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west coast smokers — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
One more, or fade with this? :)

Morganna had been close to Sven herself, though hearing her fond talk of the boy had been nothing like this. That was no great surprise, as the two women were cut from very different cloth, and Piety was the mother where Morganna was the aunt, not the primary nurturer. Aware only of the fact that Piety had left, and of no specifics beyond that, it was interesting to hear it suggested that she had stayed beyond the boy's infancy, though her talk did not explicitly say as much. It was clear that no matter how much Sven remembered of his mother, he had felt her absence most keenly - and while Craw could claim many childhood difficulties for himself, vacant parents were not one. He allowed himself a moment or two to muse on the idea, of how he may have turned out without their influence, but it was a futile gesture; he would have died in those plains without their protection, so for better or worse he had them to thank for his existence.

But those times were long gone. He nodded as Piety spoke of her renewed relationship with Morganna, something which Craw could have never predicted - and yet he had found himself quite happy with the outcome. The soft, pale woman was a welcome addition to their dynamic, having effectively grown close to the wolves closest to Craw, and thus placing herself in an important position. And he himself found her charming, a quality that he had never much valued in the past.

"I think you would do splendidly," he said, glad for the confirmation that she indeed wanted to build her life here, and finding no fault in her chosen route. "My Second is the children's teacher, but he is away at present - I am sure that you would do well to fill that gap, and for our future generations." He hummed then, low in his throat, watching her, a smile growing on his scarred maw. "His name is Wraith. You would get on well, I think." Gentle souls usually did. It was the fact that a rough beast like himself had managed to befriend either one of them that was the marvel.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Really quick fade from me! @Craw

Her tail swayed across the ground at her male lead's kindness. For such an intimidating looking beast he seemed to have a heart of gold. She listened with interest to the information he presented. "Thank you for the little confidence boost, Craw. I'll make sure to seek out this Wraith when he returns home." Her voice was kind and held a small bit of excitement. She was eager to get started on a new chapter in her life here at the Monadnock. For now, she was beginning the chapter with a bit of sun gazing with Craw.

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