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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
@Larkspur. The thread >:3

Eido had no idea what was going on. She felt like she was on fire, and all she wanted to do was get away from everyone else and douse the burning that encompassed her entire being. The pale girl whined as she padded through the dogwoods that were just about to bloom. She rubbed her flanks across the trunks in an attempt to scratch the itch that had embedded itself in her core. She was probably sick, or something. She should probably see Draven, if she were honest with herself, but she didn't think she could stand being touched at the moment.

She remembered the time that she'd seen her mother behave like this, the spring before, but she hadn't been told how she had fixed it. Mother and father had gone off for a few days and...



It was springtime. She was pretty much an adult now. There was a tug in her chest to go find @Cernan or the man she'd met a few weeks ago, @Bane. She didn't know if she had to ask @Vespertio or @Namid if it would be okay to... to do that. Eido had never really thought of this type of thing before. She'd never imagined having puppies or a mate or even going through this. It was so weird, and though she didn't want to admit it... it was kind of exciting.

She wasn't aware that things were not going to turn out the way she was picturing.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 12:43 AM by Eidolon.)
Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Larkspur Ritter
It felt silly to be constantly fighting with himself all of the time. He wanted to be alone and have the security of a home. It was stupid to want both of those things at exactly the same time and Larkspur knew this, but the heart wanted what the heart wanted. He broke away from the group of youngsters to do a little exploring on his own, though was doubtful he'd find a place that Sahalie would have wanted for her pack. He didn't do much looking, and instead enjoyed the few days of quiet that he'd had. It didn't take long for him to miss the presence of familiar faces, or of Sahalie's constant yammering, or Alastor's icy glare. They were a weird sort of family, but a family nonetheless. Although he often played with the idea of leaving, much like a little kid might have thought of running away, he was more or less comfortable in his little unit.

As he explored the other side of the mountain (he'd found the tunnel Sahalie had told him about months prior), he couldn't help but notice some wolf's scent rubbed into the trees. He proceeded cautiously and finally found who he assumed was the tree-rubber. His tail swished in greeting, and Lark confidently stepped towards her. "How's that tree-rubbing thing working out for you?" he teased.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 01:55 AM by Larkspur.)

Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren

The little wolf hadn't expected to run into anyone on her little escapade into the Heart, but sure enough, a voice sounded behind her. She whipped around, her orange eyes round with surprise and her body instinctively lowering a bit. But the man - a whiteish creature with burning orange eyes - did not appear to be aggressive. In fact, he almost seemed to be teasing her, so maybe he was just playful.

"Not well," she admitted sheepishly, her tail waving gingerly behind her and her posture taking on a submissive sort of stance. "But I guess you could tell that, couldn't you?" A part of her wanted to flirt with the man; to entice him and get him to help her with her problem, but that was not in her nature. Not even under the grips of heat.

She shifted her weight, her flank still pressed against the tree. "Um, my name is Eidolon, but everybody calls me Eido. What's your name?"

Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Larkspur Ritter
Larkspur smiled at her, offering a shrug. "A little, and probably just because I'm paying attention." He approached a bit closer now, but still gave her a little bit of space. He had to at the very least appear gentlemanly, and Lark often thought himself a good actor. "You can call me Reed, Miss Eidolon," he immediately regretted saying that, the name giving him a sour taste on his tongue. That had been his father's name. Regardless, he didn't think the girl really needed to know his name, and it was probably better that she didn't. A little lie wouldn't hurt either of them.

"You don't have to hide all pressed up to that tree, you know," Larkspur offered. He tried to seem friendly and genuine, which were two things that were very unlike him. His tail gave another swish, "I don't bite," how many times could he blatantly lie to someone? How could he do it without an ounce of guilt? He had never been really sure, but all of that was unimportant right then. A part of him wanted to feel sorry for the girl. She was pretty, and certainly deserved more than this.

The much louder, much more convincing part of him wanted something else.

Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren

It wasn't the first time the gullible girl had been lied to, and it certainly would not be the last. And, as usual, she believed him wholeheartedly. "Reed is a nice name," she told him, trembling just a little as he approached her. Her orange eyes scanned him up and down, and she made no move to bridge the gap between the two of them.

Her skin flushed under her fur when he mentioned her hiding up against the tree, and she shifted her weight. "Not... not hiding," she defended, though the jib had relaxed her a bit. Not to mention his closer proximity was igniting the heat back up in her pelt, and she subconsciously brushed against the tree to try and stifle it. A soft whine caught in the back of her throat.

"You sure you won't bite?" she asked uncertainly, tail beginning to wag softly behind her. She wasn't sure that this was the best idea, but her logical side wasn't at its strongest at the moment. No woman's was, to be honest. It wasn't that she would want Larkspur under any other circumstance, or Cernan or Bane, for that matter. It was just a primal part of her that was telling her that she needed to give in and just go with it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 03:44 AM by Eidolon.)
Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Larkspur Ritter
Larkspur cocked a brow at her as she defensively said she wasn't hiding. This, for whatever reason, seemed to calm her down. Poor little Eidolon, this was probably her first season. And how sad was it that she was there now, probably mateless and alone. Well, mostly alone, but Larkspur hardly counted himself. He could only assume she was alone at this point, as he was met with nothing but the silence in the Sacred Grove. No angry wolves come to defend little defenseless Eido, which was considerably less bad for him.

Eido was being shy and Larkspur's patience was wearing thin. Her tail was wagging and she didn't seem too scared at the moment. He stepped forward casually, closing the space between them. He couldn't hold back the chuckle at her next comment, and had she known him better, she'd know he laughed at her out of pity. It was almost endearing. His nose touched her's and for a moment stood there to look her in the eyes. He was confident, once again offering a small tail wag to let the girl know it was alright. "If I was going to bite you, don't you think I already would have?" Their closeness had his skin crawling in anticipation, but he forced himself to relax.

Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren

The cream-colored girl allowed the touch to her nose and the very, very close proximity. Both things that the girl would absolutely not have allowed, under any other circumstances in this entire world. The closeness was burning her fur; the heat from the season overwhelming every sense she contained and turning her vision into a hazy red. In a fit of hormones and spring fever, the little wolf licked the white-and-gray-beast's chin and brushed her side against his chest, on her way to turning her back to him.

"Do you want to?"
