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I can't help this awful energy — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan had never been interested in history, he had always been a 'here and now' sort of guy. That said, his ears perked up in interest as Ice went onto explain why Oak Tree Bend had chosen this location as their home. The white wolf dropped names that he didn't recognise, but that didn't matter to him. He was more interested in the fact that it was clear that Ice had been in Relic Lore for a long long time and that from the sound of it, he had been worn down by the events that had passed. And yet, despite the evident weariness there was still strength in this wolf, both physical and mental. Ice was not one to be chipped away by the passing of time, he was solid and strong and would not waver, nor stray from his course.

In that light, he was admirable, the sort of wolf that demanded respect. And yet at the same time he also seemed like a grizzled man, which the years had made him cynical and cold. Fitting that his was Ice, and his coat as stark as freshly fallen snow.

"I was invited in, but I didn't want to intrude. It's best that I stay out here whilst I wait. Sahalie said she wanted to come and visit, so I'm going to show her the way as I head back." He explained, answering the obvious question that lingered in the air like a heavy scent. "If you do choose to come up, you'll have to find the way yourself. Just keep heading north till you find the tundra.  Then head west and you should find the rye field. It's pretty hard to miss during the warmer months."

Out of all of the Bend wolves he had met, he had to admit Ice was his least favourite. That said, things had settled some since their initial meeting. Askan's temper had cooled and the white wolf seemed willing to respond to his questions. He had been quite cagey before, which was reasonable enough, even though he'd already spoken to the Bend's leading lady prior to all of this. She said he was welcome to stay and so he did, for now anyway.

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2017, 08:18 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Do you want to wrap it up here or keep going? Also did he intentionally say east so Ice can't find it as easily or was it a typo? xD

you do not know who is your friend

and who is your enemy

There wasn't much of a reaction—which went by unnoticed, almost. Ice's mind wandered down pathways he almost feared, and all of them hung with the pale, blue mists of the Spectral Woods. Even the Grove seemed steeped in its pallid light, the warmth and sound of the memories washed away in the long, hard winters. Silver eyes blinked, and his gaze settled somewhere beyond Askan's head. It wasn't so much that he was getting old (—well, okay, maybe slightly), or that Askan was uninteresting to him—he just hadn't offered much of anything tangible for Ice's focus to hold on to after setting him on the path of memories. And the past, for an old wolf who had lost much of his memories only to regain them later, was always there in his mind, always calling for attention. Too easily he heeded its call.

Then Askan began to speak again, and Ice returned to the present, and the living.

Pale ears swiveled upon an equally pale head, and his pupils diminished in size as they honed in on the dark wolf again. Cards were coming up on the table in a rapid pace. Ice didn't mind. He was grateful to receive the answers without having to ask, and something in his stance softened oh so slightly—like a held breath slowly being let out through gritted teeth. Sahalie was going to visit? He couldn't claim to be surprised. She had been very interested in him, even though he only told morbid stories of murdered girls, and if the timeline in his head was correct, she had grown up under Triell and Drestig. Which meant that Drestig probably meant something to her, like Indru had meant to him, so a visit was definitely in order.

"That's alright," he responded. A wild rye field on the border of a tundra seemed easy enough to find, though if his estimate when he came down south had been even moderately correct, it was one hell of a giant tundra. "I'm sure I'll be able to find it, and if not, I'll just ask the way as I go along. Thanks for the directions," he added after a breath, both thoughtful and genuine.

He had gotten what he came for—he knew who the wolf was, why he was here, where he came from.. and some more things he hadn't dreamed of being told. "Hm," he huffed, a white cloud in front of his nose, as he half-rose, ready to leave, "I'm content to leave you to wait for Sahalie, I don't think she'll be long. Unless there's something you want to ask..?"

until the ice breaks.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

If he said he could find it then Askan was inclined to believe him. Ice didn't seem to be the sort of guy who wanted his hand-or paw- to be held, he seemed fairly capable so if he couldn't find the field then it would be his own damn fault. Not Askan's. His directions had been pretty accurate, but in his defence it was rather difficult to describe a journey like that in a such a short amount of words. He was going to have to miss out some details whether he liked it or not. With luck by the time he decided to visit it would be a little warmer and the gold of the rye would guide his way to their borders.

"There's a few packs nearby, I'm sure they'll give directions if you can manage to ask nicely." Another slight dig at Ice's brusque temperament, but a harmless one. More or less.

The way the Rye wolf saw it, he hadn't done anything wrong. He didn't need Ice's permission to linger when he'd already gained it from the lead female, but he wasn't going to point that out or make more of a fuss than need be. The white wolf was allowing him to say-even though it was moot at this point- and so Askan was going to do so. Without argument, aloud anyway.

"I'm good." He informed the white Guardian with a curt nod. "Thanks for not knocking me on my ass, I guess. Seems like you were tempted to at one point." He smiled a little at that, a wry smile, the sort that was rarely seen. "See you." He said as he watched the Bend wolf leave, heading back ther way he came. Though honestly, he hoped he wouldn't. Not anytime soon at the very least.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity