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Try Everything — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
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Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Athesila

Despite having officially led the Woodlands for almost a year now, Aideen still felt a bit off in these situations, one on one with a representative from another pack, speaking for everyone in her care. Duckweed’s silent presence beside her helped ease her a bit, even though he was even newer to this, having someone there still posed a comfort. She almost felt bad for Jessie, being all alone. Though the grey woman hardly appeared weak or anxious, on the contrary she seemed almost imposing, stoic in her solitude, giving the air of someone who had done this for many years.

Her words made Aideen’s brows quirk slightly, a half smile curving her mouth as she nodded; The Notch… That was helpful, since she didn’t know the northern lands very well, it gave her a little better idea of where their visitor had come from. She wondered how Gent had taken to their settling close by, but since they hadn’t sent any messengers, she assumed it was amicable enough. That wasn’t the case for the other neighbors though, or so Jessie told it, revealing the reason for her visit. The Woodland leader’s eyes grew round, a crease forming between her brows. Throughout her time in Relic Lore, Aideen’s experience of pack politics had been mostly positive. The only time she’d experienced any conflict was with Black Thorne Downs, though that had never evolved beyond caution, and Nina had ended up settling it with little input from the rest of the pack.

That, in the end, had evolved into their alliance with what was now White Fir Notch. Kind hearted as she was, Aideen thought, probably quite naïvely, that the same might happen with these two groups. Of course she knew little of either, and had to wonder what Jessie was looking to gain from coming all this way. She spoke of warning, alluding that this conflict had already gone further than their old feud with the Downs; Too far to turn back..? In which case, what the older wolfess was really asking was allies in the fight. Aideen couldn’t promise her that, not when she still knew so little. So she hesitated, tongue slipping out to wet her lips while she thought of the best response, copper eyes holding the opposing emeralds steadily. She had no intend to lie, or in any way imply anything she couldn’t uphold. She wanted to keep relations with these wolves as favorable as possible, certainly not ruling out the possibility of a future alliance; Surely she understands… That kind of friendship took time to build. But at least they had reached out, which was more than could be said for this Monadnock.

Finally, the younger shewolf parted her lips, speaking in a plain, genuine tone: “I’m very sorry to hear that, Jessie. I know little of the northern lands and which packs roam there. Our Thicket is quite a distance away after all, and hopefully enough to keep those ill intends away. But I appreciate the warning.” She addressed the words of cation, taking them as seriously as she assumed they were meant. Then, after a short pause, lips pursed in thought, she continued: “I’m sorry your settlement has been rough, I wouldn’t wish conflict on anyone. Hopefully you can find a peaceful solution, and things will ease up soon…” Her head tilted slightly a faint note of suggestion in her tone. But she wouldn’t pretend to know anything about the situation, she was sure Jessie had weighed her options already. Instead she added: “But if ever you need a healer’s help, we’ll give it!” That much she could offer honestly, never one to turn down anyone in need.

Word count: 615

Thoughts ”Speech”  
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Perhaps a final closing post from you and then archive?

She took her time responding and Jessie appreciated that. Grey ears perked forward when she spoke, emerald eyes connected with copper. She was sincere in her reply and smart. Aideen did not promise Jessie or the Rye anything. Considering that they did not know one another well, it was warranted and the Tainn would not expect anything less. She offered the other woman a small smile in response. The topic of their distance, however, was hardly an excuse. It’s not as far as where I’m going next.

The creamy woman was not done with her apology and had Jessie not been listening closely she would have missed the lilt in her voice at the subject of peace. Emerald eyes narrowed on the other woman, unsure of what she was implying. Peace was all we wanted! She kept her jaws clamped firmly shut, determined to keep a healthy air about her. Drestig and Jessie had done their best to negotiate peace between their two packs but it seemed that Craw and his bitch only wanted the north for themselves.

The woman’s final words caused the Rye Queen’s eyebrows to rise. It was more than she expected to come out of the meeting. She would not complain though and accepted her offer graciously. ”Thank you very much, Aideen. The Rye appreciates it,” she started, emerald eyes sliding to the back of the thickets and then back to the alpha of Secret Woodlands. “If you or yours ever find yourselves further north, you’re welcome at Wild Rye Field. Just let us know if you need anything. I really must be going now. I have other places I need to be,” she spoke her farewells quickly, dipping her head in respect to the other woman before turning to take her leave.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Athesila

Aideen had her reasons to stay well away from the northern reaches of Relic Lore, though those were personal fears and nothing against the grey woman’s chosen homeland. Still, she doubted she would ever personally make the trip to these Wild Rye Fields, but that did not mean other representatives of her pack couldn’t. Jessie appeared both competent and amiable, and Aideen could not fault anyone for wanting to protect their home. While she wasn’t ready to risk her own pack, she wouldn’t reject the possibility of a future alliance.

At the visitor’s words, the queen nodded her head, returning the smile. It was the very least she could do, and she suspected they both knew it, but Jessie appeared understanding of her hesitancy. She made her goodbyes, and again the Woodland leader nodded, wagging her tail. “And thank you, Jessie,” she answered, as the other wolf prepared to leave; “We’ll make use of that offer. I do expect this isn’t the last we’ve seen of each other!” Secret Woodlands had gotten dangerously disconnected from the nearby packs, and it was time to amend that.

She watched as the silvery woman disappeared in the distance, then turned to Duckweed with a bright smile. “I believe we’ve made some new friends today,” she declared, winking at the boy and gently nudging his shoulder; “Now come on, Miccah might be sick, but I’m sure he’s itching to learn the news.”

Word count: 238

Thoughts ”Speech”