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Love the why of things — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
glitter & gold

Naira nodded when @Leotie asked if the cub had been ok, "I nearly drowned myself but we got her out." The edge of her smile was nostalgic as her attention turned back to Kerberos. The suggestion that water hunting was not her thing wasn't a new concept to her and she laughed readily in response. Naira had given up on attempting it except in the thickest salmon run years ago, and even then she would often wait until after the spawn to pick up the dead and dying so as not to cause herself too much injury to pride or otherwise. It would seem Leotie wasn't much of a fisherwoman herself... yet. At least she was willing to give it a go.

She heard her goad the younger man out onto the ice too, a smile thrown over her shoulder as she slid in all directions. If she wasn't careful she would wind up dizzy and then the chances of hurting herself would increase exponentially. She didn't want that. Slowly slipping her way back towards solid ground she began to shake out her coat, happy to settle herself on the wide bank and watch the younger wolves romp. Soon they would have to head back to the rest of their little gathering, but for now, she was willing to simply enjoy the day with good company.

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