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i wish i had a better voice that sang some better words. — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan scowled in contempt at Reyes' accusation. That was rude, and was it really necessary? It's not like he said anything that warranted such an icy response. He hadn't done anything wrong, it wasn't fair. Huffing, Askan averted his gaze and glared at the forest behind him as though the trees were to blame. He had always understood that Reyes had always been rather sharp around the edges, but did it give him an excuse to be all snappy like that? Fuck no. Did Askan intend to allow him to talk like that without any repercussions? Again, fuck no. Askan wasn't some doormat to be walked all over. They were supposed to be equals damn it!

"Fuck off! I'm not deaf and you know it." He snapped, his voice dripping with resentment as his tail curled in between his legs.

Turning away, Askan decided that it would be better use of his time to look about the area, to keep watch rather than watch Reyes skit about on the ice as he tried to figure out the impossible. He bent down to sniff at some tracks in the snow, and just as he did his ears twitched at the sound he'd been dreading to hear. It was faint, like the sound of branches creaking in the wind, but nonetheless it was more than enough to grab Askan's attention and make him stand rigid, his eyes wide half as he expected to see Reyes fall through the ice. But no, instead the rogue skidded along with surprising grace and ease- at least in comparison to how Askan would look if he'd done that- and landed on firm ground.

Reyes seemed determined to act as though nothing had happened, and for once Askan was willing to agree. Even if it meant shoving his antagonism to the side.

"Probably could." He grumbled in acknowledgement. As grumpy as he no doubt was, he couldn't resist but brush his head against Reyes' shoulder in response to the boop. Ignoring it would have been...Unthinkable really. At this point it was an innate reaction to his touch. "Yeah, lets go. I'm done here."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]