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Bad things — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
As the dark coated male crossed the icy stream to reach her she noticed that up close Savion was truly massive. By that virtue alone he would be an effective guard. She doubted there were many wolves who would want to mess with him, Azar included. She looked him over as he came to stand beside her, finding that he was an older wolf, evident in the grey dusting along his coat, but not unattractive. She exhaled slowly though her nose, looking away, she didn't need that distraction. Setting her sights ahead, down the course of the stream, her small ears flicked at his question.

"The cedarwood, which, if my bearings are correct, should be west of here." She answered as she started off at a steady pace, following the curve of the brook. "That's where my pack is." It felt good to say those words. Her pack, her home, her family. She couldn't wait to see them again, and hoped that they hadn't thought she'd abandoned them a second time. But it hurt to think she would be returning without her dear Joan. She held on to the small hope that her eldest daughter had found her own way home in the meantime. 

"Where are you from, Savion?" She asked, her pale green eyes flicking towards her impromptu escort.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
Savion couldn't help but revel in the weight of her gaze. It was somethin' he was pretty damn accustomed to at this point, after all he knew he was a looker, a damn fine specimen of a Yukon wolf if there'd ever been one. But even so, it was a nice stroke to his ego to know that someone was cagey as Lyonesse had to take a moment to just observe. To take in the sight of him and enjoy what she saw. As she no doubt did, oh yes. He noticed that deep breath, the way she suddenly flickered away her gaze. Calm and collected was she, but she was still just a woman. And he a man.

"Figured you'd be in a pack. Didn't see you as the do it alone type of gal. It's good to have people to watch your back, heaven knows that I could do with some. Cause lemme tell you, bein' a lonely Larry ain't all it cracked up to be."

Savion wasn't quite sure whether he was lying or not. He was inclined to say that he was, that he was trying to lure her in with some sad sob story. But there was truth to his words, an honesty that he couldn't fake even if he'd tried. Kinda depressin', not something he wanted to think about. At all.

Letting her lead the way, Savion walked by her side and may have occasionally brushed against her if the path got a little too narrow.

"A ways up north. Up in the Yukon. There's this uh...mountain range, the Selwyns. My pack lives snuggled up in between them. Got a real good thing goin' on, just wish the whole family was there to enjoy it."

How laughable.
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Whether or not Savion had caught her staring, Oula did not know, with her eyes diverted off into the foliage. Oula held back an amused snort, a 'lonely Larry'? "I would believe it. It's not an easy life. Freedom is sweet, but it comes at a price, of course." She said, glancing to the man beside her and wondering whether his own lonely existence was by choice or circumstance. 

As they walked together, she kept her focus to the damp riverstones beneath her paws, the feeling of the cold air in her lungs, the soft sounds of birds in the trees, anything to keep her grounded and centered as she tried not to let her thoughts linger too long on the dark male that walked at her side. But she couldn't completely forget his presence, the few times their sides bumped it felt like an electric current coursed across her skin, and his own scent was an ever present musk that muddled her mind and reminded her of a need unfulfilled.

As he spoke up again her attention was drawn to him again, and she nodded at his words. She'd never heard of the Selwyn range, but as a northerner herself she had heard of the Yukon. "So then, loner, if it was such a good thing, why have you left it behind?" She asked, looking to the enigmatic man with curiosity.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
Almost everything in this life came with a price. In all of his years Savion had never gotten what he wanted without having to pay for it, one way or another. Sure, it might not be immediate but one way or another the world would take back what it had given him. So much so that sometimes he wished he'd never received anythin' at all. Wasn't worth the price to pay. It was all just a big joke, except he weren't laughing. Not anymore.

Savion had always considered himself a free man, pack or no, so the freedom he had here in Relic Lore wasn't anything to celebrate. Sure, his older brother Terrell had technically been in charge but it was never like he stopped Savion from coming or going. He might've wanted to- after all the guy always had that 'I don't approve' look in his eyes, but clearly big bro knew better than to speak his mind. At least about that anyway, he spoke plenty the rest of the time. Arrogant fuck.

His thoughts kept getting steered off course and it was beginnin' to get more than a little annoying. He had such fine company by his side, such a  mature and self assured woman, so why the fuck did he need to think about the past like that? What's done was done.

Turning to Lyonesse once more and the Selwyn shrugged, the epitome of nonchalance.

"Family issues mostly. Me and my brother've never really gotten along all that well. He made it real clear I wasn't welcome anymore, wouldn't listen to a word I said. Kicked outta my home by my own blood. Not gonna lie to you, Lyonesse, that stung real bad but... No use in moping I guess, gotta look to the future."

Another lie, he said them so often they didn't even feel heavy off his tongue. It was for the best either way, she didn't need to know about what he did and what he wanted to do, ignorance was bliss wasn't it?

"If I could turn back time and fix it all, I'd do it in a heartbeat." For once he wasn't exactly lying. It wasn't as though he wanted it to end this way. But alas... No one ever listened. "Hoping things will get better from here on out. Bein' with you certainly makes my shoulders feel a lil lighter. Don't feel so lonely."
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

The shrug that the Selwyn man gave her was one that signaled indifference, but in the words that followed she was willing to bet that the betrayal by his own brother was harder to shake off than that. She almost regretted bringing up a topic that was still thorny for him. But still, she nodded. "I see," Oula said, "I'm sorry to hear that." Her thoughts drifted to her own brother. She'd regretted abandoning him and her pack in the way she had, and that she'd never get the chance to atone for it. But if what Azar said was true, then perhaps there was still a chance... But Oula did not care to entertain the truth of anything that particular devil had told her.

The man's grey hairs where not only earned with age alone but with the wisdom that came with it. There were things in her own life she wished she could change, but even if she could turn back life, she wouldn't know what time to go back to, what she could have changed. It did no good to dwindle on the past and what could have been, and indeed looking towards the future was the best option. But it was hard to look forward when the future seemed more unsure than ever.

A small smile pulled across her usually stern features. He had a comfortable demeanor that was hard to keep her guard up around. "It is nice to have your company." She agreed. "Its been too long since I'd talked with someone." Not since that wolf had rescued her.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
She was sorry. Now that was kinda sweet, weren't it? At first she'd put up a pretence of steel and caution, but now like a flower bathed in sunlight, she was unfurling and opening up to him. It was quite a sight really and he couldn't help but congratulate himself on cracking such a tough nut. He still had it, his charm hadn't faded with the passing of time and if anything he was better than he'd ever been. He had no doubt that in his younger years he wouldn't have had the patience for pretty Miss Lyonesse. Her frosty reception would have turned him right off, and being so temperamental he would have likely taught her a thing or two about manners.

But that was all in the past. Perhaps he wasn't a better man but he at least was wiser and could play the long game, if need be.

Her condolences meant nothing to him, but he dipped his head in thanks nonetheless and-maybe he was pushing his luck a little- once again brushed his side against hers with a content rumble. In a situation like this his motivations weren't exactly hard to read, but it wasn't as though he was being painfully forward either. She would either shoot him down or she wouldn't, simple as that. But as of then he had a feelin' she wouldn't, they were gettin' along pretty swell now.

Smiling back at her, Savion's tail began to wag to a slow, but pleased beat. "Means a lot to me, Miss Lyonesse. Wish everyone could be as nice as you. I mean I get bein' cautious and all but there ain't a need to be rude. Manners cost nothin'. I may be mean lookin' but I don't mean no harm. Just a big softy I guess. Just wanna help in any way I can."

He bumped into her with a playful smirk and before she could retaliate he trotted ahead, out of her reach. Let's see if she took a snap at his bait. He sure hoped she did.
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
Oula was no innocent maiden lost in the throes of springtime. Yet still, Savion's gentle nudge and easygoing smirk set her heart racing and stoked the fires anew. She fully knew that all the soft touches, lingering looks, and kind words were meant to soften her, but still she did not shirk the man's advances. Starved for the attention, touch, and intimacy she'd been deprived of in the weeks prior, and filled with longing it was tempting to give fully into the passion of the season without a second thought. But the Whitebark woman was more calculated than that. 

Her thoughts turned briefly towards her family waiting at home for her. And to Veho, the man who had captured a corner of her heart. She couldn't say whether he would have her this year, or whether he had found someone else, or simply abstained altogether. She had given him and his mate her children, but never had she and him claimed eachother nor promised themselves as any sort of pair. A small thought bloomed, a dark flower of the most tempting fragrance. What if she could have something that was hers alone?

A determined look crossed Oula's face as the male rushed ahead, her tail swinging as she gave chase.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]