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I've Got These Habits That I Cannot Break — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan laid down on the floor with a lazy 'oof' and outstretched his legs in front of him. Was he stalling? Yep. Was he ever going to admit that? Nope. He figured that his usual harsh way of going about things really wasn't going to work with Cotton. Usually that would be a reason to give up and call it a day, but in this circumstance he just couldn't muster the will to throw in the towel. He had to at least try a different approach, because then he could truly say that he'd tried. At least then he wouldn't feel like a total ass-hat.

"Well...Are you happy? Cause if you're not that means something has to be wrong. We're happy when we have what we want, right?" Or at least he thought that was how happiness was supposed to work. Honestly, he wasn't too sure. So once you figure out what it is, it's just a matter of doing everything you can to get it."

Stating it like that made it all sound so easy, but nothing ever was. Askan looked over at the white ball of fluff that called himself Cottongrass and frowned. Though this time in thought and not annoyance. What could he possibly want? Surely there had to be something out there that called to him, that drew him and inspired him with a sense of...Something. Ugh, all of this tedious thought was hurting his head. And worse yet, making Askan question what he wanted. He already had it, didn't he? He had a cause to strive for? He had a patchwork family he could now call his own. He was living the high life, he had no complaints. And yet...

"It's a lot more complicated than I thought. The hell..." He groaned."All right, I mean you don't wanna be chained down, right? You wanna be free to slide down all the hills and at all the snow, you do that. Do what makes you smile. But if it doesn't, don't do it?"It was official, Askan was the worst at giving advice. At least he'd tried.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased

When @Askan started speaking, Cottongrass fell silent and still. He didn't wiggle or squirm on the spot and he didn't even think of interrupting the older wolf. Instead he focused on only listening. He set everything inside of him aside for one moment because he wanted to understand what Askan meant. Maybe that way he would stop feeling bad about everything going on around him. So he absorbed every spoken word like a sponge, staring at Askan with an intensity he didn't realize he had. And when all was said and done, Cottongrass gave a slow and owlish blink. Then with a slow breath in—

"Okay." He said, head bobbing a vague nod he didn't notice he was doing. Because he could do whatever made him smile. He could forget about Victoria because she didn't make him happy when he thought of her. He could forget about ever joining a pack because the mere thought of doing that made him panic. And in that moment, Cottongrass decided that Askan was his friend. Even if he didn't know what he was supposed to do with the older wolf now that the conversation was... Over.

He looked at the sad imprint he left in the snow and he looked down at the hill he unsuccessfully tried to slide down. Then he looked back at up his new friend. "You should slide with me." Cottongrass chirped, like none of the weird and serious conversation happened. His gaze was bright and eager while his tail thumped about in the snow. Askan wanted him to do stuff that would make him smile and playing with a friend would do just that.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Honestly, Askan had no idea whether his words worked or not. He wanted Cotton to feel better, but there were a lot of things he wanted and for the most part he didn't get them. Or at least not without an uphill battle. Askan half expected him to dismiss his words with a huff. No one ever really listened to him when he gave out advice, and really as nice-and daft- Cotton was he expected him to follow suit. The silence between them was heavy, and though he wouldn't admit it, it was starting to make him a little nervous. The Selwyn would claim that he didn't care what this crazy furball thought of him, but he'd be lying. His problem had always been that he cared too much.

What he didn't expect though was for Cottongrass to invite him to play, to slide down the snowy hill as though they were both pups. His knee jerk reaction was to scoff and rebuff him the very next second. Because come on, could you imagine Askan sliding around on his stomach? It was ludicrous, ridiculous and if anyone saw him his reputation would be tarnished forever!

And yet, it was hard to say no. Ah jeeze.

"Uh...Not today Cotton. Another time maybe, but you go a head. See if you can slide further than you did before."

Maybe he'd join in one day but...today wasn't that day. Content to watch, Askan reshuffled a little to get comfortable. If Cottongrass was going to put on a silly show the least he could do was pay attention.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Askan said no, and Cottongrass immediately found that he didn't care. They were friends now! Didn't Askan realize that? And friends played together even if Cottongrass had an inkling that Askan just wasn't that type of wolf. He leapt to his paws and shuffled towards his friend, tail lashing about behind him while he couldn't help the goofy grin forming on his feature.

"C'mon." He whined playfully, stepping close so he could try and clumsily paw at Askan's side. "Just once!" Cottongrass pleaded once more, intent on getting the older wolf to slide with him. It was then a thought struck him. One that was sure to either get him bitten or snapped at but he was sure it was the push Askan needed to play. Darting forward he reached out to nip at the older wolf's ear, missing by a mile with his teeth snapping shut on air. He still pranced away like that was what he intended to do, tail wagging so hard that it had his rear swaying about.

And unable to help himself he threw his head over his shoulder, expression cheery while he looked back at Askan. "It is 'cause I'm the best sli—" In that moment his paws tangled up beneath him, and Cottongrass proceeded to fall face-first into the snow and down the hill. Or rather, he just fell and awkwardly sunk into the melting snow.

But he did manage to beat the distance of his previous record, just like Askan said he should try to!

Fade Cottongrass being a big ol' puppy...

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2017, 12:59 AM by Cottongrass.)