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Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
Shining brightly - Rowan was fairly sure that was just a default setting of the silvery she-wolf. He doubted that he was the only one who noticed Namid carried with her a certain air of contentedness. Her presence was calming and invigorating at the same time - that he'd experienced when they'd met before, something similar to the vibe that settled amongst the three wolves now. At least, it was before the situation regarding their packmate was clarified. Not only was she missing, but she was the pack's second in command and was bearing a litter.

Suddenly it dawned upon Rowan that Namid did not appear to have any signs of pregnancy. The thought was certainly invasive and not something that the Attaya wolf ever have the balls to ask out loud, but he still wondered why. He urged the thought from his head and turned his gaze instead on the missing wolf's mate. Though the male wore a convincingly stoic front Rowan knew that the level of concern Namid showed had to be matched, if not exceeded, by Tagg. How stressful to have someone you love missing at such a critical time... it was something he was familiar with, as well. Though quiet, he heard the male consider the possibility that someone might have hurt the she-wolf. His hackles rose lightly in response, wondering what sort of malicious freak would intentionally hurt another. And one that was with cubs, no less.

"Of course I will," Rowan responded with a focused nod. He didn't take the request lightly. Complacency was a thing of the past for the Attaya male. Besides, he was already on the hunt for a black wolf himself - it was the least he could do. "I am actually looking for someone as well... She is also black in color, much younger - only a year of age. My daughter." Unsure if the description would match anyone that might have come through the Lake recently, he glanced between the two wolves.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Namid noted the rise in his hackles, her head tilting slightly in curiosity though she made no defensive move. She didn’t get the sense that he was angry at them or being defensive for himself, rather he seemed...disgusted perhaps? Of course it was an emotion she also felt when she thought of someone harming her pregnant friend. If anyone had hurt Moonshadow she understood that Tagg would want to avenge it himself, but it didn’t mean that Namid wouldn’t take action herself. When it came down to those she ruled over, her family, she was a powerful hurricane. She’d flatten anyone in her path.

“Of course I will,” he said and her lips quipped up once more. She offered a dip of her head in thanks to Rowan, happy to hear he’d keep his rusted-gold gaze open for their packmate. But her expression settled into one of soft understanding as he explained he was looking for someone as well; his daughter. “I understand the feeling all too well my friend. I have not seen a young girl of that description but the wolves of the Cove will keep their eyes and ears out for her. I hope we may find both of them soon and unharmed,” she said, a conviction of honesty in her eyes as well.

To be fearful of the night
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 231

This whole conversation had suddenly gotten very familiar. Tagg still wasn’t sure he trusted Rowan, but since Namid seemed to think he was alright, the veteran decided not to question it. His reaction to Tagg’s quiet comment, though the russet man hadn’t intended him to hear it, did comfort him somewhat.  It seemed he shared his disgust at the idea that someone might attack and harm an expecting mother.

When the stranger mentioned a missing daughter, however, Tagg calmed.  It seemed their pack wasn’t the only one plagued with vanished members.  He thought back to the brief searches he’d conducted for Moon, but he hadn’t come across anyone. He shook his head apologetically. “I’ll certainly keep her in mind while I’m out looking for Moon.  What is her name, if I might ask?” He didn’t want to seem too nosy, since he had just been grouchy about offering information, but having her name might make it easier to identify her if they found her.  There were a lot of dark wolves in these parts, after all.

Much fewer that were only a year old.  What would drive a yearling to wander off on her own when her father clearly cared about her well-being? He may not know this man well, but Tagg did not get the impression that he would be the kind of father a child would want to flee from.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
An unexpected feeling of relief floated into his chest as the Cove wolves accepted to keep an eye out for her; he had been alone for so long that he forgot how he enjoyed a cooperative effort. Dulled gold gaze slipped back toward Tagg as he responded, "I'm very grateful for your help - her name is Iyes, if you see her." The Attaya declined to add her last name, given that she might very well not be aware of it. Rowan had given his daughter her namesake but his mate had certainly seen to it that he be out of the picture after their fateful disagreement - she might have called her a Luna instead. But he had stayed close enough to check in on them every so often, and heard the woman using the name that he'd chosen for their daughter. That much did comfort him, and continue his drive to seek out the inky yearling.

"I lost her trail just before she crossed into the Lore - I will be on my feet a while, trying to pick up the scent... I'm not certain where I will end up. Perhaps I'll check back in when it warms up. Unless, of course, I run into Moonshadow." He flicked a dark ear back against his head, knowing that slowing down was not an option. At least not yet. Though he felt that there was more to catch up on here - or at least, he was interested in doing so - but now was not that time or place. But he did at least need to address the inkling of curiosity at the silvery female's casual name drop, so he titled his grey cheek toward the wolf. "The Cove, huh?" Namid had declined to join him in the Willows way back when, and had clearly been well taken care of since then - but he didn't know the specifics. Was that what this place was called, where she'd ended up?
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Namid’s aud swiveled to the side catching Tagg’s question, a blush of embarrassment creeping onto her cheeks as she realized that she had forgotten to ask for the girl’s name. That would certainly prove to be useful if they were ever to come across her. After all, dark yearlings were likely a dime a dozen. But names, names were unique. Names were valuable.

Her attention moved forward once more as she listened to him speak, committing the name to memory. Iyes. A nod bobbed her head as he mentioned coming back when things warmed up. Yes that would be a good idea. If they were able to find her they could take her into their ranks while they waited for him to return. She certainly wouldn’t mind harboring the child if she was anything like her father.

His next question was no surprise and she was more than willing to give an answer. Perhaps when he came back and if they had his daughter in their ranks he would be willing to stay as well? “Fallen Tree Cove. We live on the lake. I have been leading there for almost 2 years now. When I joined about a year after I met you they were in need of a lead female and the lead male had saved me from a nasty fall down the mountain. It was the least I could do and it ended up working out quite well as he is now my mate,” she explained, filling in the gaps between now and their last meeting.

To be fearful of the night
(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2017, 11:43 PM by Namid.)
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! This is Tagg's last post.


Word Count: 235

Tagg glanced between the other wolves. He had never even smelled the man, which meant he had either last passed through a very long time ago, or while he’d been away. But considering his next question, he assumed it had to be the former.

The russet man had never heard how the alpha pair met, though he knew the litter he’d witnessed the birth of – Neha, Alistair, and Cernan – was their first. They had already seemed so comfortable with one another by the time he came along, he’d assumed they’d known each other for a long time.

It didn’t surprise him at all that Vespertio had saved her.  The man was a hero, in more ways than one. Tagg could only dream of becoming as good a wolf as his leader. He respected and revered the man.

As the conversation took a more domestic note, the veteran decided he should be on his way.  He had hunting to do and a mate to look for.  “Thank you for your willingness to help.” He said to Rowan before turning away.  He dipped his head respectfully to Namid and headed back into the territory. He wouldn’t go far, just in case the stranger decided for some reason to attack the queen, but he also knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

Still, what was a guardian for if they didn’t guard their pack?


"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
Perhaps something fateful caused the Attaya to wonder so deeply about the pack on the lake. It was, after all, so close to the place where his mother had first laid down her roots in the Lore. Not that the silver-dusted male was aware of this fact - nor did he have much stake in faith either. Most likely it was that this stone-coated valley in the middle of the mountains was the stage where the silver star had chosen to dance the principal. Once, a long time ago. As far as she had revealed to him, she'd never left this place once she found it and took a mate. What was that like?

Tagg excused himself, prompting an apologetic wave of Rowan's tail as he turned to nod his head toward the male taking his leave. It was a little embarrassing that he was getting caught up in a residual interest in Namid, but he hardly blamed the tawny guardian for removing himself from what was doubtlessly a boring conversation. Looking for his missing mate was certainly a higher priority than hanging out with the two acquaintances.

Returning to his conversation with the silvery she-wolf Rowan fixed a crooked smile upon his muzzle. He wanted to return the run-down, but his was difficult to describe in simple terms. He tried anyway. "I was with the Ridge wolves for some time - but I was away when a wolf named Rook Lyall came to rescue my sisters from Elettra's son, Skoll. When I returned they had formed Grizzly Hollow, and so I went there for a while." He wondered what became of those two - secretly hoping Iyes' scent would reappear leading to the willows so he'd have an excuse to find out. "I was sent on a mission to find the guardian of my birthpack and make amends with him - Rook had settled down too close to his pack and made him angry. But I got lost, and somewhere far from here I met my mate. She is-"

Rowan paused for longer than he intended to. He wouldn't unload all that burden on Namid's ears. "no longer living. I was separated from Iyes, and now I'm here. Again." A lofty shrug accompanied the end of his story. A twinkle in his dull eyes he jested, "I probably should have tumbled down the mountain into her waiting arms - then perhaps it would be different." His eyes wandered the snow-capped mountain range that surrounded them on all sides, sliding toward the half-frozen water and the rugged forest that had managed to grow down here. "But it seems a nice place to live. You seem happy here."
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Namid noted the retreat of Tagg, her mismatched gaze watching him move away with a bit of guilt gnawing at her gut. She felt like she might have been denying him some form of help, but at the same time she knew there wasn’t anything else that Rowan would be able to offer him. She was also a bit thankful for the chance to talk to him one on one, to catch up further on time lost. Her lithe silver frame moved to a sitting position, her eyes trained on the man as he spoke.

She listened intently, her brows shooting up in great surprise at the mention of Rook’s name. My my, wasn’t this turning into a great conversation! The lake queen was acquiring all kinds of saucy information. Her tail began to wag behind her frame. Yet, it stilled when he mentioned the passing of his mate. The woman’s expression automatically morphed into one of gentle sympathy, though there was no hint of pity. He had loved the woman it seemed and had children together, that much must have been joyous. Pity was for petty wolves. A small smile crept onto her features as he joked. He was strong, she could see that. “I am sorry for the loss of your mate, it is something no wolf should ever have to go through. Though, I think she would be proud of you for going to the lengths you have to find your daughter yes?” Namid was always one to try and find a silver lining in a situation and she hoped that he wouldn’t take offense to her statement. But, as a mother herself she knew that if she were gone she would want more than anything for Vespertio to be able to be strong and move on, to find happiness again. “It is quite nice, though we have had our ups and downs. Nowhere is perfect, but I suppose if it is truly your home it will look perfect to you. And you are always welcome here. When you find your daughter and seek somewhere to rest your wandering paws the Cove and I will be waiting.”

To be fearful of the night
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
Rowan stifled a shrug as she offered her sympathies, not wanting to seem ungrateful. At this point he had steeled his heart against the memory of Phaios, though he could not brush off her impact on his life so easily as raising his shoulders and letting them fall. Whether or not Phaiois would have been proud of Rowan... well, the ink-legged male could only raise his eyebrows and offer a hopeful smile toward Namid. Likely not, he wanted to tell her, but his stories were best saved for another time. Maybe after he found Iyes and they settled down somewhere together.

She continued, and Rowan let his gaze rest upon the silver she-wolf for a moment, realizing that was why he was so curious about her, back then and even now. And you are always welcome here. Her kindness saturated the very air around her, so genuine that it reached out with golden fingers to light the spirit of anyone she spoke with. She was absolutely different from anyone he'd ever met or would ever meet again - of that he was sure. Perhaps it was just the outcome of being born a girl of the stars.

"I'm grateful," he responded, "Thank you." Rowan was sincere to hell her so, and he hoped he heard gratitude from others in her life enough. But as much as he would have liked to, he could not stay this visit. His dark toes pressed into the snow-coated ground, feeling strength return to his bones after their conversation. "I've got to keep looking for her," he excused himself, a quietly apologetic grin spreading across his blackened muzzle. "I wish you the best, Namid, and safety for all your packmates. May we meet again."

Following the goodbye, he retreated toward the mountain's slope - with much to ruminate on as he kept his eyes open for missing black wolves.

<3 end