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[m] i wanna wake up where you are — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He had been closed off for too long—never allowing himself to get close with another for fear of losing them. Before the blue-eyed sparrow XIX had accepted the fact that having someone to care for wasn’t in his cards. Hearthwood needed his full, undivided attention but this… this he could make work. She had already stuck around this long, proving her loyalty to the pack and to Lachesis. He needed to trust that she would stay, even if he was consumed by doubt.

Perhaps it was the night that she had visited his den in search of finding something to keep her nightmares at bay. He had invited her to stay, but why? To ensure she slept through the night, or because he was lonely and craved the presence of another? When she had left, well-rested and feeling much better, it did not feel right having a vacancy. Her scent lingered longer than he would have liked, which resulted in him not being able to sleep for a few nights. Or was it earlier, when they had stolen moments together at the lakeside, trying to poke each other’s brains. He did not know when these feelings he had been harbouring developed; it no longer mattered. What was important was that he had her now.

The blue-eyed sparrow did not waste any time in reassuring him. As quick as the frown had appeared, it disappeared, and Lachesis had to bury his face in her speckled fur to hide the wide grin he was now wearing. “Good,” he answered as he nipped at her ear, “because you’re not going anywhere.” He was holding her to this—even when the heat passed. She was stuck with Hearthwood—with him—now. “Put up with you? Val, you make it sound like a chore,” he cooed, bumping his shoulder against hers as he took a step back, his gaze softening as he studied her. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis screams

While he held his doubts, she did too. She was partially convinced he was only acting this way because of the spring, because of the appeal she knew women carried during the month to influence behaviors. Her frown faded into a smile when he nipped at her ear, promising in return that she wasn’t going to go anywhere. She wasn’t thinking about the consequences right now, about what could happen in this moment and what Kisla might have to say about it. Given her behavior over the past week or so, Lilya doubted she’d be okay with this – it was all going blank in her head.

Val, you make it sound like a chore. She smirked at that, feeling a rumble that resembled a chuckle in her chest and throat. He took a step back, and she fought against a frown to find her features. She managed to keep her smile. “Fer anyone else, it would be.” She teased as the top of her snout bumped gently against his neck, nipping as his ear as she moved for more contact between them – not by much but still more. It felt calming to her, feeling his fur brush against hers. It was true, she could be a lot to handle at times, but he’d never seemed to mind… well, as long as she wasn’t around someone else, like Ayti for example. It was part of what drew her to him, his caring nature that helped calm down some of her more erratic tendencies.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
couldn't resist - will edit in table later when i'm not on my phone tehehhe

He would worry about repercussions later—if there were any. The ghost did not know what his agouti co-lead had been up to since the start of March, for she (like Lilya) had a bad case of wandering paws. He knew it was wise to let the widow move about as she pleased and did not stop her to question her actions. Last year, due to Maksim's fatal sickness, she had been unable to breed… this year, however, it appeared that she intended to.

A lop-sided grin collapsed onto his pale maw as she spoke once more and filled the space between them with her body. He did not hesitate as he stepped forward, his chin returning to its previous position on her back. To think, what he had needed had been in front of him the whole time. Weeks of suppressed feelings had gone by, Lachesis swallowing them as soon as they surfaced. Because admitting them meant getting close, and getting close meant that they would leave. They always left. Which was why, even though pure joy flooded his veins, he was consumed by fear. Fear that this was all temporary—that once the heat had passed she would leave. Or that something better would come along and steal her attention, able to provide her with a more stable partnership.  

He would make this work—he had to. Without her he had nothing.

Trying to dismiss his thoughts, the ghost nipped at her shoulder before bounding away once more, this time falling into a playful bow. Lips curled into lighthearted snarl as his tail swayed behind him, beckoning her forward. He had more than enough time to tell her how he felt—in the confinements of his den—so while they had a moment to themselves Lachesis wanted to enjoy every second of it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 02:40 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Nothing mattered at that point in time, of that much she was certain as his chin rested upon her back again, simply enjoying his presence, how his fur sent fire burning to her skin but it was far from unpleasant. She wasn’t going to leave… not now, and not ever. She wasn’t sure she could. She had nothing else than what she had here: Lachesis, the pack. They were the family she’d always desired. She’d loved her parents, and her siblings, but they’d expected so much of her. They’d forced her to go against her normally passive nature in favor of violence, and they’d all paid the price for it, herself included.

She felt like she could be herself in the River, and she could work on fixing the demons she’d accumulated over the course of her life in relative peace. His nip sent a shiver down her spine as she rolled her shoulders back, a playful smirk finding her features as he let out a lighthearted snarl, her tail lashing, not in an aggressive manner as her chest lowered to the ground. “Don’t think Ah’m gonna go easy on ya now, Lachie.” She sassed as she moved forward to nip at his side, and bump into his shoulder before attempting to move behind him. It was never enough to hurt – she’d never hurt him, at least, not intentionally… she merely meant to tease with fast actions and contact that didn’t last nearly long enough.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

This felt like forever. It was different from the times he thought he had fallen before. He had been young then—inexperienced and still trying to figure out the world outside of the reserve. Clinging to whoever was closest and unsure of how to dissect his emotions. But this, this was so much different. Despite her quirks and the flaws that only she pointed out (as far as he was concerned, she had none) Lachesis had never felt so close to another. They were still learning things about each other; still figuring out what made the other tick. Perhaps that was why he was so captivated by her. He was always discovering something new about her every time conversation sparked between them. She was so unlike the females he had chased after in the past. Lilya was fiery; she argued with him and sometimes even defied him, always keeping him on his toes.

“Lachie?” He repeated in an amused tone, his head falling to the right slightly as he bounced on his paws, watching her. Every time she touched him fire radiated through his body. His body burned, yearning for the contact she only provided for a few moments. Was this how the blue-eyed sparrow felt? A low growl hummed through his teeth as she bumped his shoulder, her slender frame moving behind him. He snapped at the air behind her tail, a crooked grin revealing his white canines.  “I wouldn’t expect you to go easy on me, Val. His paws shuffled as he inched away from her, hoping that the lack of contact was driving her as nuts as it was driving him. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis - We can fade here or you can put up one more post?

Lilya had never been too terribly good at submitting, especially not to those she was close to. She felt the need to express her thoughts on topics that she felt concerned her. Sometimes, that seemed to fade into the background with her skittish nature – the true reason she was not a good leader was the fact that when it came to high-stress situations, she cracked under pressure and doubted herself to the extremes he’d seen. He questioned the nickname with amused tones as she simply crouched a little lower, her tail and rump wiggling slightly, him snapping behind her as she smirked slightly.

He inched away and her eyes narrowed slightly. Oh no, he didn’t! Not on her watch! She rushed forward again, his time her side brushing completely against his as she swiftly moved past him. In her opinion, and probably his too if she had to guess based off of their recent conversation, she had him right where she wanted him. “Well th’n come at me.” She challenged softly as her tail shifted to the side, just waiting for his approach. Okay, maybe it was going to be a little easier than she let on, but in her mind, this game had already been playing for almost a year, and she certainly hadn’t made it easy on him.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
lowkey sobbing that this thread is over @Lilya

Despite the heartache that had come along with his former flings, Lachesis was grateful for their departures. Without them, he would not have connected with Lilya in this way. Perhaps a friendship would have blossomed, but nothing more. After Bastet had left him not one, but twice, Lachesis was positive that he wouldn’t be able to connect with another again. At least, not romantically. The blue-eyed sparrow before him proved to be an exception.

He knew that the further he inched away from her, the more irritated she got. While it was also driving him absolutely mad, he couldn’t help himself. XIX was no stranger to being in charge, but this… this was new territory for the healer.

He was taken aback as she rushed forward, her fur brushing against his. He had not expected that—her taking charge. Growling, he spun on his heels, apple-green eyes narrowing as she spoke; challenging him. He rolled his eyes, his tongue pressed to the back of his teeth before his spoke, his tone much soften than it had been before. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he cooed, taking careful steps toward her, his gaze not once wavering from her agouti frame.


(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 06:45 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you