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If we may, your highnesses — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! Sorry I took so long.  Midterms.


Word Count: 232

Tagg waited with bated breath, wishing he could reach out to Moon to comfort not only himself, but her as well.  Even so, he stayed still.  When Namid began to speak, he felt as if a pit was forming in his stomach.  But how could he be disappointed? It wasn’t their place anyway.

Then she finished her thought.  The stone in his gut turned into a bubble and he feared it might pop and kill them all.  It was halted by a twinge of apprehension, however. Vespertio and Namid aren’t breeding this season?  He felt even more terrible for their timing, and half considered backing out and trying again another year.  Who were they to bear pups when their alphas wouldn’t be? But he had more than just himself to think of now, and he knew he and Moon wanted this.

He waited for Vespertio’s verdict before speaking.

When this alpha too gave his blessing, the scarred man couldn’t help the smile that split his maw.  He moved at the same time as his mate to lick at the ruling pair’s chins in submission.  “Thank you.” Was all he could gasp, Moon having said it all. He too rolled onto his back to show his belly, once again positioning his body so his blind side was facing the alphas.  It was the most he could do to show his trust and complete submission to them.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Consider this a fade from Namid c:

I have loved the stars too fondly

She watched her husband come to the same verdict as herself and she turned to watch the two, a bit of confusion held in both of their eyes but also a light of joy. She was happy for them, truly, but she also felt a bit of sadness within her, Her joy was in her children, but the toll it had taken on her and Vespertio to lose Aleister, then lose child during birth, and finally have Ismena decide to venture off on her own had been too much. It would be good for them to take a break for this year, to recover for themselves and the good of the pack. She had high hopes for the next year, but if they were stuck in their own grief they could never successfully raise another litter. It wouldn’t be fair to them.

The queen was appeased slightly by their submission, lowering her head to grasp their jaws in her own and issuing a soft tug but a firm growl. She was in charge and they had been given a pardon for their acts this year, but they certainly shouldn’t expect it to be upheld every year. This was, perhaps, a one time chance for the duo. She hoped they did it correctly.

To be fearful of the night
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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Verdict granted, Vespertio waited silently for the response of his subordinates. As expected they offered their gratitude both verbally and physically, the patriarch's head tipping skyward slightly while the underneath of his chin was adorned with licks of submissive appreciation before both Moonshadow and Tagg moved away to offer their bellies in a sign of true submission. Despite feeling uncertain about this unexpected conversation at first, the tawny male couldn't help but feel at least slightly relieved that although Namid and himself wouldn't bring new life to the Cove come spring, there still would be pups running about. That thought alone brought a warm smile to his lips, but it was short lived.

Reaching down, jaws parted to capture Tagg's muzzle in a firm grip accompanied with a growl of his own while Namid did similar to Moonshadow that portrayed Vespertio's dominance over him and to serve as a reminder who was in charge. This was a blessing not to be taken lightly, nor expected to have granted again in the future to come as was mentioned earlier. Content the pair had received the message his jaws parted from around the other man's snout and gave a small nod before turning to bump the top of his muzzle against Namid's cheek, venturing off toward the next task. Situation handled here, more pressing matters required his attention.

Vesper Exit.