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against illusions and reality — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

My Mae. Any other wolf, she would have bitten their ear off for being so possessive, but not him. Never him, because he was right, she was his, just like he was hers and she’d fight any and every wolf who dared question or try and pull one away from the other. His words tugged at her heart more. He tucked into her and she rested her head over his back, burrowing in slightly as her eyes closed for a few moments. Why did she have to be so god awful with feelings? Why couldn’t she just move on because it’d been two years since she lost them both and lost her father!

Part of her was upset with herself, still being so distraught, so untrusting and unsure all the time, but part of her knew it was just her trying to keep herself safe. He promised that he wouldn’t mind waiting. She felt like her heart was racing a mile a minute when it wasn’t, keeping its steady tempo it’d maintained through the conversation. “Let’s talk to Naira and Triell first…” She whispered softly, her maw being right by one of his ears. If they reacted poorly, or even chased them off, then they would wait until they could promise a stable environment to raise children in…

“Ancestors know I want to Kerb… I just don’t want to make my mother’s mistakes.” She’d seen that dark turn, and that was a path she’d prefer to not travel down.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He appreciated how tender she could be. Kerberos was always convinced that he was as special as the brightest stars when he was with her. She always seemed so closed around others but he swore she bloomed like a flower around him. It made his heart swell.

Kerberos hummed softly at her answer. "Okay, dear. Do you want to be there with me or do you want me to speak to them?" The tawny male wasn't interested in pulling her further out of her comfort zone. He was so proud of her progress but he was scared it might be washed away if he pushed her too far. Kerberos wondered if perhaps he was too bold. Always so willing to throw himself in situations of the unknown. But hadn't she done that every day she was a loner? Nothing was promised that way but he kept his thoughts silent. She didn't need him to be a bother. Especially not now.

"Of course." He licked her fur in a gentle kiss. She had every right to feel like that. "Everything will be figured out with time." He whispered to assure her. Kerberos was content to lay here. They had discussed some important things. Not everything could be fixed or addressed in one night and that was fine by him.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

She needed to stop trying to figure herself out, take a step back, and just be rather than constantly questioning why she did what she did… haunts of a smile tugged at her features - okay dear she drew in a sharp inhale at the question that followed, thinking about it for quite a few seconds before delivering her answer. “Can you speak with them, please?” She was better with tooth and claw than she was words – he was the talker of the two of them and he’d probably do a better job of it. She felt lucky, every moment of her life.

Her eyes closed softly, breathing in his scent as he licked her fur, promising that everything would sort itself out. She knew they would, eventually… just right now things seemed so jumbled, particularly in her head that she wasn’t sure where the path through the woods was going to lead them. “Thank you.” She murmured softly in return, softly nuzzling him before she placed one last lick on the side of his neck. The cold didn’t bother her anymore, she’d grown used to it and it didn’t seem to bite as bad… and so she was content to just lie there until he made the effort to move.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
She asked him to talk to them and all he could do was smile at first. His head soon nodded to show his acceptance of her choice. "Of course." He was the words between them. They both knew that. They both accepted that. She was the true strength of their relationship. Her build strong and muscular, her teeth and claws always ready, a body unwilling to accept defeat. His dearest love was everything he was not and that was perfectly fine by him. The young duo completed each other in ways he didn't think he had ever imagined. He hoped his mother would be proud if she had the chance to ever see them together.

He heard her soft "Thank you". "You never have to thank me, I always know how much you appreciate the things I do." He felt her kiss and a shiver ran down his spine. For someone so rough she had a gentle part to her. Kerberos honestly doubted he would have survived long if he hadn't somehow found that gentle side of the usually elusive female. They were great traveling partners, friends, and lovers. He would never let her go as long as he could.
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

Part of Maera had wondered in the past – why had she been made this way? Why couldn’t she communicate without being blunt or aggressive? Part of her knew that it was her experiences, but then that had raised the question as to why the ancestors had let it happen to her… it was all starting to fit together. It was just a puzzle. It was her trying to fit into life and finding the other piece that was supposed to work in conjunction with her. It was him because of how well they messed, how their strengths covered each other’s weaknesses. She never should have doubted them.

He insisted that she didn’t have to thank him but she did have to disagree, though it was a silent disagreement. He put up with her stubborn ass and still found a place in his heart for her. These doubts were the thoughts that pulled at her head but she never shared. She curled up, and his presence calmed her heart. “Maybe we should head inside… otherwise we’ll be cold in a few hours.” She murmured softly, suggesting because she didn’t want to see him ill, and she rose, her tongue gliding over the top of his head by his ear and giving him a soft nudge before she started to trail back to the den. The cold was biting, but she knew it would pass. It always did.


[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]