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they say love is pain well darling let's love tonight — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
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Kjell Sørenson

For a moment, just a moment, a cold, horrible dread clutched at his heart (somewhere in his throat) as her eyes slowly became more shiny. Crying. She was crying. He made her cry! What kind of beast was he, making her—

Oh. The smile was still there.

It was only a moment that passed, but the relief felt oh so sweet as his heartbeat thundered somewhere in his ears. He’d never felt like this in all his life. He could die tomorrow, and he could call his life good. Fulfilled. Just to make this girl happy, that’s all he wanted. (So many keep kickin’ around a little while longer, that sounded better.)

He paused only long enough for his tongue to flash out, to mop up any wetness that had escaped from such pretty eyes. Happy tears or not, he couldn’t leave it be. But Kjell did not linger, instead trotting around behind the female. His touches were soft and gentle, slow and with meaning – there was no need to hurry, there was no reason to startle or spook her. Eventually, he shifted, grabbing her scruff in his mouth before rocking his weight back, and settling himself as gently as possible.

“I’m yours.”
