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broken glass — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Kydnt who has 28 posts.
Balthazar Asurn

Balthazar's beady yellow eyes settled on the grimacing female with a look that could be summed up as one of mixed disdain and amusement. He wasn't afraid of her, or the male for that matter. The male appeared the calmer of the two, but that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. But Balthazar knew they wouldn't hurt him. They couldn't. He was enjoying the sort of immunity that holding one of their own hostage conferred him. If they wanted to know where she was, if they ever wanted to see her again, they couldn't lay a paw on him. The thought only bolstered his already over-inflated confidence. 

"You assume correctly," The brute remarked breezily, at least the cedar wolf was sharp enough to realize that he didn't come here as a good Samaritan, and wanted something in exchange for Oula.  

"It's quite simple, really. For your woman's safe return... How about we make a trade?" He stepped forward, beady yellow eyes narrowing like the cat who'd eaten the canary. "That relative of hers, the Whitebark male." He said succinctly, not for a second considering that the wolf he was looking for wouldn't be here. "Just bring him to me, and I'll bring your woman back, safe and sound." He reasoned.
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2017, 09:04 PM by Balthazar.)
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Was the world so truly filled with wolves like her aunt, like that green-eyed demon, like Azar? Had she truly been so lucky to land in a pack that was lacking in wolves like that? Her mind briefly strayed to Ophelia and Pip purposefully shoved the thought from her mind. Ophelia was young and prone to overreact. She may have the tendency to act cruel, but the mute believed the girl wasn't so at heart. This man, however? His ugliness was plain to see. From the greedy hunger in his eyes to the smug smile. He thought he was winning.

For now, maybe, Pip was forced to relent. Risking Oula's life was not worth the satisfaction of blooding his face until that smug smile could no longer exist there. And then came the offer of a trade. What could this slimy man possibly want that they had and were willing to offer? Pip couldn't begin to guess, but imagined that as soon as Oula's safety was ensured and she was returned back to them, the pack would come after Azar for daring to threaten them. The little sea wolf never had kept a heart of anger or animosity, but it raged in her now. She would happily join a wolf hunt in retribution for her packmate's mistreatment.

As Azar finally revealed what it was he was looking for, Pip's snarl faded and she tilted her head in pure confusion. Whitebark male? Felix? But he was a Macieo. Did she mean another? Someone else related to Oula? For the life of her, Pip could think of no one. Not that the pair spent vast amounts of time conversing... Veho would set him straight and then on his way with the information on Oula's whereabouts. Without a doubt.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Frankly, Veho had zero interest in a hostage exchange, but what choice did he have?  He had no information on where Oula was, or her general state of health.  If he told this man no, who knew what he might do to the Whitebark woman?  He was evidently not a wolf of good spirit or morals.  While the Macieo rarely approved of lying, this was one case he could not thing of another road of action – to risk Oula’s well-being was far worse than to be honest simply for the sake of saying he was a good man.
There was nothing else to say, so Veho moved, shoving his snout into Pip’s shoulder as he urged the omega to turn back, deeper into pack territory.  Silver eyes fell upon the stranger.  “When I have him, I will call to you.  Do not put another paw anywhere near my territory until then.”
And with that, Veho too turned his back on the stranger; dangerous, perhaps, but he was not afraid of a lowlife so desperate to resort to hostage negotiations.  In the meantime, he would have to devise a plan to retrieve Oula, safely – and hopefully one that did not mean the exchange of one life for another.

@Pip @Balthazar -- Ace sucks but finally ended this thread.  x __ x
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]