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a dog inspires a rabbit — Zephyr Rill 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

They were okay together. But we aren’t together anymore.

Idly, Kyna wondered if the loner meant to imply she wasn’t okay anymore, either – but then again, the older wolf would hardly classify herself as okay right now. She wouldn’t ask. Only hum and nod her head, knowing well that even if she had decided to depart from Oak Tree Bend, living completely on one’s own was not easy, not by any imagination of the word. She didn’t have much to offer the swarthy young girl, but…

“Would you like to come with me? Back to the mountain?” she asked, smile dancing across her eyes. It wasn’t a great deal, but she had to figure that two wolves would certainly have better luck than one. “I have a place where I stay. It’s just me, right now, though I’m trying to get my friend to come live up there, too. I…I suppose it just feels right, to me. But it’s quiet, all alone, and I certainly wouldn’t mind having a friend up there. Would make hunting easier, too.” She trailed off, wondering idly if she was coming on too hard. If Iyes wasn’t interested, she supposed she knew a few packs to point her towards. She could do that, at least.

Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
With one question Kyna properly stunned Iyes, the yearling freezing momentarily as she unpacked the sentence. Would you like to come with me? Her orange eyes were the only part of her that moved, flickering up toward Kyna's matching gaze and observing the genuine friendliness that shone in their depths. She seemed to really mean it - to really suggest Iyes could have a place to stay- to have a friend. 

There had been a few vague propositions in the past, wolves she'd encountered would ask her if she wanted to join a pack, that she could feel free to swing by the borders and see what the leaders made of her. These offers had always failed to appeal to the shadowy yearling, often doing just the opposite instead. They asked her to roll up to a position where she was horribly inferior and present herself for judgement. They treated it as if it were a favor to her.

But Kyna's offer was one of companionship - one which she'd given freely without asking anything of her at all. In the pit of her stomach sat a heavy feeling that it was an offer she didn't deserve. But her heart strained with the desire to agree, each beat pumping the word toward her tongue until it was practically knocking against the backs of her teeth. She didn't hold back for long, fearful that if the answer waited the offer might disappear. "Yes, definitely. I-if you really mean it. I'd like that." 

It was her turn to worry that she'd come off too strong - her tail waved a low but steady beat, trying to keep her enthusiasm from radiating off of her black pelt like an atom bomb. But she couldn't help a smile that slowly spread across her muzzle, or the hopeful light that shone in her bright eyes. She flexed her shoulders, feeling her muscles pull over her ribs. The bruise was quieting, no longer paining her greatly when she moved. Her body was buzzing with an electric excitement instead. "We could go now, if you'd like?" She stood, ready to follow Kyna to this mountain.

(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2017, 11:12 PM by Iyes.)