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i fell in love again — Hidden Tree 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
March 1, Afternoon, Overcast, 5 ° F, -15 ° C

He needed a break from everything. The scent that had started to fill the air was too much and he should have seen it coming. The changes in moods and routines. He knew exactly what all of this meant. Kerberos and @Maera had discussed it but now that the season was actually upon them he was terrified. He could have easily escaped down to Willow Ridge, hid in the comfort of Sven. It likely wouldn't have made anything better, though. Kerberos knew the smell would be waiting anywhere he went.

He went to the only place he thought there would be peace. Their old den. A den with more history than Kerb would ever be aware of. He hadn't been in some time and now was as good of a time as any. He crept through the woods with a sure step. The dark tawny male knew the quickest way there. Once he was in the den he could sleep for just a bit, think everything over.

Keberos tossed a glance over his shoulder. Something in him didn't feel right. Maybe he should go back. Make sure everything was alright. A low whine escaped from his chest into the air. It was cloudy and the air was cold. He would be much more comfortable here for a bit.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

The first time her scent had started to change to reflect its current state, Maera had been alone. She’d been tucked away; ready to fight anyone who dared come close to her… it’d worked pretty well but no more. Her mood was changing, not by much but the change was still present. She seemed a little more on edge, like she was bracing herself for what was going to come next. Still, nothing could brace her for this moment, tucked away and trying to distract herself from the hormones running rampant around already. She wish she’d had more time before it settled in.

No matter where she went, she couldn’t get away from it because it was her just like she couldn’t get away from the way her thoughts. She wasn’t sure if she was just twitterpated by a mix of the season and her Kerberos, or if it was something else ruffling her fur and driving her all but insane. It was only the start, and her only hope is that it would ease if she could find him. That was another issue entirely – apart from traces of his scent, she didn’t know where he was, leaving her to try and track his scattered paths down to one very familiar location.

They’d spent many nights in there… their den hidden in the depths of roots that they reopened from their very paws months ago. “Kerb?” Her voice softly cooed, hints of nervousness scattered into her tone. Was everything alright? Was he just visiting or was something wrong? She'd sought him out and now she worried, and she wasn't entirely sure why. The joys of being a woman. The sarcastic thought rolled across her mind but didn't transfer to her features.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

She was here. It would have never taken him long to figure it out even if she hadn't spoken out his nickname. Small fragments of nervousness placed in that little name. Had he done something wrong? If he had he couldn't think what it was. He couldn't really think at all. She had brought that scent with her. His tongue felt numb and his brain felt as though it was turning to mud. What was he supposed to do?

"Mae." He whispered softly while looking her over. She was safe and she was here. Here seemed too close, though. The way she smelt filled his nose in ways he felt were dangerous. He didn't want to share this feeling. He didn't want to share her.

He took a careful step forward and shot her a look to make sure that was okay. The tawny second was unsure of how she felt right now. Kerberos didn't want to cross any lines with her and risk having his head bit off. If he could just get a little closer, though. Enough to see her figure a bit better. That would be enough for him. He could admire her from a distance before sleeping away the afternoon in the old den. She could go on her way anytime she'd please. He knew better than to tie her down when she was acting so feral.

Then he felt a bubble of worry in his chest. What if someone else was brought in by her scent? What if Zerxes got a hold of her? He'd never forgive himself. Without even realizing it he had lowered his stance into a more submissive position. He wanted her comforting touch but he was unsure if he was ready for the consequences. Alas, he was also unsure if she wanted his comforting touch.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

A relieved sigh slowly released itself when she heard him call out in return, nothing more than a whisper but an assurance he was there. Small amounts of tension started to visibly fade from her muscles when she caught sight of him, though it was still partially obscured, his slightly submissive position and his hesitance, as if asking for her permission to get closer. She felt like her heart was racing, and it felt like it was going to start beating out of her chest, taking a paw step forward, her tail wagging cautiously from side to side though she held absolutely no opposition to his presence or closeness… she just, well, she wasn’t really sure how this was supposed to go. It wasn’t exactly something her parents had taught her, nor something she could learn by herself.

“Please.” The plea softly slipped off her maw, hoping it was clear enough yet short enough for her to control exactly how it came off an how she sounded. She was craving his presence and his touch… and only him. Ancestors help anyone else who got close to her. Everything she felt was both clouded and intensified tenfold by the changes in her body. That included her love for him, the crave for his presence that had become a necessity of life like breathing or eating… he was just now seeing it in raw form when other times she forced herself to keep a handle on it as to not be smothering or overprotective over what was hers.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

Oh how that one little plea made his face grow warm. He raised himself up partially to seem stronger for her. He watched as her tail wagged behind her form. It caused that scent to spread through the air. Did she know what she was doing? How she managed to make his head spin until he thought he was gonna fall? He knew he couldn't back down, though. She needed him now more than anything.

He carefully moved closer to her, his steps well placed to not trip or lose balance. Once he was close enough to initiate contact he went for it. The dark tawny male reached out his nose to try and touch her cheek. He wanted to make sure she was going to be okay. Just like many, he had not been told the exact specifics of how this season worked but he had been told that it would all come naturally. That something instinctual would be his guide. What he had been taught from his mother and adoptive father was to be polite and take the cues your partner gave.

Keberos would do just that. His pale yellow eyes watched his Mae carefully. For the night he would play the role of a pawn and she would be a queen just like she always had been.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

Trust. It was a funnily fickle concept to understand at times, and one she’d always seemed to struggle with. Yet, in this moment, it was the only thing she was focusing on. She was focusing on her trust in him because her normally cold and distant demeanor decided to let him in and thaw the bits of ice she’d allowed herself to collect inside of her after the constant battering of imagined betrayals befallen against her by her family. His nose grazed against her cheek and it felt like her skin was on fire, warm to the touch as her eyes closed softly. She didn’t react at first, taking a few moments to process it and think about it before she took that step closer, her tongue running up his cheek before she softly nuzzled at his neck.

She needed him, and drawing it out was somewhat painful despite knowing why he did it. He was being polite – she imagined this was just as new to him as it was for her. Her heart felt like it was about to beat violently out of her chest, so much she was certain he could feel it whenever her fur made contact with his. Thump. Thump. Thump. Her life had essentially boiled down to this moment.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He was allowed to touch her cheek and in the moment he knew everything was okay. The time was now despite how much he didn't wanna move away from her face in the fur of his neck. He nipped her ear gently before whispering to her. "I love you, Maera. Forever and always." He stayed there by her side before he knew it was now or never. The rest of the afternoon and perhaps evening would be for their love and nothing else.


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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health