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I know it's gonna get me in trouble — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
3/3 teaching about scouting, 10/12
i can fade in my next post? <3

For a moment he wasn’t sure if his explanation was enough. His broken speech made it difficult for him to get his thoughts across and often frustrated himself more than others. However, it appeared that his niece had put the pieces together once he plunged his paw through his drawing. A relieved smile sprawled across his dark features as his head fell to the side, his tail wagging lazily behind him. The shadow watched as she scanned their surroundings, desperately searching for a drift that matched his description.

There! She chirped after a brief pause, her excitement infectious as it radiated off her. The older Archer narrowed his brows as he studied the shape she pointed out in the distance, his lips curving as he gave a short nod in response. “Yes!” He barked quickly as he booped the top of her head with his nose excitedly. “Good K.” She was a quick learner, as expected. She was an Archer after all.

It did not surprise the older Archer that she wanted to search the tundra for more of the drifts. He just hoped she was a little more cautious this time around, as he did not feel like dragging her out of another hole. At least he was here to protect her this time; who knows how long she would have been stuck in the hole if he had not been lurking close behind. “Careful K,” he warned as she stomped through the snow, fighting against the frigid wind. He stepped forward to follow the scarlet Archer, an amused expression painted across his dark features. He was stopped, however, by a curtain of snow. A playful growl roared from deep inside his chest. He had helped her escape a frozen fate and this was how he was rewarded? How preposterous.

Without hesitation he spun around and used his springy hind-legs to kick up snow at his fiery niece. Two could play at this game and he had size on his side. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
Fade out in your post and you're ready for some skill lp <3


The child hardly cared what most people thought of her when they were looking down on her mischievous behaviour but she would never turn down receiving praise. Looking like a cat being preened Kára lifted her muzzle proudly as her uncle booped her and told her the mound was hiding a hole. This only further spurred on her game of seeing who could find the most snow holes while they travelled along the lowlands back towards pack territory. Heading Greer's warning she slowed her quick paw steps but the grey eyes still scanned the lands as fast as possible, she really wanted to win this game. Well, she really wanted to win every game.

Which was why she cried out in playful protest when the snow cascade she had sent towards her uncle was returned in full force. The powder fell down all around her, coating her scarlet coat until she was almost white all the way through. Suddenly she laughed, tucking a single ear in close to her head her eyes glittered, 'ey Uncle Greer, who 'm I?" It was one of Kára's favourite hobbies to make fun of Piety, her single ear and the story of how her mother had been the one to rip it off was just too good. She had even made a song about it and would often sing it just loud enough for the woman to hear, One ear, one ear, can barely hear with one ear. It was a little cruel sure, but did anyone expect anything different form the Monadnock pups?

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

The shadow watched his niece with quiet amusement s she trudged through the snow, determined to find more of the snow drifts hidden along the way. He followed at a leisurely pace, his long legs having no issues keeping up with the scarlet firecracker. He let her discover most of the holes as they made their way back to the monadnock, for he wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was supposed to avoid. However, the shadow was not above one-upping his niece. The only way to encourage her was to beat her at her own game and Greer was not afraid of challenging her. Morganna would not want him to go easy on her daughter, either.

His silver eyes crinkled in amusement as he watched the snow plummet the young Archer, a crooked grin pulling at his dark lips. The little flame before him had been doused by a cloud of smoke and her red fur was no more. Instead a blanket of white coated her, clinging desperately to her pelt as she tucked a single ear behind her head. At first he did not understand what she was doing—not until she spoke. Who am I? His grin only widened at her question. “Dono,” he chirped in response as he bumped her shoulder with his rear, knocking off some of the snow that clung to her. “Greer fix K. Make K like Pi,” he teased as he snapped his teeth just inches above the ear that remained perched atop her crown. With a playful growl the shadow lurched forward, picking up speed as he headed toward the monadnock. He did not mind Kára’s cruel words—they were Archer’s, after all. Thick thin and sharp tongues came with the surname.


[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]