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Make it Easy — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
For @Adelayde Backdated to a day or two after the meeting thread.

Jessie needed to leave soon. There was no denying the feeling of restlessness in her paws and how desperate she was to get out. Despite her love for Drestig and the pack there had been some truth to her words when she told him that she did not want to be around him. All she wanted was space, a place to breathe on her own and have to knowledge that she could be independent again. There was something she had to do first though. The former scout made her way around the territory, nose working furiously to find the one wolf she needed to see before she left. As the only other member within the female ranks, she knew it was estential to have this conversation with her before she left. It was winter after all.

The woman made her way through the territory, emerald eyes gleaming brilliantly. She followed Adelayde's scent until she finally came upon the girl. Her tail wagged behind her slightly. She was not close to the girl in the least, had barely spoken with her but she knew that when she got back, it would be time to get closer to her pack mates. The woman may have been stern have the meeting but she could be kind when given the chance. She approached the other woman, clearing her throat before she spoke. "Adelayde, I was hoping that I could speak to you before I depart?" The Tainn knew that this would be her last conversation with her pack mates before she returned. The woman was never one for goodbyes and she had just seen Drestig earlier on in the day, he would know where she had gone. The woman's grey banner still wagged easily behind her, hoping to let the other girl know that there was no need for unease.

Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Moving through the fields of frozen rye as the wind raked its fingertips through her thick Mackenzie Valley fur as the bleakly gray landscape contrasted against her tawny coat. She could be spotted quick easily compared to some of the others in the area, but in the Rye territory she didn't care much to hide herself. After the meeting, it seemed though there were tensions with the Whitestone wolves, they weren't to the point of blatantly disregarding the idea of working out a way to live peacefully by each other. So having a Whitestoner trespassing wasn't on the top of her worries.

Border patrolling, nonetheless, just in case she was being naiive again. Silence aside from the occasional bellowing of the wind around her ears, surrounded her as she trekked through the deep snow alone. Or so she thought she was alone. The crepitate sounds behind her alerted her quickly of her alpha's presence just as her scent drifted to her. Turning to face the salt and pepper woman, her banner wagged happily behind her as Jessie closed the distance between them. She hadn't spent much time with her alpha which was something Ade would need to change. It didn't change the respect that she held for Jessie, though it wouldn't hurt to get to know her leader better. "Of course! What can I do for you?" She asked happily as a smile crossed her ebony lips.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The young girl's enthusiasm briefly stunned her and Jessie simply stared into the other woman's mismatched eyes for a moment before blinking and clearing her throat. There was no use in delaying what had to be said, the quicker she got on her way, the sooner she would return. "As I mentioned at the meeting, I will be going on a trip for awhile to a few packs," A few many packs, actually, that are very far away from each other. Her tone was neutral as she continued, "You are the only other female within the ranks and it is your responsibility to help Drestig out while I am gone, do you understand?" Jessie's eyebrows creased the tiniest bit. It was not that she didn't think that Drestig could handle leadership on his own, but having someone helping him would surely relieve some of his stress. Especially since he did not want her leaving in the first place. Looking at the girl, Jessie pursed her lips, "Are you feeling better?"

It was still unclear to her all that happened between Whitestone Monadnock but she knew that nothing good could come from their association with them. They had threatened Percy and that simply would not do. Two of their members already had run-ins with the other pack and she did not doubt that Icicle had not run into them due to lack of trying, he hardly left the territory. She did not want to leave, however, if her subordinates were not fit enough to take care of the pack while she was away. That would end in disaster itself and Jessie would not be the cause of that.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

The Rye Queen wasted no time in flowery chit chat. Instead, the stern and respectable woman dived straight into business, a quality that Adelayde admired as she certainly did not hold that quality no matter how much the elders tried to pound it into her. Her spirit was too wild and free to focus on stern business. Nevertheless, she listened as Jessie continued on after seeming rather shocked by her bubbly response. Perhaps something her alpha may have to start getting used to as that was just the way Adelayde was, just as Jessie was stern and reserved.

She should have been prepared for what Jessie had to say to her. Ade knew she was going to be leaving to travel to a few packs and should have known what Jessie wanted from her from where she stood in the ranks. She was their second, a rank that needed to be relied on if anything happens to the packs leader. As Jessie continued on, it was now going to be one of those times that the pack was to rely on her as well. "Yes, I understand completely. I will do my best to help Drestig whenever he needs me when you are away." She confirmed, her smile comforting Jessie though on the inside, the Rye second was nervous for what would be expected of her. Certainly, she could never up to the Rye Queen, but she certainly had to try to make sure Drestig had all the help he needed.

It seemed Ade would be wrong to assume Jessie was all business as she asked how she was doing. Meekly smiling, she nodded, "I'm much better, thank you. Askan helped me get out of the rut I was in and gave me some confidence. But I'll definitely avoid the northern parts for now until things settle down." Though she didn't hold the fear she once had, she knew she needed to let things settle before any of them run into each other again. Turning the Jessie, her curiosity rising, "What packs will you be visiting on your trip, if I may ask?"

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

It was a relief to hear that her subordinate was clear on where they stood. The pack was still small and Jessie certainly did not want to risk anything happening in her absence. The small woman could almost imagine Drestig snapping at the poor girl for stepping on his paws and the thought brought a pleasant warmth to her chest. Of course, she knew that her mate was really a softie at heart and would never do such a thing, unless it was her. She always seemed to be able to push the right buttons. The Second's smile did nothing to calm Jessie's unease. There was only so much hurt the woman could take and the Tainn knew that she was going on this trip for her own selfish reasons.

Small ears flicked forward when Adelayde responded. Eyebrows shot up in surprise. So Askan isn't the hardass he always pretends to be? I'll keep that in mind. While the leader had not initially liked the young man's attitude, he had proven to be a loyal member and that spoke more to Jessie than any smiling face would have. She would take loyalty over positivity any day which was why a remaining guilt still lingered in her heart from leaving her home. Her subordinate's voice brought her back to the present, emerald eyes flickering to the woman's face. Right, I didn't mention where I was going during the meeting. A small smile twitched at the corners of Jessie's mouth, her voice rough when she responded, "Of course. That information isn't confidential. I'm going to White Fir Notch, Secret Woodlands, Oak Tree Bend, and Hearthwood River. Probably in that order." Adelayde had no way of knowing that Oak Tree Bend was her former home, but a small tug of her heart told her that she was not yet completely over leaving. A small sigh left her at the thought. Would they even be happy to see her when she returned?

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Though she asked Jessie where she'd be going, Adelayde may not be quite sure where any of the places she would be visiting were. Since she entered the Lore from the north, she hadn't really traveled much further than here. Askan had found her at the lake and the rest was history. Perhaps once Jessie safely returned, she could expand her knowledge of Relic Lore and travel for a bit. However, the thought of leaving the Rye made her nervous, something could go terribly wrong while she was gone. Pushing those thoughts aside for now, she focused on her leaders gruff response.

Luckily, there was only one pack that didn't sound familiar to her, Secret Woodlands. The rest were either close neighbors or the pack that Drestig and Jessie departed from to create the Rye. Nodding lightly, she was happy the list wasn't any longer. Not that she doubted the pack could function without an alpha, she was just worried of the risk Jessie was taking. She would never want her leader to become injured without help or potentially get lost. Nonetheless, it wasn't her place to question her leader's decision at this moment. She could only support her and wish her a safe return to them.

"I wish you a quick and safe return then. We will all be waiting for you." She responded calmly. The extra responsibilities that were now befalling upon Drestig will be tiresome and she assured Jessie she would assist him in anything he needed. She could only hope for her speedy return as Ade was not expecting or ready to take on those responsibilities quite yet.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Jessie was grateful for Adelayde's understanding of the matter and would, perhaps, have to look into getting to know the woman further once she returned. The pepper-and-salt colored woman was glad that her subordinate did not daly on any other topics. One last look and a soft 'thank you' was cast towards Ade before she set off on her journey. She did not bother with any backwards glances or a call goodbye, she had to focus on her task so that she would be able to get it done and return to her family. The sooner the better. There was only so long a pack could go without their leading lady.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]