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I am inimitable, I am an original — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

well i finally found what i'm a lookin' for

Plans change, he said so flippantly, and something dark glinted within the Archer's eyes briefly before vanishing. Her aspirations involving her birth pack hadn't been so fickle, and while he still didn't fully understand what all had happened despite the details he'd gleaned from both the Bend's current leadership and Sahalie's father, he knew that his friend had been more or less torn from her home and apparently, her dreams too.

If it were him, he would have resolved to take back the pack. The bubbly girl certainly wasn't the same wolf Sven was, but he had to wonder what was keeping her from doing just that. Instead, she wanted to start from the ground up, from nothing, and she wanted to do it with this boy here. He wouldn't admonish Sahalie for her dreaming, but he had to wonder if she wasn't settling for less than she had originally wanted.

"I never had trouble keeping up," he countered, the words light upon his tongue despite the implications behind them. Really, that awkward talk of love and the whole disappearing act were the only times she'd thrown him for a loop. The rest of it, the way she felt and the hopes she'd had, they'd always reverberated deeply within him. As far as he was concerned, Alastor was wrong; she wasn't so capricious. Even those two instances, both he felt strongly had been caused by outside influences rather than being of her own initiative.

"Everything that happened with Spieden must have really shaken her up."

To her core.

but if they get their chance they'll end it for sure
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
I am not falling behind or running late

A brief flicker of something dark passed over those colorless eyes and suddenly his curiosity was peaked about the other boy. What had caused that reaction, what had caused his mask to slip for even that brief second? And...why did he care so much? He realized that this wasn't him, this need for manipulation and the need to have the upper hand. But he'd learned a long time ago that when it came to Sahalie all bets seemed to be off with him and what seemed to be normal was not.

“I never had trouble keeping up,” Sven said, getting in his first real counter and it flew over Kino’s head. With a shrug of his shoulders he replied “Neither have I. Can’t imagine her asking me to lead with her if I couldn’t.”Me, not you.

The next comment showed that he might have had at least some knowledge of what had transpired between the Bend and Hal but it still felt like he was fishing for answers that he wasn’t willing to ask directly. And, if he didn’t ask directly then the boy wouldn’t give out unnecessary answers. “Yeah, but she’s stronger than that. Everything got settled and now she’s looking to the future.” He knew that Sven hadn’t seen Hal in several months and she’d changed quite a bit since his return to her side. She wasn’t the same wolf that the pale Archer had known before. Irt seemed that he didn’t understand a vital part of Sahalie Tainn; she had wanted to lead the Bend at one point, but then she’d realized that in the end all she’d wanted to do was lead something that she could call her own. Whether it had been the Bend or not it hadn’t mattered, not once she’d realized that there were more options than just the place she’d grown up in.

I'm not standing still, I'm lying in wait
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2017, 03:05 AM by Kino.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

well i finally found what i'm a lookin' for

Another pang of jealousy attempted to stab into his heart as Alastor made it clear, he'd been specifically asked by Sahalie to lead at her side. Yet the logical portion of his mind, the kind that cared more deeply for her feelings than his own, rose up to guard him. Once more, Sven reminded himself that he'd already made his loyalties clear to Sahalie. That he would help her as much as he could but could never be just hers. It wasn't that, though-- not really a question of why not me? but rather the implications of what having another man at her side would mean.

He didn't like the thought of her belonging to another wolf, of being intimate with them, and he certainly did not like this boy he was speaking to now. Perhaps there was nothing to it, as Sven couldn't quite place it. Yet just because he couldn't put his paw on it didn't mean it didn't feel valid to him. He didn't like the way this Alastor talked, his mannerisms nor the words he chose, and he had to wonder if her closeness to this boy wasn't simple born of convenience. With Sven unwilling to leave the Ridge, truly what other option did she have?

How much different would things be if he too had lived in the Bend with her?

"Well," a few teeth poked past his black lips here and there as they curled upward in a smile that also glinted within his pale eyes. Whatever the future held for any of them, there was one thing that was certain.

"Tell her I wish her the best," was the only good bye Alastor would receive as the boy turned to take his leave.

So long as she was happy, fulfilled, she didn't have to ever return to him.

but if they get their chance they'll end it for sure
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
He felt like they were getting nowhere, but at the same time he felt like he was on the upper hand. Again he made to think to himself that Hal would have been disappointed by this, that she would have chewed him a new ass. And he had to think about everything that she had said he'd done while he had been absent. He bit his cheek, wanting to punch himself for the thing he knew he needed to say next.

As the pale boy turned to walk away he almost let him go but he let out a small sigh. “Wait,” he called, stepping forward as the other turned around. “I...should probably say thank you. For watching Hal that is,” he said with a small nod. “I had to go look for my sister,” he added, not sure why he felt he needed to justify himself Sven. But he couldn't let him think he'd just left. He'd had a reason, though it had taken him longer than he'd thought to fulfill.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

well i finally found what i'm a lookin' for

Wait, Alastor told him, and Sven's ears leaned back as the only signal of his displeasure. There was nothing more he wanted from this conversation, but it seemed it wasn't his quite his choice. Maybe he could pass it off as not having heard...

Regardless, his steps halted and his head turned, looking over his off-white shoulder at the equally colorless Leigh. Gratitude certainly wasn't what he expected to receive, and the slightest of frowns curved the very tips of his lips at the other's choice of words. Watching Sahalie? He hadn't. They weren't her keepers, she didn't need either of them. That was one of the things that made her so wonderful; she wasn't a parasite like so many others he'd known, and she was so much stronger than she knew.

But he supposed he understood what Alastor was getting at. Then came his excuse, and Sven still didn't much care about it anymore than he had when Halie had given it to him.

"Don't leave her again," was all the warning he would give before he turned away again, and continued to make his exit.

but if they get their chance they'll end it for sure
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2017, 04:23 AM by Sven.)
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

“Don’t leave her again,” was all he got from the other boy and he could hear the promise as much as the warning in his voice. But that wasn’t something that needed to be worried about, he wasn’t ever going to make that decision again. He’d learned his lesson, and now he even knew where the remnants of his family were. He even had the prospect of having one of them join him in their new life. Things were looking up, and watching Sven walk away he finally had a feeling to push for what he wanted. To do what Draven had told him to; fight for what he wanted. Kino had never fought for what he wanted, he’d always ran away from the hard things. But he’d only ever wanted one thing in his life more than he wanted Sahalie Tainn to love him back and that thing was for his mother to be alive. Now he had come to terms with her death by coming together with his siblings so he had only one thing to fight for. Even if it took years, he could wait. He would wait as long as it took for those warm eyes to look on him with affection.

“I won’t,” he said, then turned and made his own way.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume