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now you're a ghost away from here. — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

It became quickly and abundantly clear that @Kjell was a million times a better patient than she ever had been for @Veho. She recalled the many times her Alpha had tried to encourage her to down the same medication only to be thwarted by her sweet, yet stubborn insistence that she didn't need any of it. Only a few times had she actually taken her seed of the poppy for her injuries and even fewer times the yarrow or lavender.

But Kjell hardly put up any resistance at all. Really it took only her silent encouragement and he did as he was bade with barely a complaint. Veho would love him, Pip thought. For sure. He was so good to her. Good to his niece. He'd taken on a mountain lion and came out the other side only missing an eye. How could her Alpha not admire such strength of body and heart? She didn't care that she was obviously and biased by being completely, and hopelessly in love with him. Maybe it was a fool's errand. She would happily be a fool for the rest of her days if he would stay.

His breath tickled at her neck as her dragon exhaled into her fur and her shoulders scrunched up close for only a moment as she braced against the feelings. Gooseflesh prickled and left her fur lifting before it settled down with a quick shake of her head. It was an oddly delightful feeling and she wanted nothing more than to remain there for as long as he would allow.

So when he asked the question, asked simply to stay as they were, Pip smiled and nodded gently. The girl settled her head across his paws and was happy to lay still as his pillow. Perhaps her breathing could encourage him to sleep. On his travels, she wondered if he got much good rest. Regardless, she was here for him now and would see that he did. Sleep would be the best thing for him and would allow healing to take root.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]