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the leading steed — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
glitter & gold

There had never been any more to go on than a scent here or there, faded but present none the less until it took on the tone of the very trees themselves. Of course, she couldn't be certain, and with the stretch of time clouding her judgment she wasn't sure she would recognise it if it ever crossed her path again, but the same might not be true for the attacker. "My scent alone may be enough to cause problems. I'd rather keep contact with them to a minimum," no harm had come to them yet... "But, we never did resolve whether that one was working alone or not so perhaps it will be alright."

It was about all the warning she was willing to offer. Perhaps one day she would tell Kerberos of what had taken place but again, did it really apply to him, here and now? There were other packs to speak of! "My sister lived in the Cedarwood at one point, I don't know that she would still be there, and the pack north of them was lead by a woman called Nina, she was a very kind wolf." A bit of a blundering idiot, refusing to take her own herbs to keep herself alive through the winter, but she could never say her heart wasn't in the right place.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
@Naira @Triell this took way too long on my end. thinking we could wrap up here unless yall wanna get one or two more posts in<3

The younger male's mind hungrily soaked in the knowledge despite there being some confusion. He was glad that they weren't going to stop him, though. While he wasn't the best fighter in the world he trusted himself enough to be able to defend himself in a small scuffle while out and about.

"I think that's enough for me this moment. We can have a small little chat before I head out?" The Rigel questioned as his head gave a respectful nod to the large couple. Perhaps whatever ghosts were haunting Naira he could help to shoo away. Whatever had happened was obviously important enough to cause such a reaction. Although he had no real idea of what had transpired and part of him wondered if he really wanted to know. Maybe Triell could fill him in one day on whatever had happened.

"I should be going now, though. Promised Reiko I'd patrol with him." He smiled kindly with a few small waves of his tail. The tawny male carefully turned and took off, making sure to keep his ears alert in case he was called. Of course, his main focus was on finding the yearling Tainn. Surely he'd be waiting for Kerberos by now.

-kerb's exit unless stopped-
have you checked out my player preferences?