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Safe Passage — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

This first visit to Oak Tree Bend he felt was going well considering the time of year and obvious state the alpha female was in. “I am pleased to hear that things in the bend have improved and I hope that they continue to get better.” Kajika hadn't heard too much about what had happened in the bend to cause things to go badly for them but it was always nice to see a pack doing well after a hardship. He had felt the same about Fallen Tree Cove as the winter wore on, they had done okay but he worried that things could get worse if prey started to become more scarce. Spring was close though so his fears of that happening had lessened.

It was the alpha males turn to speak in regards to the hunt between the two packs. He'd given the man some options of how it could be handled and then waited to see what he felt the best course of action. Kajika nodded as he spoke, “I think that would be a good time as well, give them a chance to observe how things are done and see two packs working together.” It would be a good learning experiences for the new pups, “And it will give both of our packs time to recover from the winter to better our chances. I will speak to Namid and Vespertio about it and bring to them the points you have stated and will then hopefully return with news of their decision.”

As Serach looked to Aponi Kajia did as well wondering if she had an opinion on when the hunt should take place or if she was in agreement with her mate.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata
@Serach Just exit threads from you and Kai

As expected her mate handled the arrangements for the pack hunt beautifully and with reason. Unless Namid and Vespertio had other thoughts things would be handled this summer when all paws were able and the children could learn. This gave Aponi's mind a chance to wander for the moment, both to the thought of the pups they hoped to be expecting and well.... other hormone fueled thoughts. While she appreciated the gesture of Kajika coming all the way here to speak with him the alpha was itching for some alone time with her mate. Spring did funny things to a wolf's mind.

When Serach turned to get her opinion Aponi offered him a smile of approval and stood with flourish. Giving him a look that she hoped he could interpret meaning she wasn't finished with him one this meeting wrapped up she composed herself. Turning back to the scout who had travelled all this way to see them she had a much more neutral expression on her face, "Do send Namid and Vespertio our best and thank you for coming all this way. Please feel free to fill your belly from our caches and rest within the safety of our territory before you make the journey back." It was a rather tense time to be inviting another male within their home, a practical stranger at best but Aponi was not one to forget the hospitality that had been shown to her daughter by their pack. The Donata always repaid her debts.

Nodding her goodbye to Kajika and giving Serach one more meaningful look Aponi turned and took her leave. Hopefully her cream coloured mate would not be far behind her.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
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Serach Donata
One more from you @Kajika and then we can archive. :)

The stranger was nothing if not agreeable. He accepted Serach's recommendation for the joint hunt without complaint, reassuring them both that he would speak to Namid and Vespertio about the proposed plans. It was hard to say if they would still be amenable come the end of the summer, but that was out of Serach's hands now. Aponi agreed, her pointed look a clear indication to Serach that she was done with this conversation, and so he turned back to Kajika to say his own farewells. He didn't entirely agree with Aponi's choice to allow the man to stay, but he kept his disagreement to himself. Instead he treated the Fallen Tree Cove scout to a smile and a dip of his head. "Safe travels home, Kajika. We'll be looking for you or another messenger from the Cove in the summer to finalize our plans," he offered before turning over his shoulder and following after Aponi. There was all the more reason to do so now, after all, she had seen to that with her offer of hospitality.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika felt pleased with the way the meeting had went with that Oak Tree Bend Alphas and felt Namid and Vespertio would he please with the results. Any nervousness he felt about approaching the leaders of other packs went away just a little more. A smile and nod was given to the alpha female when she offered him good from their caches and a place to rest before yesterday continued on with his trip. “Thank you for your offer it is very kind of you. I may have to take you up on it. I will ensure that Namid and Vespertio get your message and it was my pleasure to come and meet either you.”

It was rather clear that the meeting was over which was fine by him, a little rest and some food and he could begin the next leg of his journey. The message from Serach and Aponi would be delivered upon his arrival in the cove. “Thank you Serach, I will ensure that someone is sent with word.” Both the alphas soon disappeared along with his mate into the forest. Kajika turned to go to spend the night where he'd needed to go to relax a little before he started the next leg.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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