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lift your bony fists — Secret Falls 
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Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

He agreed with her general sense of direction, following his lead toward the sound. Her paws stretched wide over the icy crust beneath them, the crackling soothing her nerves a bit. Loud noises weren't exactly her favorite thing in the world, even though she could holler like hell. She looked up hearing him speak up again. "Yeah right, this noise is a fuckin' racket." She chuffed, winding through the thin trees. She could've sworn the woods were growing mistier as they walked, the air dropping its temp rapidly. Curiosity blooming in her chest, she picked up the pace through the woods. Tossing a glance to his side, she silently concluded that they were almost there.
the armed queen
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
Laike liked to think that she was one extreme or the other. There were no small curses only big ones. He never commented on it, though. She could do whatever she pleased because he simply didn't have control over her. He just nodded his head and moved next to her with ease. Just a few more wolf lengths he hoped.

Just like some fairy tale the falls came into view. Some areas froze over where the water wasn't as wild. "It seems that this is it." He spoke loud enough for her to hear. Laike stared at the source of the ruckus for a few moments before his orange eyes looked back to Hecate. Half a smile tugged on his lips. "I guess you don't need me anymore." His tones deep with perhaps an edge of disappointment that their journey was over. While he didn't like it here he would have gladly accepted such nice company from Hecate for hours (if not days) anywhere else in the world.

"Is there any place I can go if I want to see you again?" Laike couldn't stop himself from asking. She was interesting and it was hard to not want to see her again. Even if that foul mouth reappeared every now and then.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Left was definitely the way to go, making hasty progress to find the seemingly intangible chute. Pushing through a thick cluster of trees, they slipped into the light of the ever-so-elusive falls, mist congregating around their legs. Hecate was never one for beauty, necessarily. But damn, this place was practically biblical in its divinity. She watched the water cascade into the bubbly pools below, the roar almost deafening Laike's voice. He didn't seem as taken aback as she, moving right along with business as if he was immune. Hecate looked back to him, flicking an ear thoughtfully. He was bidding farewell now and was wondering where he might find her if he even chose to seek her out. She didn't know much about this guy but he seemed to be alright. He didn't mess around with the niceties that most spent trying to lie or sneak their way into withheld knowledge and secrets. She was going to try something new, optimism. "Hey now, I know a few folks that could use someone like yer. That is if yer interested?" She offered, not going into details just yet. She wondered if he'd take the bait, after all, she could use a travel companion for a little company.
the armed queen
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
The large male was surprised just a bit. Her answer had not been what he was looking for so his brows raised a bit and he shrugged his shoulders. "Depends on who it is and what they plan on using me for. Nothing cruel or weird, yeah?" His tones show he was wary but he was obviously interested otherwise he would have rejected her little offer. Laike wasn't going to guarantee that he'd go and seek out whoever supposedly needed him but it was worth hearing about. If it helped him survive longer he couldn't exactly turn it down.

The large male's eyes looked at the falls and the misty fog that had gathered around them. It was reminding him of the woods down south and how desperately he had wanted out of them despite their mysterious lure. He wondered if that's why she was here too. Did she like the appeal or was it merely a close water source? "You gonna be alright here?" He asked as his brows furrowed a bit. It certainly wasn't his business but it wasn't like he could just be an ass and ditch her to take up her offer without making sure she'd be alright too.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Fade with your post?
"Ha!" She exclaimed at his comment, jerking her head up but keeping her eyes on the water. The mist was beginning to condense around her fur, removing herself from the thick of it. "Nah I don't think so. Gent, he'sa good person to have as a boss man... n'I ain't a big fan of bein' no foot soldier either." She offered, trying to describe the man on the other side of the mountains. She was sure the two would get along, Laike seemed pretty genuine; the perfect pack member, unlike herself.

There was a stretch of silence in which neither of them spoke or tried to interrupt each others space. After a little while, she could hear him shifting, probably preparing to head out. She looked back to him with a small smile. "Yeah'm be alright. You stay safe." She murmured an informal bid of farewell, hoping to see him again sooner rather than later. "'Member ter hit my line yeah?" It had been a while since she had any prospect of possibly having a friend of some sort. And she was optimistic that she wasn't gonna drive this one away. That, or fuck him over like she'd done with so many before.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2017, 12:07 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen