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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
{ooc}I am so sorry for holding this up even more >.< Maybe one more for you and we can fade out?

If anything Serach said surprised Jessie, he was unaware of it. She maintained as cool and collected as ever. The same could not be said for him, however, as she responded in kind. It was no surprise to him that Willow Ridge had remained - they were just as, if not more so, established as the Bend. But if the winter's events had taught him anything, it was that stability was a fragile thing, no matter how sound it appeared to be on the outside. He was neutral on the Ridge though, and could only offer them quiet good wishes despite whatever event had caused one of its daughters to leave and trek up north. A mate, by the sound of it, although he didn't care enough to pry.

Where Serach lost his calm demeanor was when Jessie answered his question about Hearthwood. It made sense she would circle back to them last on her long trek, but he was unprepared for the cleared throat and the words that followed. His pale eyes widened, the shock and confusion plain as day on his face. His mouth opened in a silent "oh", and then quietly closed and opened a few more times as he tried to speak. His brain was racing as he tried to remember when the last time he had seen Kisla - landing upon the fall day when she had returned to the Bend and informed them that her mate had passed away. Had she already stepped down at that point? He couldn't remember.

Still mute, he slowly shook his head from side to side. "No I haven't, not since the fall. Before everything happened here. Her mate passed away, but she didn't tell me much about the pack," or the change in leadership. "But leader or not, that shouldn't change anything," he rallied, forcing his voice to carry more confidence than his facial expression portrayed. "Kisla founded the pack and I've no doubt her word carries a lot of weight no matter what rank she carries. I'm sure she would consider lending her pack's aid if the issues with your neighbors become serious." Certainly it was nothing he could guarantee, but he hoped that whoever was at the helm of Hearthwood now would hear them out.

"I can't promise there's a lot, but if you want something from one of our caches and a place to stay the night, you're welcome too. I know it's a long trip back," he offered, switching the subject. As conflicted as he was about Jessie and their history, and all the news she had brought him, he was not so graceless as he used to be. There was more to catch up on too, but he was growing weary and wanted to rest and reflect on everything she had told him.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Serach's reaction to her news about Kisla was warranted. Jessie stood there patient and silent while he processed what she said. Kisla had been an integral part of Swift River and then the Bend before she decided to start anew, by her own right. Jessie was glad that the woman had kept in contact, though when the man finally shook himself out of his stupor, she was surprised by what she heard. The emotion danced within her jade orbs as she took in what Serach said. That wouldn’t have been too long after we left. The thought stung but she kept a level head and continued to listen to the insight the young man had to provide for her. A small smile twitched on the edges of her lips, her words a soft reply, “Anything Kisla has to say would hold more weight to me. She is family.”

They did not delve any further into the topic, the tan man quick to chance the subject. His offer touched her deeply, considering their history, but just as she was about to gratefully accept his proposal, she bit her tongue. Emerald eyes flashed to the oak trees that towered behind the Donata daring her to come in. Her heart ached with want and while she doubted he would permit it; she did not even want to provide herself with the temptation of remaining. Swallowing her acceptance, she dragged her gaze back up to the man’s face, a strained smile on her lips. ”Thank you, but I think it would be best if I stay out here. Perhaps, I will come by again one day. But…after I visit with your father I must be on my way. I’ve been gone from home far too long.” Dipping her head in respect to the man, she backed away, reassured that Serach was not in a state of peril and comforted enough to continue on her journey.

(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2017, 01:53 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]