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Mirror, Sword & Shield — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang
The colorless wolf sighed quietly to himself as Jessie, and in turn, Drestig spoke, for a while things had seemed to be going well for the still freshly made pack, they weren’t thriving by any means, but surviving never the less, and now someone was threatening that. The ground rules made sense, but what if they could get more security than just a tenuous case of hear no evil, see no evil, skittering around the low lands on soft paws didn’t really seem worth it if the pack needed food from there one day.

“Might it be possible to make a more solid truce for the duration of the cold months? I don’t think any of us will really sleep well at night if the risk of a raid could be imminent. May I ask what all words were carried between the two of you and them? It could help us decipher any underlying intentions of theirs and if they pose an immediate risk to use while we’ll still small in size.” he didn’t think he had to say it, if Whitestone monadnock chose to use aggression and force, the Wild Rye Fields would swiftly become a field of blood.
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
from the darkness into the light, now is your time
Phoenix Avalon

Just as she suspected. Boring, boring, boring. Percy hadn't even had a run in with anyone that she would acknowledge. No, all it was was stay home Percy, don't wander off Percy, she had heard it all before. Her slowly released sigh should be undetectable, the twitching of her eyes as she struggled to not openly roll them, not so much. She hadn't met their northern neighbours, except that guy that thought Askan was her dad... At the mention of neighbours though, her ears perked. She wondered if they had kids her own age, like Ryker and Bennet. Perhaps they would be easier to visit and sneak home before anyone noticed she was missing...

Things quickly turned to less interesting topics though as Adelayde spoke of raids and Icicle wanted a blow by blow account of what had gone down. "Spare me please!" her mutter wasn't quite so silent as she had intended and she quickly looked at her paws with her ears turned back. If this was the only purpose of the gathering, then surely it could proceed without her. There were sticks to chew and birds to chase if nothing else. She'd rather stick her face in a nettle bush than edure this hell any longer than she had to.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She took the rest of the meeting in until it was once again her turn to speak. Drestig went through what needed to be accounted for now that they were on not-so-good terms with their neighbors. A pleasant thrill went up Jessie's spine at his tone, suggesting he was also less than pleased. Good, he better be. The Tainn knew that being angry at him would get them nowhere and would not make them stronger if they were so far apart and so she made a mental effort to see his side of things. Jade eyes scanned the pack. She was more concerned about her daughter sneaking out and Askan messing up again. The woman's mind drifted to their subordinate. After their meeting with Whitestone Monadnock, she acknowledged that they had not acquired all the information and the meeting could have gone better if they had. Of course, both parties were already biased on their own accounts and she knew it would only be a matter of time before something else happened. No good will ever come out of being happy. Her ears flicked back at her lover's tone. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his words, she turned to face the pack again. Leave it to him to bring his personal feelings into a meeting.

Then he proceeded to bring their questions into the mix. We don't need to worry about that now. We have other things we need to be doing. Like me leaving. The topic of a raid was brought up and Jessie wanted to cease any panic before it began. First, it was Adelayde but then Askan seemed to see her logic of things, but then Icicle brought his thoughts into the mix. While sharing what happened at meetings was important, it was their call whether that happened or not. The Tainn could feel herself getting hot and her muscles tensed with anger. A soft, snide comment from her daughter made her freeze. Icy cold emerald eyes shot in the direction of her dark daughter. While Jessie spouted similar thoughts at a young age she now had the mind to keep such things to herself. It was time to put an end to this. "That's enough," Jessie's voice rang across coldly before she continued, her tone professional, "At this point, there is no need to fear a raid. They would be stupid to try such a thing if they are the ones who put forward the peace agreement. If they did such a thing, it would terminate any terms they have put forward thus far. Icicle," she turned her emerald gaze towards him before continuing, "We will share what information we feel is relevant to making decisions with the pack. Ultimately, everything that Drestig and I do is for your safety and happiness. Plenty of thought goes into the decisions that we make." At least, the decisions that I make. Now was the final thing she had to address.

"Lastly," she paused before turning her gaze towards Askan, "it would not hurt to double your watch. That goes for all of you actually. Especially since I will be gone for a little while." She let this news settle across the pack. Mainly, she directed her gaze at Percy, wanting to know how she took this information. It was the first time she would be going away in Wild Rye Fields and unless they found a new scout, not the last time. She continued then, "Due to how our meeting went, Drestig and I feel that it is necessary that I reach out to our neighbors and some past contacts that I have throughout the lore. I think that now that we have established ourselves it would be worth looking into potential alliances for the future and potential problems that might lead to something else. Any concerns?" Of course, Drestig and Jessie had no agreed on this what so ever, but it would look better to the pack and it would cause less disruption. With this in mind, she shifted closer to him just so that their shoulders were barely touching. She needed his support on this.

(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2017, 10:39 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry this got so delayed guys <3 We'll do a final round or two with just @Askan, everyone else feel free to post their exits now c:

Adelayde was the first to speak up and the concern she raised seemed fair enough, especially considering what she'd been through. Drestig doubted very much that the Whitestone wolves would dare such a direct, aggressive maneuver, but it also wouldn't hurt to be extra vigilant, just in case. Askan seemed of a similar mind, his promise of intensifying patrols earning an approving nod from the king. Then Icicle took the floor, and his addition was much more troubling. Perhaps they hadn't been clear on exactly what went down, and Drestig was ready to set things straight, but Jessie beat him to it. As usual her voice was sharp and words blunt, leaving little room for discussion. And maybe she was right to underline their position, but she could have done it more gently; Leave it to her to speak down to the boy! Looking to smooth things over, the dark man added: "An agreement has been made. As it stands we are neutral with the Whitestone wolves, and we will not be making the first aggressive move." His gaze started out on the pale lad, voice firm but without the bite of his mate's. Then he drifted to the rest of the pack, to include them all in the decree.

Then Jessie moved on, clearly eager to get the meeting over with so she could be on her way; And Drestig felt similarly, though he hid it behind a professional air. One thing they could agree upon was that the pack needed to be united, and see the two of them united. So, even as he silently cursed her for putting words in his mouth, he let her step closer, standing tall and proud by her side. In the end he had surrendered to her decision, seeing the wisdom in establishing alliances, even if he would have liked to wait. But with Jessie, there was no beating around the bush, and he nodded along with her words, showing a unified front. "Otherwise, this meeting is adjourned and you can go. Be safe," He finished, looking from face to face and meeting every pair of eyes. Jessie might think it unprofessional to bring emotion to a meeting, but he cared deeply for each and every one of these wolves, they were his family, and he would do everything to protect it.

After lingering for a few moments on Percy, his gaze landed on Askan, lips tightening slightly. "Except you," the leader said, neutrally; "We'd like to have a few words with you in private."


Word count: 423

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Except you 

Now wasn't that reassuring? Not. Askan knew that the tensions with the Whitestone wolves were partly due to his... temperament, so it made sense that Drestig would want to speak with him. But even so Askan dreaded the stern words he was no doubt going to receive. That said, it wasn't as though he was going to argue or create a scene. Drestig was King, his word was final and if he saw it fit to speak to him alone then so be it. Askan would merely have to grit his teeth and bare it.

That said, this wasn't the first time he'd been told off- and it probably wouldn't be the last- so he knew what was coming. Some disparaging words, maybe a glare or two but nothing on the whole totally awful. But that wasn't what had him so worried, Drestig was the closest thing he had to a father figure and honest to the Gods all Askan wanted was to make him proud. He'd failed at that-obviously- so all he had left to do was try and pick up the pieces and try again. He'd do better next time, he swore it.

Watching the others go, Askan then turned his attention to the lone alpha who stood before him. Right, time to get this over and done with, he supposed. Gathering what little courage he had, Askan tucked his tail between his legs and pressed his ears to the flat of his head. He figured if he at least looked sorry it wouldn't be as painful, that Drestig would take pity on his tired soul. It wasn't easy to make such a bulky wolf seem small, but all tucked in as he was Askan almost looked like a pup again, as though his Father had just tugged on his ear and told him off for one thing or another.

"I'm sorry." There were few people he was willing to utter that phrase to. But he meant it, he really did. "Please forgive me."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Askan was quick to reassure that his border patrols will increase in case their northern neighbors had any vindictive agendas towards them. Nodding in return, she took to mind she should also increase her patrols, just to double up on their security at all times. You could never let your guard for even one moment with a potential enemy who clearly was not afraid to cross the line to win. Though Drestig assured them they were strictly on neutral terms, there would be no aggressive moves taken against them. Not yet, she thought. Not believing the Whitestone wolves will play nice.

Jessie was quick to let them know of her soon departure from the lands, which worried the Rye second lightly. Winter was still upon them and this time of year was the greatest risk for injury and the potential to become lost. However, Adelayde had to assure herself that her leader wouldn't be taking on such a feat if she didn't believe she could accomplish her mission. No matter how much she wanted to ask Jessie if she was sure it was a good idea, she kept her worries at bay and simply nodded. Drestig and Jessie were already visibly upset and she shouldn't add to it.

Drestig adjourned their meeting quickly and with his last lingering stare, Ade was about to rise and take her leave. However, his curt words that he directed towards Askan made her pause. Ears flattening, she looked to her equal before she crouched away from Drestig's stern gaze. Wishing the best of luck to Askan in her head, she silently took her leave before she too came under scrutiny.

--Adelayde's exit--

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2017, 12:59 AM by Adelayde.)
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
I would like to get this finished up. @Askan @Drestig

She relaxed slightly with Drestig by her side, emerald eyes gazing at her pack mates. Her mate did his best to smooth over her harsh words and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Jessie had simply stated what needed to be said and she did not need her emotions meedling within them. The Avalon was quick to dismiss their pack but not before something else had to be said. Emerald eyes flickered towards their subordinate and she watched as he approached, while seeing the others leave by her peripherals. Her dark lips thinned, as Askan directed his attention upon them and once more the Tainn could feel her blood boiling with the anger she felt. Not particularly at the dark man in front of her, but at the Whitestone wolves for causing problems and the situation in generally. None the less, she was quick to cut in before Drestig could grant mercy upon him. Jessie did not want emotions getting in the way of this conversations and she wanted to drive home just how serious she was about his behavior.

Her words were snappy when she spoke, "Sorry doesn't cut it, Askan. Your attitude has caused us a headache and if you don't straighten up, I won't have a problem kicking your ass down to Lowest." Yes, the boy was loyal but what was loyalty without disipline. She was a diplomat and perhaps that was why it rubbed her the wrong way that he had been so rude to their neighbors that had permitted fighting necessary. While she did not excuse the actions of the Monadnock wolves, if Askan was truly being as rude as they said he was, then she was unsure of how she would have reacted in such a situation. And on neutral grounds. Green eyes bore into the younger man, remaining where she was despite the need to take out her anger on something. From then, she was quiet, sweeping her gaze towards Drestig to see if he had anything to add.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2017, 11:14 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

She was right and everyone knew it. Sorry wasn't enough, sorry wasn't going to fix anything. He could say it as many times as he wanted, till he went blue in the face but in the end it wouldn't do a damn thing. He'd still be in the wrong and he would have no one else to blame. That wasn't to say he didn't mean what he said, because he did. He truly didn't intent to make trouble for the Rye Monarchy, but he'd gone and done so anyway and now they had to fix the mess he'd made.

He ducked his head in submission and whined quietly. He felt so small, so helpless, but it was probably what he deserved. Or at the very least what she thought he deserved. He'd take it without argument.

By no means did he wish to be placed as the lowest, but somehow it seemed like a fitting punishment. Like a brand of shame. But as things were, it was merely a threat, a possibility. He would do everything in his power to avoid such a fate. He'd earned this rank and he'd be damned if he would let it slip from his grasp because he was an idiot, because he couldn't watch his mouth.

Rather than respond, lest she thought he was giving her back talk, he simply nodded in understanding. He would be good, he'd try.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Gonna go ahead and archive this <3

The meeting was adjourned and the others left quickly, a sullen air hanging over them all. This was the last thing Drestig wanted for his little family, but everything couldn't be rosy, and sometimes a leader had to do the dirty work. He sighed quietly, turning his eyes to Askan as the second made his way towards them, cowering in a manner that was almost physically painful to watch. There was an instant apology on his lips, a rarity for sure, and Jessie was right in thinking her mate was ready to forgive him then and there; He was just a big ol' softy after all. But luckily he had his better half to take on the tough jobs, snapping at the young wolf with cool authority. Drestig almost flinched. But they'd agreed it needed to be done, and while he found her judgment harsh, this was as much her pack as it was his, and they needed to protect their daughter at all costs; Which means keeping peace…

Perhaps the reason he found it so hard was that he honestly didn't blame Askan for most of his actions, certainly not his snide attitude. Drestig had been no different at that same age, and still had the impulse to answer any perceived antagonism with similar sarcasm. The very impulse that had almost blown things for them with the northern leaders. So he kept quiet and let Jessie give her reprimand, not unlike the one she'd given him in fact, and though he felt with the boy, he knew that it was necessary. Once she was done, Askan whined compliantly and bowed his head, and Drestig nodded to underline his agreement with the queen. Then, unable to leave it at such a sour note, he added: "It's a balance, some are more prickly about attitude than others. But you have to remember, when you meet someone, you're not just talking for yourself, you represent the whole pack. And we need you on your best behavior." The ghost of a smile played at the king's maw, but he kept it at bay, nodding again to dismiss the younger man, all three of them splitting of in different directions.

Though, as he passed the second, Drestig let his shoulder brush lightly against his, giving it a slight nudge. It was a silent show of support, a small pick up after the scolding; I know you can do this!


Word count: 405

Thoughts ”Speech”
