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if i lose myself tonight — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
"Oh perfect! I surely did hope that the creature who ate me also happened to love me." She chuckled as she kept moving along. The pale Santoro was fairly positive that they wouldn't be stuck down here forever. It might take some time to find a way out but surely not forever.

She simply nodded her head as she heard his mumbled words. Nice to know the lost duo was on the same page here. Her eyes looked at the light that came from a small crack. She wondered if anything had fallen through there like they had back there some way. The pale woman slowed down to look around the lit area more. The red colors were nice but nothing like the gold veined boulders back home. Despite having her obvious doubts about being in the tundra it had proved to do wonders for her. She had learned how to hunt more, become more graceful, even toughened up some.

Piety heard Wraith's teasing words and laughter. With a small giggle, she poked back with her words. "I am positive about my decision, besides don't think you'd let me pick if you didn't have at least a smidge of faith in me." Her tail waved happily behind her as she confidently kept leading them on.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Oh, he had a response for that. But it was surely not meant for polite female company and Wraith would feel far too guilty for saying it. Instead, he bit his tongue and smiled. Best leave that bear asleep and not poke the beast. Piety had moved on already and clearly had not allowed her mind to travel the same path or he imagined her expression would not be as serene.

He hummed a noncommittal sound, amber eyes concentrating now on what lay ahead. The scent had changed and he felt a subtle wind that steadily became stronger as the continued forward. "We're close to an exit," he predicted. The prickly lowland grasses, the bite of ice in the air, it all spelled out that they were nearing their destination at last.

In a friendly, playful manner, Wraith reached forward to nip at @Piety's tail to get her moving faster. "Come on," he encouraged. "Let's get home. We can explore the rest of this place at another time. I'm hungry." By now, the breeze was blasting in their faces, whistling past tall grasses that grew thickly at the cavern's entrance. One of many, Wraith surmised.

Feel free to fade with your next reply. <3
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

She knew he was right. There was indeed an exit nearby and she was thrilled to get to it. Her pace picked up slightly and she was motivated even more by the nip at her tail. With a soft yip, she set off. The exit now evident. It would take a little climbing to get to but nothing the two of them couldn't handle.

"Fine, fine." Her tail wagged and she proceeded on the exit. "Race you!" Once she found better ground she took off towards home. Food indeed sounded well.

-short fade-

Art/Code by Becuffin

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T