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live long enough to become the villain. — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Only watching, then will move on unless stopped

Patrols seemed endless and the guardian in training lost track of time most days. Though,  Drestig and Askan always urged for all of them to rotate to keep them from all becoming exhausted, she refused to stop if she felt like she could keep going. Percy needed to be found and if they could keep patrolling and searching further outside the borders for any sign of her, the faster she could possibly be found. As usual, the Snow woman was patrolling the borders towards the south-eastern borders when she heard the call.

It wasn't for her, though she had a mild interest when she heard it was the new male, Reyes calling for Icicle. At first, she was going to keep to herself until her curiosity got the best of her. Trotting slowly towards the call, ears perked forward as shouts surged through the fields. She knew instantly who it was coming from and when her mismatched eyes finally caught sight of the group, she felt a unease crawl into her stomach.

The beta female got in earshot just in time to her Drestig start yelling. Keeping her distance, she watched from afar and couldn't believe this would be going on at such a time. Who was this Reyes already trying to climb the ladder? Though she wasn't particularly close to Icicle, she still respected that he's been here since the foundation of the Rye. And this new guy hasn't even been here for a month. Huffing loudly to herself, she continued to watch as Drestig led Reyes away before she too turned away and continued on.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 08:54 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang
A startled yelp escaped the Albino as something crashed into him from the side, before he could even stand, Askan was there, crouching and snarling at them both. Drestig appeared soon after, before he could even respond tone one question, more were asked. Slowly, Icicle pulled himself up, shaking the snow from his pelt, keeping his tail lowered, he listened to the quick exchange of words. It had all become a blur for the colorless wolf, Reyes charging him, biting him, blood, tumbling through the snow, his pink eyes fell onto their leader as he was dismissed.

Icicle didn’t say anything in response to it, unsure how to feel about it, he had seen the challenge as a chance to prove not only to himself, but to his packmates that he could hold his own, hunting usually alone and filling the caches, it didn't seem like he did much in the open, but this had been the one shot to prove differently...and it backfired tremendously. Pink eyes drifted from Drestig, to Askan and then to Reyes, he bit his tongue, saying nothing and trekking off toward the trees, It seemed that they weren’t wanting to speak with him for now, so he sought out the comforts of solitude.

This is icicle's exit unless anyone stops him.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Only interaction with @Reyes here, others are expected to be out of ear shot/exited. - We wont be waiting for other's to post between Drest and Rey.

He didn't wait to see any reactions, expecting his orders to be followed, but instantly started off out into the fields, one ear flicking back to make sure Reyes was following. For a while he kept quiet, just walking briskly, to irate to say anything without yelling. His gaze remained straight ahead, tail curved high and rigid above his back, teeth clenched. He was seething. Of course, with all these new recruits, he couldn't have expected the ranks to remain idyllic, ambition festered everywhere and challenges was a natural part of pack life. But he had hoped his members would be bright, and thoughtful, enough to keep from actually, physically tearing into each other; Not to mention pick a proper time! Really that was the part that angered him the most. Phoenix was missing, likely hurt and definitely lost, all their time and resources should be devoted to finding her, not squabbling over rank; There'll be plenty of time to do that once spring comes around!

When they had put a good distance between themselves and the rest of the group, Drestig breathed in deeply, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment and exhaling through his nose. "Come up here where I can see you!" He ordered, voice sharp, as he slowed his pace to let the younger wolf catch up and fall in step by his side. Once their eyes were aligned, the king turned his head slightly, fixing his subordinate with a steely glare before looking back ahead, continuing to move at a brisk pace. "Now, you mind telling me what the hell you were thinking?" His voice was low, but filled with fire, teeth visible at all times, even when he broke off, glancing sideways at the brute; "We all have plenty of more important things to do without having to break up scuffles within the pack!" The graying jaw was tightly set, ember eyes smoldering with clear anger. On the inside he was wondering if he'd made a mistake in accepting the burly wolf into the pack. Had he been the one to draw blood in this idiotic fight, Drestig wouldn't have hesitated to kick him out. Now, he'd give him a chance to explain himself.

Word Count: 370

Thoughts. ”Speech”

Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Dios mio, this was almost, almost as bad as being scolded by his mother. But instead of using the ‘I’m so disappointed in you, son’ sort of line, the alpha simply allowed the newcomer to steep in his worry. It was not so farfetched to think that Drestig might throw him out now; sure, he’d brought back food to the pack a few times since he’d been taken in, but that was hardly anything novel. And sure, being on his own wasn’t terribly frightening, not for a wolf who’d spent his whole adult life on his own, but it did occur to him that he might never see Askan again (that fucking asshole) if he were banished from Wild Rye Fields so shortly after he’d been let in.

And he hadn’t even been the one to draw blood!

Reyes broke into a jog only briefly, the hitch in his stride evident as he trotted up to the alpha’s side. He fell in line half a step behind, tail down, staring straight ahead – very much not looking at the enraged leader. Father. Father. Fucking hell, he was such an idiot to think he could get this taken care of quickly, and without much fanfare. He was an idiot to think this could work, pack life. To listen to Askan and—

He cut off the whirlwind before it could spiral and further south. His ears laid firmly against his skull. “Wasn’t thinking. Sir.” Clearly. He couldn’t think of a good reason – not one that didn’t involve throwing his friend under a stampeding buffalo, anyways. “I thought—“ No, shit-- That just sounded like a stupid excuse. He was shit at this pack business. “Won’t do it again. Not like this. Keep focused right now.”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

At least he seemed suitably contrite, even if his answers were very unfulfilling. Drestig sighed loudly, frustration as clear in his voice as every fiber of his body. All of this nonsense was such a waste of energy! Had he been blind, thinking his subordinates better than this? Or was he simply too caught up in his own woes to face the facts of life? No..! His daughter was gone, the pup of Wild Rye Fields was lost and they should all be out looking for her. What was the purpose of a pack if not to raise its pups? If they couldn't even do that, then his whole mission had failed. The elder man growled lowly, shaking his head to clear the pressure of regretful thoughts. One misstep would not topple them, he wouldn't let it! And this won't happen again!

Reyes was promising as much, despite the convoluted nature of his statements. He'd made a mistake, but it wasn't one bad enough to throw him out over, not as long as he understood the error in it. Halting, Drestig bended back his head, taking a deep breath as he looked up at the clear sky, his breath forming a visible, grayish mist against its background when he breathed back out. Then he turned towards the younger male, expression still serious, but more composed. "Don't call me 'sir'," he corrected, gruffly, then continued in a softer voice: "It makes me sound even older than I already am." The ghost of a smile played around his mouth, most of his anger having evaporated just like the cloud of his breath. He was still far from happy with the brute's actions, but snarling and snapping rarely solved anything, in his experience. Instead he fixed Reyes with a stern look, voice serious, but measured as he said: "Look, I don't fault your ambition, rising the ranks is no bad goal for any pack wolf. But you gotta realize that brute force can't  solve everything! Rank needs to be earned, if you just fight your way to it, everyone you beat will end up resenting you." This was not a lesson the daring Avalon had ever thought he would be parting onto anyone, but it felt right to guide the younger man, as he had the others under his care for all of his adult life.

Sighing again, though this time much lighter and without the added sound, Drestig turned his gaze back out over the fields, their golden glory now hidden under the glistening snow. He spoke in a more thoughtful voice, brows furrowing slightly with the words: "You wanna be third or second, or even leader one day? Fine. But don't rush it, take your time. Prove to everyone that you deserve it, that you are capable, not just through beating them up, but helping them, sparring with them, hunting with them, getting to know them! Winning trust might seem harder at first than winning a dominance match, but in the end you'll find yourself much more secure in your post, and much less lonely." A soft smile curved the leader's lips as he looked back over at his subordinate, the domineering manner now mostly gone; "So prove your strength, in more than just force, to them and to me. And when you fight, fight fair." His head tilted ever so slightly as he watched and waited, hoping his less stern approach had managed to get through to the chap. But just in case, he bared his teeth in a wolfish grin, adding wickedly: "Or I won't hesitate to show you who really has the power here."

Word Count: 606

Thoughts. ”Speech”

Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Well you are old, abuelo, Reyes thought bitterly. At least his mother had taught him how to hold his tongue. So he did just that, allowing the alpha his piece. This is part of what he signed up for when he asked to join a pack though, wasn’t it? This was the price he paid to see more of his friend – more of Askan – even if that stupid jerk was more than half of the reason he was in this mess in the first place. If he didn’t-- If he didn’t—

Askan was fuckin’ lucky, is what he was.

The wolf huffed, but he bobbed his head. He was proud, not stupid, damnit. And it made no sense for Drestig to be giving him this advice. They weren’t related. He had no reason not to want Icicle as a gamma (supposedly). What good was this supposed to do the man? That he might just actually be offering knowledge because – what, that they were pack members? – never crossed his mind, far too used to the loner’s mode of operation. It occurred to him, after a lengthy silence, that he was probably expected to say something after that little speech. The man cleared his throat, tipping his head just enough to eye the alpha male. “Entiendo,” he muttered, tail twitching once at the base. “I’ll work on it.”

Maybe. Once he gave it a little thought.

Could fade here, unless @Drestig has more to say?
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

He had a vested interest in every member of his pack, to keep the group well functioning sure, but also because it mattered to him that each individual was happy. He thought he'd explained as much when he accepted Reyes into his fold, but perhaps it would take several talks like this one before it finally registered. He couldn't be so hard on the lad, the lone life was tough. Still, he would have appreciated a little more of a reaction to his words, if not thanks then at least a promise that he would mull it all over. It would seem that his newest member wasn't exactly the talkative sort though; Guess we'd have to get one sooner or later…

The king quirked a brow at the meek response, pausing in his tracks. He looked intently at the younger male for several breaths of silence, waiting to see if he would say any more. When it was clear he wouldn't, Drestig spoke crisply: "Good." He voiced the word slowly, swishing his tail behind his hips as he continued: "I'll watch that you do." If the boy wasn't interested in friendly advice, then so be it, he could be the harsh leader if need be. "Now get on out of here, I'm sure Askan's eager to give you some more pieces of mind!" He smiled thinly, motioning with his head to dismiss the brute. Yes, he would keep an eye on Reyes, and hopefully he would show some more thought in the future; Now for Icicle! That would be an entirely different conversation, and the alpha was eager to get it done with as well, spinning on his heels to head back and seek the out the pale lad; Then maybe we can get back to what is actually important!

Word Count: 300

Thoughts. ”Speech”
