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Long May She Reign [M] — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

Nicolo did not miss the soft whimper that escaped her lips but he concentrated on her eyes, wanting to know how she felt. He did not feel a lack of confidence this time when she looked away from him, he knew what his words meant to her. Any uncertainity she may have had faded away once she realized they were back to their playful spirits again and he was ever as pleased when she launched himself at him, offering a playful tug of his scruff. Huffing softly, he turned towards her, dark yellow orbs following her movements closely. When she turned to look over at him, he saw everything he ever wanted. While her lips sang a different song, her eyes spoke of soft promises.

Tilting his head, eyes widening slightly when her words finally made it to his ears. Grinning at her, his tenor voice responded darkly, "Gladly." He then made his way towards her, ready to catch and claim her as his own.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
