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breathe with me underwater — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
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Amaryllis Azalea
Grinning at the invitation of a race with the silent girl, Amaryllis bounded forward, gently bumping Pip's shoulder to encourage her onward before picking up speed. Though the race was in pure fun and nothing more, Amaryllis still felt a streak of competition in her. Snow flew up as she picked a leisurely loping pace and glancing back to see if Pip was following. It had been some time since the two had spent some proper time together and Amaryllis was glad they had an opportunity to spend even this small amount of time together.

Darting through the trees, Amaryllis spotted a fallen tree trunk ahead of her. Narrowing her eyes at it, she considered for a few moments. It was small enough to jump over, if she wanted too....

Squaring herself up she leaped over it, laughing lightly as she landed on the other side. The den wasn't far off now but Amaryllis came to a pause to again make sure Pip was following. The girl was rather silent after all, not just in her vocalizations
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
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Veho Macieo

Part of him wanted to take back the request, suddenly feeling poorly. He hadn’t meant to send them away, but that’s what it felt like now as he watched Amaryllis and Pip from the corner of his eye. But he wasn’t given much more time to think, not with Ophelia throwing her rump into his. The playful gesture caught the man completely off guard, stumbling two steps sideways before he could retain his balance. He huffed softly, throwing his daughter a curious look before returning to Oula’s side – if she wanted to continue to lean on him, he saw no reason to object.

But his youngest’s comments drew his attention back to the girl, brows lifted curiously as she tried to comfort her mother. He could not tell if it was truth or lie. When had that happened? Did Ophelia truly think her sister was alright? That she might return? Or was she more sensitive to Oula’s emotional state than anyone else’s? He would have to consider this later.

“I believe…believe we may have to trust in Joan’s ability to take care of herself, now,” he murmured, “as Ophelia said. We let Felix go, and she’s the same age. If that Azar didn’t have her…” Veho trailed off with a helpless shrug. “Hopefully she is on whatever path the Ancestors set for her – even if that isn’t with the rest of her family.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
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Oula Whitebark
Oula's ears flattened, a pained expression drifting momentarily over her face and cooling the pale green of her irises. She wanted to believe Ophelia and Veho, that Joan was just fine on her own. She was the same age as Felix, that much was true, but letting Felix go off into the world hadn't been any easier. They were all still her babies, and it was hard to see them for the young adults they were now, rather than the little cubs they had once been. It didn't matter how big and strong, how sharp or wise any of them were when there were wolves out there who meant others harm only for the sake of it.

Oula's shoulders deflated slightly, beaten down by the events of the past few weeks and thoroughly feeling the weight of Joan's continued absence now that she'd returned. It pulled out some of the relief her homecoming should have given her, knowing that two of her children that made this place home were gone. At least Ophelia was still here. 

Oula leaned back into Veho one last time, sighing before she slowly stepped forward towards the territory. "I'm tired," She said wearily, "Let's go home."
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]