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do not go gentle into that good night — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall

Ravenna Lyall was quick to keep at her mother's flank, following behind Attica and Sven which took tow, showing them the way. The panic in her mother was obvious, over-shining even her own. The way Sven had spoke when he came to them suggested only the worst yet there seemed to be a distant hope in her mother that she may be able to speak to her mate one last time, to see him alive and yet far from the man he had once been when Ravenna was a little girl. Nothing on this earth could have prepared the young yearling for what was to come next.

There he was. Her father. Obviously having passed away hours ago as his form was thin, sunken, still... Ravenna could feel a lump in her throat, tears welling up her eyes, blurring her vision. Even still she could see Enoki there, she could see her brother whom she had not seen in what seemed forever... He had returned with their father, only their father had not been so lucky to have survived such a travel. A travel, far beyond the reaches of Relic Lore and in the dead of winter? Her brother could not have been so foolish, so ignorant, so selfish.

Her mother's coos, her pain, her tears, they all stilled Ravenna. She felt a sickening twist in her gut, knowing she would never be able to comfort her mother, not from this... She only watched, her sobs low, her watery eyes blocking out everyone else savor her mother mourning the death of her father. The silvery daughter's ears perk to her mother's question, how her mother looked out towards their willowed home. Ravenna's silver gaze follows, uncertain. Was father here? Did he wait to see everyone one last time before moving on? ...And then Elettra fell. Coming down to her elbows, her head resting over her dead mate's nape and she gasps, her breath struggled, yet she did not cry out in pain. "Mom!?" Ravenna is quick, strong legs carrying to her mother's side in an instant. "Mom, Mom whats wrong?" Ravenna freaked out, hyperventilating, not knowing what to do to help her mother. "Mother please, tell me what to do? Tell me what you need?!" Something was wrong. Something was badly wrong. 'I see you...' Her mother spoke for the last time and Ravenna's attention followed her mothers. "Daddy...?" The name whispered from her lips, siding along the sigh of Elettra's last breath.

Ravenna Lyall could not see her father there, waiting for her mother, wanting her to join him eternally on the other side, but she knew, even now as she always did, her mother could never be wrong. And when Ravenna looked down to her mother and father once more, they were together there, side by side, at peace. Quietly Ravenna laid down next to them, curling her large frame around theirs. And she wept.

(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2017, 07:21 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
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Sven Archer

He returned in a much different fashion than he'd left, all but racing now through the snow and under the skeletal branches of the willows. Occasionally he would look back, ensuring that his grandmother was keeping up alright, and the alarm he saw so clearly stretched across her normally collected features both frightened him and ushered him into moving quicker. Only when they were there, right there, did he skid to a stop, digging his paws into the ice and cold and attempting to catch his breath. It was difficult not to hold it as he watched her approach her fallen mate, fearing the worst. This anticipated 'worst' and what actually occurred he might debate on long after this moment which was actually the more horrid.

The way she touched his corpse, the hitching of her breath, Sven didn't want to see or hear it but he couldn't help his gaze being fixated to her. He needed to see all of it, know her pain because it would be up to him and Ravenna to ensure she survived it. They didn't even get the chance to try, his age-mate's panicked questionss gone unanswered.

All of a sudden, she was still. Too still.

His throat burned with the urge to speak up, to call out to her. His ghostly eyes strained with hopes of spotting movement along her sides, of witnessing breathing, but they saw nothing other than the slight wind playing with her dark fur. He took a tentative step forward, but could move no further. Then Renier appeared, and broke the silence with his song. A mournful refrain he knew all too well.

No, no, no!

His own breathing grew suddenly labored as what felt like everything began to break apart within him. The ventricles of his heart schismed and separated while his ribs shattered, the shards piercing him throughout. His lungs struggled to stay together, to keep sucking in air, but each heaving exhale felt dangerously unstable. Something was clawing to get out, to escape the destruction within him, but he couldn't let it, Sven wouldn't break down completely. Not here and now, not behind closed doors, not ever. He couldn't.

A deep, gasping whine escaped him as his locked legs burned numbly. It was an effort to move at all, but once he did he could not stop. His pacing quickly wore a track through the snow, and when the emotion built too high he would let out a mournful haruuung, alleviating the pressure but only temporarily. He couldn't cry, he wouldn't cry, he wouldn't shout or curse, he would do nothing more than this because there was nothing he could do. He had failed her, the one woman who had never failed him, his idol and beloved matriarch.

His gaze tored from the horrid scene just long enough to take a sweep of his surroundings. Attica had been here, she was the only thing that might make him feel better. He wanted to be close to her, to hold her tight and thank god that he still had her, but with another desperate whine he realized she was gone. Faintly, alarm lifted within his chest, but it quickly died down, suffocated by his grief. He wanted to find her, but he couldn't move past these few paces. It felt as though this rut was the only thing containing him.

There was nothing to do about it. Sven Archer's heart was utterly, irreversibly broken.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 01:25 PM by Sven.)
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
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Enoki Archer
Apologies for holding this thread up

A few more licks were adorned to the boy's soiled cheeks before the magpie's head would lift to watch the fading silhouettes of Sven and Attica disappear behind the curtain of winter bare willows, a heavy sigh escaping the woman's dark lips. For a moment silence envelopes the two wolves left alone for the time being, the woman's thoughts drifting toward those of her ideas about bringing the Ridge back to a state of glory and if such a feat was even remotely possible anymore. Just when the two toned woman thought the pack was finally heading in the right direction another event threatened to unravel all the hard work. Albiet, if Enoki thought today was rough enough as is she had no idea the true horror waiting for them.

Eventually time ticked by and ebony ears immediately swept back to rest against the back of her skull as smoldering amber eyes watched the approach of Elettra and co., no noise other than a pitiful whine leaving the magpie in response to the older woman's approach while the dark queen wasted no time closing the distance between herself and the frozen corpse of her fallen mate. Pain within her heart and an all too familiar prick began to burn the back of Enoki's eyes as she silently watched the widow grieve for what would be for the last time, what would happen next nobody was prepared for.

Just like the others the magpie, too, had been intently watching her sides in bated breath that they would rise once more, but they never did. "El.." She whispered, a wave of nausea washing over her while a single paw took a step forward, dizzily approaching  as if some how moving closer would remind the woman to take another breath. But she didn't there was no movement. The dark lady too still. No, no.. Elettra no..I'm not ready to do this on my own. Her mind pleaded, a whine she had no idea she released filling the air around her. "El.. El! El no!"  Panic and heartache intertwined as one as the Ashrelle repetitively screamed the fallen matriarch's name until the sorrowful howl that erupted from Renier began to fill the air serve as background noise for the gathering. Sobs began to wrack her lithe frame as paws mindlessly closed the small bit of distance between where she stood and the fallen frames of both Angier and Elettra, marred snout reaching down to pry at the dark and silver dusted shoulder that still held the warmth of life to it, tears streaking down her cheeks. "Wake up, El. Please...I need you. El please!" 

Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
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Niles Archer Lyall
Niles > @Renier > Attica > Ravenna > Sven > Enoki. This'll be the last post for Niles - if anyone wants to catch up and I need to post one more time, toss me a PM - so, please feel free to wrap it up and archive when ready~


For all that time they were alone, Niles remained at Enoki's feet, continuing to take what comfort she offered him. Sooner than expected, however, those footsteps came, hurried and frantic. There was Mother. The boy silently and shakily got to his feet, but Elettra did not have eyes for him. She strode past them, directly to where Angier laid, nestled up against the roots of the old willow tree, cold and still.

Niles felt as if he was starting to sink or fade away. In the fog it was much too easy to believe it so. Fresh, hot tears rolled from his eyes and his ears kept folded back. "Mother," he whispered, taking one step towards her. The longer he watched, studying them, the sooner it became apparent what had happened. It had been all too much. She, too, had stopped breathing. Niles' jaw quivered but he couldn't walk any further, to close that distance between them. This was not the Elettra he had wanted to come home to. He had wanted his mother but who he perceived was the Queen of Willow Ridge, his father's mate, she who only cared for the well-being of her life partner. It had become apparent to Niles now that the Old Gods much too pained by their passing to keep them from one another any longer.

Then, Renier came, a stranger for the most part (even if he smelled strangely familiar). His presence on the scene forced Niles to take a step backward and cower. He must have been the Leader in Angier's stead. The Leader's eyes came to regard all who had come; the younger Lyall cast his gaze away. All he could do was listen as that tragic song was lifted to the air for the whole of Southern Eden to hear. If he had been welcomed home, he might have joined in, but something else had caught his attention.

His heart skipped. His sister Ravenna had arrived... but, just like their mother, she also had not even noticed him there. Niles was not like his father at all, not as beloved, not as winsome or as endearing... If Angier had been the sun, then Niles was nothing more than a distant star, burning bright but much too small for anyone to notice. It was clear that he could not compare - perhaps never compare.

More tears damped his cheeks, the cold biting at his wet, black-lined lids. Behind the veil of haze, Sven had left and all Enoki could do was plead for her beloved Leader to return to her. Niles shivered as he fought to keep his head level. They didn't care for him. They weren't the only ones to have lost their loved ones. It tore at his insides like a frantic mouse, little teeth and little claws scratching up all the places where he had once kept Willow Ridge in high esteem. It was time to leave.

As slowly and as quietly as he could, he took one last good look at all them. This is what he would take with him. Whether or not he ever would make it to Torbine had yet to be revealed, but until then, he was going to remove himself from them all. They didn't care. Perhaps, have never cared... Niles had just been a misshapen silhouette, forgotten in the shadow of his five older brothers; and, because he didn't fit, didn't rise up to their expectations, he had been left behind. While Angier had tried, he had ultimately failed his youngest son. He had prepared him for multiple scenarios but not for this; and what small talk he had made about a life without him, Niles had not listened. Niles knew better now; his father had died when he believe that he would live forever.

Grief renewed from the sound of his sister's cries, Niles turned and fled. Opposite of the spot Sven had returned from, Niles fled away from the scene. He didn't care if it had occurred to them to stop him. All that mattered now was that he stayed away. Willow Ridge did not need him - had not even noticed him! - so now he had no means to believe he was of value to them. He would go to the place where he was needed, felt useful and, most importantly, felt loved...

rage, rage against the dying of the light
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 08:13 PM by Niles.)
[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I was thinking about fading out here  unless @Enoki and @Ravenna  @Sven want to add another post. Let me know so I can change this if need be. <3
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

The broken note faded, and he steeled himself for what was going to be need done. Or at least tried...

Enoki's pleas tugged at his ears, and Ravenna's quiet weeping. His golden eyes watched as Attica drifted away. Sven, lingered, distraught. He was caught in the terrible problem of not being able to lend his comfort to him, and the others. Useless. What comfort could be found in this?

Instead his gaze had settled on Ravenna who had laid down beside her parents. He had to fight hard not to lose his grip at the sight. The idea of her an orphan. So little of family left. His mind drifted to Morganna, and how she was off in the tundra with no idea.

It was a shadow of movement that drew his attention. Niles. The silent yearling Enoki had been comforting, now alone, lost more than ever. He did not join his sister, instead he seemed to pick himself up and make his own exit. Forsaken. The boy's name hung in the back of Renier's constricted throat. It was caught, unable to release. As much as the Lyall wanted it to bring him back, he felt it was too late. It was not in his power to right the wrongs. Why he thought of pursuing him, to least tell him where Morganna was, he felt it would likely not matter either. He kept his lips seals, his heart breaking just a little more behind his vacant facade. The cries of the remaining making it harder to hold back the shattering pain of the world around him crashing again.

There was one who was not here. Nicolo. Surely he must have heard his howl. Could he not come to face with this painful occurrence? Be here for those let? A gentle whine edged in his throat to Sven. Faintly sniffing back what moisture plagued his nose and eyes, he placed a gentle lick to Ravenna's crown to let her know he was here. Then bumped his head against Enoki's shoulder for the same reason, before settling to his haunches among them, eyes harshly blinking. Beneath this willow they would put the pair to rest, but he was in no rush to dig another grave. It was all surreal, and hard to take in.

(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 08:33 PM by Renier. Edit Reason: Sven is still on the scene )
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

I thought it might be okay to skip Atty since she ran off? Ravenna be like to Niles, "You will never be Mufasa!"

Had she known her brothers thoughts, she would have spat at him, ripped at his face with both aggressive words and sharp teeth. He had been a selfish, childish fool to have taken their father out into the wilderness far beyond pack boarders during the dead of winter only to bring him back, dead upon their doorstep. Such a lovely way of saying hello after abandoning them so long ago. And now he was upset because everyone was crying over the death of the pack's two greatest leaders and no one was paying attention to HIM!? Though Ravenna's body kept wrapped around her parents, her eyes opened to see Sven pacing a rut into the cold, snowy earth, having seemingly lost all hope of balance and sanity. What would become if an unstable being became further unstable? Enoki's cries for Elettra's was like the screams in the background of a horror movie, Renier's howl the foreboding music, and there was her brother, quickly making his retreat as quickly as he had the first time he had left, sneaking away whilst everyone's back was turned. Ravenna could feel her angry boiling through her, her hair along her spine rising, her teeth grinding and with a deep breath she screamed out to her brother. A snarling, growling sound which did it's best to mimic the power of a lions roar and the battle cry of a viking. She cursed the day Niles had come back here and dared the day he ever came crawling back.

Her silver eyes seemed to train on the area which Niles had taken off to even far after he could no longer be seen. She was broken from this state only when Renier placed a kiss to her head. She tensed, though did not jerk away from his touch until he then moved over to Enoki to try and comfort her. For the time being Ravenna did not even notice that her uncle had not arrived. Since Adele's death she had barely seen him at all which was not surprising seeing how closely he and his age-mate sister were. Still, Elettra was his sister too and as a wolf that had aspired to be their leader should have been there for the pack. When Ravenna came to the realization, this would only prove that her uncle should not rule and instead it should be her cousin, Renier. As of now, the girl's attention was to her fallen parents. She would bury them here under this willow tree where they had spent their first and last moments together but for the time being she would only press against them, absorbing the still warmth of life from their bodies until there was nothing left.