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We are giants — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Yeah, thought so.

Reyes didn’t bother to hide his smug grin, allowing the beta a moment to decide where and what he wanted to eat before he looked over the prize himself. There was a certain benefit to rank, after all, that’s why wolfs would scrap over it. (That’s why he couldn’t let Icicle linger in the delta position above him for much longer. Seemed a bit crocodilian of his own personal values, of surviving as a loner for so long, to let a freeloader lord over him like that.)

But the scent of a fresh kill was too mouth-watering to allow him to linger in thought for too long, and as soon as he was sure of the claim Askan staked, Reyes moved in beside him, tearing into flesh with a happy noise. They went on eating in relative silence until they were full, tracking backwards and shaking himself off. He was about to lean in and start the messy work of tearing a limb free to return to the pack when Askan started up again. Reyes lifted an ear, brow quirking as his tongue flashed out, and again, but—


Before he could argue, the swarthy male swooped in and began to lap at his muzzle, cleaning the messy residue without a word otherwise. The man blinked owlishly, the gears in his mind grinding to a halt as his face began to heat – clearly because Askan thought him not capable of taking care of himself – before impulse dragged him forward, and his own tongue poked out, moving to opposing sides as he started to clean Askan’s muzzle, as well. “Pain in my ass. You know we’re just gonna get messy again, right? We can’t linger too long if we wanna get back before dark.”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan was just trying to be helpful. Not to mention it'd would have been an endless source of frustration for him, to see a problem in front of him and not do anything about it. So there, he fixed it. As in he could no longer taste the coppery tang of blood upon his snout, but even so he kept licking anyway. Why? Well because... He struggled to find a reason to stop. He could think of a couple of reasons as to why he should continue. For example Reyes hadn't told him to stop, and that it actually felt quiet nice. But when it came to the other end of the spectrum he kept coming up empty

It seemed as though Reyes had plans of his own, or that perhaps Askan face was also a mess, as the delta soon began lapping away at his snout. If it had been anyone else, Askan would have no doubt pulled away in disgust and exclaimed that he could do it himself. But this was Reyes, he was different-not that Askan could put into words how- so it seemed only natural. Not to mention that he'd be a hypocrite if he kicked up a fuss whilst he was doing the very same thing to Reyes. So with that in mind, he simply allowed Reyes to have his way. Or at least that was until he started bitching.

Askan frowned at the words that passed from Reyes' lips. What had he done wrong now to warrant that? Hmph. Rolling his eyes, the Selwyn withdrew and glanced down at the deer. He supposed Reyes had a point, but it had been a nice gesture nonetheless, right? Right? Ah well, there was no use on lingering on it, not when there were more pressing matters to deal with.

"I know." Askan told him, a hint of impatience lingering in his voice. He wasn't an invalid. "Grab you leg and I'll take mine." He suggested, stepping around so he had the room to yank the leg from its socket.

With a mighty heave flesh and muscles were torn, and the leg was ripped free from the thigh. Stepping back, Askan dropped it to the floor so he could get a better grip of it for the long journey back. If they hurried they'd make it back by nightfall, then everyone could have their fill in the morning. A moment later, Askan watched Reyes do the same. There, two deer legs ready for the journey back.

"Cuhm awn thun." Askan mutter, his voice muffled by the slap of meat between his teeth.

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2017, 07:14 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It seemed a little weird, to be told to grab a leg, but he supposed there was no other way to word it, was there? Reyes quirked a brow but said nothing, slowly growing immune to the curt tone that seemed to follow the beta everywhere. Without much room to work, he allowed the slightly younger male to extract his offering for the pack first. As soon as he was clear, the swarthy male swooped in, wrapping his teeth around the widest point and sinking in. Once he had a good grip, Reyes begin to twist and tug, until his joint too broke free, sending him backwards a few steps with the momentum.

Turning, he shuffled to get a better grip and raised a brow. Don’t talk with your mouth full, he attempted to communicate telepathically, but alas. Askan was already turning about, heading for the slopes they’d scaled to get here. At least returning to Wild Rye Fields would be much quicker, and much less difficult to traverse, he supposed. And he had a full belly. And, having left some meat behind, the lynx was likely to leave them alone, wasn’t it? All in all, he reckoned they could all the hunt a success.


Hunting 3/3.
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]