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[M] City of Stars — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
RE: The Lore experiences a bout of unseasonably warm weather. - Private for @Miccah

As evening settled over the Woodlands, an icy breeze rolled in, cooling the air that had otherwise been uncharacteristically warm for the season. Despite the nipping at her nose, Aideen Athesila welcomed the draft. She'd been feeling hot and bothered all day, too restless and irritable to stay put within the pack. Instead she'd gone hunting for fresh herbs, thinking the sudden change in temperature over the past days might have spurred on some spring shoots. Making rounds to her usual spots proved fruitless though, and just left her even more frustrated.

Stuffy and panting, she'd turned her nose home, but as she neared the borders the thought of running into her pack mates became unbearable. The last thing she wanted right now was idle chit-chat, she just wanted to be alone. So now she found herself in the Glade, having veered off from her initial course. Sitting down in the half melted snow, she sighed deeply and closed her eyes, trying to shake the tenseness from her body. Of course, she could hardly be surprised, spring was in the air and that meant hormones raging wild within all living creatures; I just wish they'd rage a little quieter…

The cool air brushed over her shoulders, sending a light shiver down her spine; Delighting after the warm day. Humming softly, the petite wolfess tilted her head op to let the breeze caress her neck as well, causing another, pleasant shiver. When she opened her eyes again, a surprised smile even snuck onto her lips. The winds had blown the scattered clouds away, and above her - in the open space of the, still mostly naked, canopy – a sea of starts were blinking into existence, scattered across the sky in bursts of light. At least the sweltering day was changing into a beautiful night.

Word count: 303

Thoughts ”Speech”
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2017, 12:18 AM by Aideen.)
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Every day he breathed better. Every day, the former king felt stronger. He knew Aideen didn't want him to push himself as hard as he wished just yet, but the man was not a man that could keep still for long. So he kept himself busy, walking along the borders and regaining his strength, yet easy enough to appease the worries of his wife. Nighttime was nearing, and as he was deciding whether to leave the borders and head back to the communal den, a familiar scent drifted in the night breeze. His wife had left their lands a few minutes prior, and as he breathed in her familiar perfume once again, there was a new fragrance to it. Spring had arrived and with it, breeding season. He followed her, his steps silent as she made her way farther from their home while his blue gaze steadily roamed their surroundings. When she stopped, he waited for a few beats as he watched her look at the stars and then headed towards her.

He brushed a gentle kiss atop her crown and lingered there for a few moments before pulling away. "Thank you," he rumbled. I love you.

(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2017, 01:23 AM by Miccah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Gonna toss up something pretty for you in a sec. <3

Even after such a disagreeable day, it was hard to stay sour under such a magnificent sight. Ever since she was little, Aideen had loved the stars, often staying up way too late to admire the night sky. Her brother had taught her names and constellations, though she didn't remember most of them, but the fond memories remained. Now, she looked up at the heavens and wondered what had become of her family, what might have happened in all the years since she left; Home..? It wasn't anymore, hadn't been for a long time really. Sometimes she longed to see everyone again, to revisit childhood hideouts and learn all that had happened since she'd been gone. Tell them all that had happened to her. But those were fleeting moments, bittersweet reminiscence that quickly passed. The Woodlands was her home now; In every way!

The sound of soft footfalls in the snow drew her out of her thoughts, attention shifting from the heavens as her ears folded back, towards the approacher. A hint of annoyance furrowed her brow at being disturbed, but then recognition lit her face back up, a bright smile greeting her husband. She closed her eyes at his caress, savoring the feel of his touch, and the flashes of fire it send rushing through her veins. Oh she'd missed him, just his closeness made her giddy, and when he pulled back her smile was even wider. It wasn't hard to translate the actual message in his words, at least not for the woman who had known and loved him for several years, yet as her heart swelled, she felt a sudden, impish impulse, putting a glint in her warm copper eyes. "It's my job to look after the pack," she answered cockily, shoulders and head giving a light wiggle as she raised her brows at him; "Especially you." Then she abruptly stood, brushing tight up against him as she moved away, her tail raised to touch his muzzle and remain as a banner behind her.

She took a few, quick steps further out into the clearing before turning her head to look back at him, over her shoulder. Still smiling, she continued her feigned haughtiness, fixing the dark man with a stern glance; "Which reminds me, you shouldn't even be out here! You're supposed to be taking it easy." She had to fight not to giggle at the commandeering act, but managed to keep a straight face, barely. Then she waited for his response, tail waving lazily from its vertical position, inviting him to play along.


Word count: 428

 ”Speech” Thoughts.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Finally managed to get this up for you babe <3

Her words and tone made his own brows raise, and the former king chuckled. It was not often that the stoic man found himself in a playful mood, but his wife somehow managed to always put him into one. As his little vixen continued on with her act, his smile disappeared, however, his eyes shined with the warmth he showed to her and her alone. "My queen," he rumbled as he took a few steps closer bowing his head in submission. It had been a long time since he had last submitted to anyone, since he had begun his reign in fact. However, this was his wife, the mother of his children, and the woman who he would travel through the very depths of hell for. And she was right, for she was truly now his queen and him her subordinate.

Aideen was close to losing her little game already, but Miccah was always a man that enjoyed a challenge. His deep blue gaze rose, slowly moving from her paws to her chest and finally resting upon her copper orbs. Even after all these years...Miccah wanted to smile and shake his head at his thoughts, but he had a game to continue. His tail wagged slightly as he spoke, his tone just a touch deeper than his usual timbre. "I can assure you," he continued as he stepped a little closer, "I am feeling much, much better."

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2017, 04:34 AM by Miccah.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She won a small, early victory, when her antics drew a chuckle from his dark lips, the sound stirring something deep within her. He wasn't about to forfeit the game so easily though, and the smile faded from his face as he watched her with smoldering eyes. Again she felt that tingle, an urge within that heated her blood. Part of her was eager for the game to end, but it was the weaker one; She wanted to enjoy this, such a rare occasion for the two of them to be alone and play like giddy yearlings. It was a joy to see him back on his feet, showing the strength and vigor she knew so well, and she wasn't subtle, taking it all in.

A delightful shiver ran along her spine as he bowed, the gesture, even if offered as part of their game, moving her deeply. She did not like to see him weak, as he had been while the illness consumed him, but this willing show of submission was thrilling. "My knight," she crooned, lowering her muzzle to press a gentle kiss to his forehead, which was usually out of her reach. A she withdrew, his head lifted again, the deep blue gaze studying her much like she had him a few moments ago. When his eyes found hers she felt fire rush through her, spurred by their intensity, even as the same hunger glowed in her coppers.

His voice seemed to resonate all around her at his next words, the lure of his presence growing even harder to resist as he stepped closer. Her own voice trembled slightly as she replied lowly: "Good, because you'll need all your strength for what I have in mind." Her gaze remained firm as she said it, confident in her desire. She leaned forwards to brush her muzzle gently along his, ending with a small nip at the base of his ear. Then she pulled away again, dancing a few steps back with an impish grin, eyes never leaving her mate. Her tail flicked high, ears perked, daring him to come get her.


Word count: 353

 ”Speech” Thoughts.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Her touch was light, and his maw quirked slightly upwards as she nipped at his ear. He moved forward to retaliate, but his wife had always been quick on her feet and compared to her easy grace, Miccah was a lumbering fool. He moved towards her, his movements slow and easy, but as he grew closer and inhaled her perfume the man moved just a little faster due to wanting to be as close to her as he could. Brushing up close to her form, the man lowered his muzzle to the nape of her neck as he planted soft kisses there. Growling lightly as her scent seemed to completely envelop him, Miccah moved to plant another kiss on her muzzle. His movements were slow, sluggish as he let himself fall deeper into the web that she had begun to snare him in on that snowy day. He had felt the first stirrings of more, when her paws were half frozen due to the cold, her herbs her sole focus, yet that smile aimed solely at him when he had stepped in to help.

Miccah, once again, thanked Coal for being an idiot and leaving her and the Woodlands, breaking her heart. Because he was the lucky bastard that she had trusted to repair it. ”My love," he murmured. If she ran again, he would chase. He would follow her to the ends of the earth.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She had always admired how smoothly he moved through the dense thicket, seemingly effortless despite his size. His muscle had never seemed hulking to her, the control with which he carried himself giving off a kingly air that she would never tire of watching. Even back when they first met, and he was just a friend, she had marveled at his coordination; She had always been rather clumsy, despite her lithe stature, only in recent years growing comfortable with her own paws, as she learned to navigate the thicket. Now she could keep up with her mate, and use her smaller size as an advantage, slipping between bramble where his broad shoulders couldn't follow, slipping away on light feet. But today she didn't want to run. As fun as the games were, her whole body ached to have him close, skin burning to feel his touch once more.

So she let him draw near, holding her ground as he came to her. Her knight, the one constant in her ever changing life. So much had happened to her since she first arrived in the Lore, friends had come and gone, lost to tragedy or conflict, or simple wanderlust. A few had returned, others would never. But Miccah was the one who'd stood by her since they day they met. Even when she had wandered off so stupidly, getting lost for months in unknown lands, he'd never stopped searching, never given up on her. That day when she'd returned, stumbling into his embrace, she'd known she never wanted to leave it again. And she had no intention of leading him on any longer. As he brushed against her, she leaned into him, tilting back her head to let his nose tickle her neck. His breathing filled her ears, his scent her nose, all of her senses overwhelmed with him. She had to close her eyes, completely focused on his touch.

Then the light brush at her muzzle made them open again, looking deep into her husband's sapphire blues. "My heart," she answered him, voice soft and hoarse. Despite everything they'd been through, and all that was surely yet to come, as long as they were together, she knew they could get through anything. And so she couldn't wait any longer, pulling away only as much as she had to, to maneuver herself, waving her tail high as a white flag, surrendering to him completely.


Word count: 403

 ”Speech” Thoughts.