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dashing through the snow — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

The hell was going on between these two? Askan had absolutely no interest in Lorcan's personal life, nor did he care if he was trying to woo this nosy white fluff ball. But really, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell she saw in him. Women were confusing creatures, that was a given. But Lorcan, really? Really ? It was almost laughable, except Askan wasn't the sort to break character like that and start cackling for no good reason. Instead, Askan watched and listened.

Apparently they hadn't seen the little bugger, which was more than enough to further foul his mood. It had gotten away, the pest. Hopefully, it would be smart enough not to return, but he wasn't so sure about that. Coyotes, if anything, were stubborn and seemed to enjoy playing games with him. Damn them all, he had better things to do than chase them around. The same could be said for sharing the company of these Whitestone wolves. They were anything but friends after all, he couldn't be blamed for being a bit prickly about having them rather close to his home.

Lorcan then went on and leaned in close to his lady friend's ear. Askan couldn't hear what was said and that annoyed him. What was he flapping his gums about? Was he talking about him? Probably. The thought of Lorcan slagging him off was more than enough to get beneath the Yukon wolf's skin, and he had to suppress the surge of irritation that swelled inside of him. Stupid Whitestone wolf, couldn't they just stay away from him? Why did they always do this to him? Why did they always bring out his bad side?

Askan huffed and nosily adjusted his stance in the snow in an effort to yank their attention back to him

"Aside from flirting, what you doing out here? Can't you hunt closer to your lands? Or you trying to keep this secret from Craw or something?" Askan briefly turned his attention towards the white one, he hadn't even asked for her name. Nor did he really care to at this point. "Don't know what you see in him, to be honest. You know he pissed himself out of fear, I saw it myself."

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2017, 12:31 AM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
Saradathia listened to Lorcan quietly as the large brute came closer, recognition of the name dawning, so he was from the pack they had been having issues with recently, great, well ,maybe this meeting would go calmer than what she had heard of past interactions with the wolves. It wasn’t the moment Askan had drawn breath to speak that she wanted to kill him, oh no, it was after he had finished speaking.

“What the hell!?” She almost snarled at his comments about flirting and why the hell did she need to know that Lorcan had pissed himself? How the hell did Askan know? Why did she suddenly feel so protective? {b} “I don’t hide anything from Craw, we’re not flirting, and I don’t need to know that you watch Lorcan when he’s pissing, it’s weird man.” she said,. Hiding the anger that was rippling under her fur just barely, her tail’s slight lashing was the only clue.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Fight fight fight!
After whispering his answer into Saradathia’s ear, his russet ears perked up and swivelled towards @Askan as he noisily shuffled his paws in the snow. Lorcan turned to face him, a single brow raised in question as he waited expectantly for Askan to spit out something insulting.

The swarthy brute’s comment caught him by surprise and Lorcan’s couldn’t hide the growing redness of his cheeks, even though his brows furrowed in contempt. His golden gaze flickered across to @Saradathia briefly in awkwardness before his stare settled back on Askan. Once again he seemed to believe that Whitestone wolves were not allowed to hunt elsewhere besides the lowlands. Lorcan rolled his eyes.

Askan continued though and spat his next venom towards the white furred female beside him. The comment he made however, was an undeniable stab at Lorcan though. Lorcan’s tailed lashed behind him in irritation and his russet ears pressed back in embarrassment. A snarl zig-zagged across his muzzle and his fangs flashed for a second from behind his charcoal lips as he opened his mouth to speak, but Saradathia beat him to it.

Well damn.

Lorcan’s eyes widened as his gaze flicked from Sara back to Askan, his face clearly in shock. He’d never seen the small female so riled up before and, quite frankly, she was kind of intimidating. Wanting to interject to calm down the situation before Askan should decide to lunge at her throat, Lorcan stepped forwards to place himself in front of Sara to shield her as he confronted the swarthy brute. His neck was held low and his limbs were squared defensively, but his ears were pressed forward in defiance.

“We’re not flirting, just having some fun.” Lorcan replied, trying to settle the argument, but he couldn't hold back the slight mocking tone of his voice. Well any chances of calming down the situation were now gone. His russet ears flattened against his head in realisation. Screw it! On a whim he threw caution to the wind and continued, a snarl wrinkling along his muzzle. “And at least I didn’t run away from the bear the very second Craw showed up!” He snarled, fur along his spine bristling as he looked Askan dead in the eye. Briefly he turned back behind him to glance towards Sara to see if she was alright.

Slowly he curved his body around to face Saradathia. “Come on Sara, let’s go. Leave him to it.” His tail rose slightly in dominance as he moved to sweep his muzzle along Saradathia’s side to comfort her.
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2017, 10:44 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan wasn't at all bothered by the white wolf's attempt at a biting retort. He'd heard worse from his sisters countless times before and for what it was worth, her words were as wounding as the yap of a coyote. An annoyance for sure, but not harmful in the least. Askan paid them little heed, the slight twitch of his ears was the only outward sign that he'd even heard her at all. She was riled up and infuriated, so despite her words Askan couldn't help but assume that she was on the defensive. That perhaps she did have something to hide, that she was harbouring feelings for that coward. The Rye wolf had no problem with it, her affections were of no interest to him, but why was she being so protective?

And why did she seem to think that she stood a chance against him? If he chose to, Askan could squash her like a bug.

But despite his snappish demeanour, he had no intentions to do so, unless she gave him cause to.

Lorcan on the other hand, was clearly the aggressor out of the two Whitestone wolves that stood before him. The shit-head held himself tense and poised, ready to spring into action and his eyes were burning with such intense loathing that it almost matched the scathing nature of Askan's eyes. How funny that in this moment, they almost looked the same. Not in pelt or physique, but in the way their held themselves and the look in their eyes. As though they were different sides of the same coin, one dark and the other light.

When Lorcan finally spoke, Askan couldn't help but huff in amusement. A pointless objection if he'd ever head one. A weak one too. Once Askan had made up his mind, it would take a lot more than a 'no we weren't' to change his mind. But then Lorcan went and changed his tune, his lips curled back into a ferocious snarl and he spat his words at Askan, as though they were venomous.

For a second, he felt the fur along his spine twitch ready to stand on end at the insult. How dare- But no, that wasn't the right sort of reaction, now was it. He had to be calm, or at least as much as he could manage. So instead- with a lot of effort- the Yukon wolf did not flinch or even react to the baiting accusation. Lorcan was calling him a coward, a wimp for backing out of that difficult situation. But was he right? Of course he fucking wasn't. Askan resented @Craw with everything he had, why on earth would he hang about when that fucker was there? Unless he was hankering for a brawl there was no reason for him to stay, so he'd left. It was a simple as that, or so Askan told himself. But Lorcan- in a petty attempt to get his own back, no doubt- tried to twist the situation into something it wasn't. He turned to turn the tide. But unfortunately for him, it didn't work. Askan was getting better, sort of. Sometimes. Slowly.

Taking a deep breath, Askan slid into his usual dominate posture, with his legs spread and his tail held high. His eyes, so potent and unwavering, stared solely at Lorcan as he waited to see what the Whitestone wolf would do next. He was ready either way, he would do what had to be done. No regrets.

But then Lorcan's attention faltered and he turned to coo at the white one, earning him a deep, gruttle snarl from the Yukon wolf, as if to pay 'attention to me, we're not done.'

"Are you done? Throwing a pissy fit I mean."Askan asked, his voice as solid and cold as ice, with a derisive, mocking tone woven in. Just to put the final nail in the coffin.

(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2017, 06:22 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
“Ignore him.” Lorcan whispered towards @Saradathia as he nuzzled his nose into her neck. The agouti male was fully intent on leaving then, but @Askan wasn’t quite finished. As Lorcan moved to step a few metres away from Saradathia to head in the direction that he had previously been travelling in before the encounter, his russet ears once again swivelled around to catch the icy tones of the swarthy male’s voice.

"Are you done? Throwing a pissy fit I mean." Lorcan’s face whipped around sharply as he turned to cast his golden eyes on the brute. Lorcan could normally deal with Askan when it was just the pair of them, ignoring him normally worked, but he couldn’t stand to put up with his behaviour around a fellow pack mate.

The Whitestone glared at him for a heartbeat or two, the bridge along his muzzle wrinkling as his black tipped tail lashed out behind him. He stomped a single forepaw against the ground in defiance seconds before he lunged forwards for the brute. Fangs snapped against the air as he landed back on his feet, still a few metres away from his target. Whilst he had not inflicted any damage, the action was made to intimidate. To prove that he wasn’t a complete pushover.

Then, with his point made, Lorcan turned around once again and walked calmly back towards Saradathia with his tail held high. He paused though, beside a tree which was positioned between him and infuriating brute and coolly cocked up his hind leg. A stream of golden liquid trickled down the frost-laden bark of the tree and quickly melted some of the snow at its roots. Its pungent scent soon filled the air.

A loud huff was forced past his nose, sending a white cloud into the icy cold breeze as he returned to Saradathia’s side, before flashing a look across to Askan. Lick that up, asshole.

Silently he gestured with his muzzle for Sara to lead on.
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2017, 07:13 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
@Lorcan @Askan

Saradathia bit back a snarl as the two hot blooded males had their pissing match, though soon it escalated into a literal pissing match with Lorcan marking a nearby tree with the scent of their pack, she couldn’t help but finding irony in it. At least it wasn’t his own legs like Askan seemed to have a thing for watching. The black wolf got huffy and stiffened up enchantingly, it just wasn’t worth responding to though.

{b} ‘You’re right.” She said toward Lorcan, glancing  briefly in the Wild Rye Field wolf’s direction before turning toward the direction home, but she paused for a moment, raising her hind leg and letting a stream of gold saturate the nearby snow, her silver gaze eyeing Askan as she spoke {b} “There you go, plenty of piss to sniff, Lorcan’s is over there, I know how much, you just love watching him do it.” With that, the arctic wolf brushed tail over Lorcan’s side, the thoughts of him being a pushover hadn’t ever occurred to her, instead, his display had actually set her heart fluttering and she was hell bent on getting away so she could figure out why she suddenly felt so giddy for.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I'mma put this away, great thread y'all. So funny XD

Askan huffed, not at all impressed with Lorcan's petty display, or the white one's attempt at insulting him. It seemed as though their bark was just as feeble as their bite, or at least he assumed was the case with the little one. He didn't need to guess with Lorcan, he knew full well how much of a wimp he was, how quick he was to expose his belly and throat. He didn't even register the white one as a threat, he knew for a fact he could take her. In fact, he was sure that he could just sit on her and that would be the end of that. It was a tempting notion for sure, but Askan had no desire to make the situation between their packs worse than it already was. At most those pussies could say Askan was 'mean and made fun of them', but aside from that he hadn't stepped out of line. No one had gotten hurt, as tempting as it was to rip out both of their throats and call it a day.

But really, what was their strange obsession with piss? Actually no, he didn't care to know what perverse things they got up to. Some things were better left unknown.

But really, did they think he would by the whole 'we're not flirting' stick, especially when they rubbed against each other like that. Askan wanted to blanch in disdain, but instead he watched them with fierce, disdainful glint in his eyes, a look that would make a puppy cry out for their parents no doubt.

"That's right, piss off you fucks!" Askan roared, determined to get the last word in.

And that he did. With a smug smirk on his face, Askan turned and headed back the way he came with a spring in his step. That's right, in his eyes he'd won that little tiff. Their words bounced off him like water off a ducks back, and it felt good to know that even between the two of them they couldn't muster an insult that could penetrate his resolve. If Craw's pack consisted solely of wolves like that, then they were in no danger at all. In fact, Askan would wager that his damn coyote posed more of a threat to the Rye wolves than two sneaky wanna-be love birds ever possibly could.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]