now. “Maybe, but they’ll be pretty hard to come by. You’ll have better luck in the spring.” He responded, golden eyes glancing around the nearby areas and then along the trees which lead into the forested area nearby before he turned his attention back to the younger white-furred male.

At Neem’s mention of his father, Lorcan’s tail began to sway as well in understanding. He had been about to reply by @Neem spoke up first with another question. Lorcan nodded. “My mother taught me some basic skills when I was young, but recently I’ve had a lot of help from a wolf called Emrys.” @Emrys had truly been a big help and had most definitely taught Lorcan most of what he knew. “He’s not part of a pack though, which makes him a bit tricky to track down, but if you ever come across him you should definitely ask him for a lesson or two.”

Next Neem asked him about his pack, and unaware of the bad impression @Askan had given the younger male, Lorcan answered proudly. “I’m from Whitestone, out on the lowlands. I would say we have a great view from atop monadnock, but I don’t think your fear of heights would agree” He chuckled.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard
Sorry for the sucky post and long wait @Lorcan :c

The white yearlings' ears perked and tail wagged happily behind him at Lorcan's reassurance, glad to see there would be no reprimanding for not grabbing the Yarrow plant. "M'be I'll have t'come back an' see if I can fin'some 'round here then." It was an empty promise, and not even a promise at all, but it sure would be nice to visit and see the tundra in its full glory during spring or summer. Niki nodded thoughtfully at the mention of another wolf by name. If he ever met this Emrys then possibly he could gleam some information from the stranger as there was still much for him to learn. "If I eve'come across him I'll b'sure t'ask him a coupl'thin's or two," he woofed out with a soft hum, his words as sincere as it was possible to be.

White brows furrowed slightly, nose scrunching in thought. "Tha's... up North, righ'?" Askan's warning was still clear in his mind, but Lorcan was as polar opposite of what the darkly furred male had told him about the wolves that lived there as he could be. Rather than speak up about it, Niki instead chose to remain silent on the matter - quite unusual for him, but just in case. Maybe there was a reason for the dislike towards the Monadnock pack, and he was not tempted to stir things up whatsoever. "Well I'll remembe'bout i' nex'time I'm here, bu' I think I shoul' ge'goin' b'fore i' starts get'in' dark, heh." The white yearling gave a large grin, "I' was nice t'meet y'though, Lorcan." He angled his body but did not fully turn around, wanting to wait for the other male to say his goodbye before continuing on his way, albeit in a much safer way.

295 words

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan smiled when Neem readily took on his recommendation to talk to Emrys. The male had certainly been a huge help to him personally and, paw on heart, the healer could say that the white coated wolf was the very reason why he had even achieved the role of healer within Whitestone. “He’s a really great teacher.” Lorcan added, nodding towards the younger male.

The agout male nodded when the young wolf asked him if Whitestone Monadnock was situated in the north of Relic Lore. “Yes, that’s right.” He confirmed, lifting his muzzle and turning towards the direction he had previous come from. “It isn’t too far from here, if you ever did decide to visit.” He added, in case the boy ever wished to explore the surrounding lowlands another time.

Neem declared his leave and Lorcan suddenly found himself looking around him at the growing darkness. Too wrapped up in their conversation, the Whitestone had not even realised how late it was getting. It would be dark in around an hour. “Oh…yeah, you probably should.” He said, awkwardly, remembering that the boy probably had to search out some sleeping quarters for the night. “It was nice to meet you too, Neem. Stay safe.” He called back as the boy began to move off, with a small grin.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together