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we might be killers — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Thankfully, Iyes seemed to pick up on the redhead’s telepathic communications. That, or the young loner simply had more hunting instincts that she gave herself credit for. Willing to bet on the second, Kyna settled back, muscles tensing as she watching (and really heard) her companion slowly rake the creature’s den apart. As the opening widened, the swarthy female grew closer and closer to the marmot within; the older of the pair could tell it was working, for the squeaking grew closer, and higher and higher in pitch.

All at once, the terrified rodent burst from the other side of its home, finally abandoning the den as a loss. Kyna exploded sideways, galloping after the furry blob when something caught the corner of her vision. Another, smaller furball had escaped after it. Two! There were two!

“Iyes!” she barked frantically, unable to steer away from her current prize. “Quick!”

She could only hope the other loner was quick to pick up on her intention (or that she really was able to read minds) for if she looked away from her rodent any longer, they were sure to lose both. Lengthening her stride, the lithe wolf loped forward, closing the gap between herself and the terrified mammal. She could only hope Iyes was doing the same.

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Hunt 6/8
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Nearly lost in how badly she wanted to kill the marmot she was stunned when she heard her name, jolting and lifting her head out of the entrance in the ground to look at Kyna. The ruddy wolf was sprinting after the marmot, as expected. The snarl still set in her muzzle she looked around in confusion, and saw a fuzzy brown form dashing desperately in her direction.

Iyes put the information together as quickly as the marmot did. With a squeak of defiance the mammal halted its trajectory and threw its body weight in the other direction, the one that wouldn't lead it straight into her dark jaws. Throwing all of her energy into her legs she lunged toward its retreating form, her teeth desperate to sink into its hide.

Her petite frame was at a disadvantage from what she would have preferred. She felt the fuzz of the marmot's tail on her tongue and clamped her jaws tightly shut, fearful that the limited real estate of the mammal's rear end wouldn't be in her favor. But she heard a squeak of pain, determining that she'd gotten a grasp on the little critter. Now she just needed to make sure it didn't escape. Opening her jaws to get a better bite was out of the question - it could easily pull away from her if she let up on the pressure at all.

The shadowy yearling did the only thing she could think to do. Clenching her jaw tight, she thrashed her head from side to side, hoping to injure the marmot beyond escape. Heavy handed on the shake she felt her paw give way to a small slope, tumbling away from the densite and toward a grassy landing in her own version of an alligator death roll.

Hunt 7/8
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Somewhere over the roar of her blood in her ears, Kyna was vaguely aware of feet on snow behind her. She dared not take her eye off the hoary marmot, lest it make a last second dive for safety and she lose it altogether. This was a rare opportunity. Lengthening her stride to something close to her full speed, the redhead closed in on the tiring rodent. There was a downside to having short legs, she thought wryly, and it was that the marmot was about to be her lunch.

Muscles coiling in her haunches, Kyna rocked her weight backwards before springing through the air. Large front paws landed on either side of the terrified mammal before her jaws closed around its neck. It let out one final squeal before being lifted off the ground, the lithe female shaking her head from side-to-side. The marmot was gone after the first swing, hanging limp in her jaws even as she made doubly sure it was dead – and then she was finally able to turn about, loping back to where something black and fluffy sprawled sideways, and a very limp (and slightly shredded) corpse right next to it. Kyna dropped her kill.

“Iyes?” she asked, hurrying forward to nose her friend. “Are you okay?”

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Hunt 8/8
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2017, 06:47 PM by Kyna.)
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
The world was still spinning when she opened her eyes, blinking to try and set the sky back where it was supposed to be. Whatever snow had cushioned her fall now clung to her every dark hair, soothing the ache of her body where it had bounced against the slope. She spat a piece of marmot fuzz from between her teeth, slowly coming to terms to realize her victory as Kyna approached and checked her for injuries. A couple of bruises couldn't stop the pride from filling her amber eyes, righting her sprawled form back onto her four paws.

Raising herself up from where she'd fallen she bumped her muzzle against her redheaded friend's, an excited growl reverberating from her chest. "Look!" She barked, tipping her head toward the beaten corpse that had, at one point, been a marmot. "I did it!" She smelled the marmot's blood on Kyna's teeth, and spotted the bigger and less destroyed body up the rise where they had come from. "And you did it!" Her dark tail waved furiously in the air, a banner of absolute thrills. "We did it!"

The adrenaline began to drain from her veins, producing a feeling of tired satisfaction. How great that had been. She much preferred hunting with a partner - it was so boring and fruitless on ones own. Producing a toothy and blood-smeared grin (with possible some marmot hairs still sticking out from between her canines) she cast a truly appreciative look upon her friend, her ears lowering with sincerity. "Thanks for teaching me how."
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

“Of course! I had fun.”

And that part was true. Her tail was spinning in circles behind her when she realized that Iyes was indeed fine, if not a bit stunned from her less than graceful dismount. But what did it matter how she landed? She was successful! She’d gotten the surprise marmot, even though they had no idea prior that it even existed. The wolf leaned forward, smearing blood further across her friends muzzle in a friend a wet kiss. She was proud of the young wolf! Sure, they were friend, not family or anything, but it sure felt good.

Turning her gaze back to her own prize, she hummed. “C’mon. Let’s bring them back to our mountain.” What they didn’t eat, they could save for later, like responsible adults. It felt good! To be successful, to help – and they were going to have fresh food and full bellies soon! She hummed as she turned, nudging Iyes to follow along and scoop up her own kill. With the dead rodent hanging limply from her jaws, Kyna grinned and turned, ready to head back up the slope and back towards the little home she and the black yearling had started carving out on the mountain side.

Resources by freepik.com, table by Kydnt