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the fire's found a home in me — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
@Triell sorry for holding this up. Maybe we can wrap this up with Switch's next post?

Kisla's whole body was shaking violently, Triell and Serach seemingly serving as her sole support. Confused as he was, the pale man did not move or pull away as she sobbed into his fur. He wanted to look to Triell and try and silently ask what was happening and the cause for the sudden fusillade of tears, but all he could see was the mesh of fur as they leaned against one another in a wolfish embrace. His heart was breaking for her, and more than anything Serach wished he could strike back against the world and demand it make amends for whatever wrongs it had committed against his beloved sister.

Slowly, her tawny shoulders shook less and her breathing less frantic. She pulled back from them and Serach nearly whined, wanting to pull her back in. But he held himself back and instead met her sad green eyes. Her words were like a punch to the gut and he averted his gaze to his own paws out of both a sense of respect for her grief and his own confused feelings. He had met the Baranski man only once - when his sister had returned home after having been separated from them for the winter - and it had fallen to Serach to tell her that their mother was dead and Fenru had also left the Bend. It was not a good memory for Serach, but he did remember with some clarity how Kisla had sought out Maksim for support and comfort. As for her children, well, it was a regret of Serach's that he had never had a real opportunity to get to know his nieces and nephews.

"I am so sorry, Kisla," he said quietly, looking up to face her again. "Of course you can stay with us. Always, for however long you may need." That was his decision to make now, wasn't it? He felt terrible for having been so excited to tell her about something so trivial when she was struggling to tell them something so important.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
The Tainn held his niece as tightly as he could when the heartbreak finally released in her forceful tears, powerful enough to shake her fame. How long she must of tried to be strong for her children, for those she lead. Now it all came pouring out. His own heart ached for her, and everything unfair. She did not deserve the hand fate had given her. The Tainn deserved far more happiness than another wound upon her heart that had already been struck too many times. The worst of it was he could do no more than comfort her in the moment even though he would have done anything to fix it.

Eventually, she managed to ease her sobs, and release the knowledge of her suffering in three words. A rough lump hung in the back of his throat, down trodden. He understood some of her grief and misery, but he'd never had to witness a loved one struggle with illness to finally succumb to it. The agony of it all brought a pained expression to his facade. She continued, adding there was little of their children who had stayed. It just meant more pain for her to bear.

Serach would speak the same things Triell thought, and his ark tail beat gently of his own agreement. Her company would always be welcome here no matter what. They'd always be family. Triell drew forward, planting a kiss to the top of her crown, before shifting enough to meet her emerald eyes. "Kisla you have unimaginable strength, just like your mother. Do not forget that." She had already been through so much, despite this new gaping hole, and he did not doubt she would continue onward, doing what was right for her own pack, her own family. It was with a sad smile, he then nudged her cheek. "Come, you need something to eat, and a nice place to rest." 

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are you with me through it all?
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