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Take me out — The Wildwood 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

For once Askan hadn't meant to offend, and yet despite him even realising he'd managed to do so anyway. By no means was he being kind-per se- but in his mind he didn't think he was being cruel either. There was nothing wrong with being a little blunt, as harsh as it may seem he was trying to do her a favour. He was trying to open her eyes, because the way he saw it, the sooner she did so the better. More than that, Askan was pretty pleased with her words. Perhaps she wasn't such a lost cause, if she could see his potential then surely she was worth something. What he didn't realise,however, was that her words were loaded. That rather than respect him, she resented him, loathed his nature and everything he stood for. It was funny how he was either loved or loathed. These days it seemed as though there was no in between.

"A few months ago.Round about, last summer I think? It feels like forever really." He shrugged, wondering how time had passed by so quickly.

She could complain and protest all she wanted, but Askan was convinced that she was being moody. And he didn't understand why. He'd tried to help, but for what it was worth her snappy responses were just as though she'd thrown them back in his face. Was that the thanks he got? Ugh, why did he try anymore. No one-but Reyes- cared.

"Sure." He rumbled, clearly dubious of her response. If she wasn't moody then the sky wasn't blue.As for her second part, well he was just going to ignore that, as though she hadn't said anything at all."I don't have anything against loners, it's just you're clearly doing a shitty job of being one. Before you, I've never met one who's had to sink so low as to stalk me in an attempt to get food. It makes it damn obvious that you're not doing so well, that you're barely getting by. Which makes me think you should just call it quits and find a pack. Understand what I'm getting at?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne

Everything about Askan was beginning to bug her. He seemed to hold himself on this pedestal of perfection and honor while all others were met with a tight lip, scrunched face, furrowed brows and constant judgement. He was a sour puss if she had ever met one, and it was by luck that his appearance was keeping her some what grounded, otherwise she would have bolted long ago. His eyes, though piercing and cold, were like mirrors as she on occasion stared into them, losing herself before his words would send her back into a tunnel of rage and disbelief--sometimes looks weren't enough. She sighed, attempting to push away the million different thoughts that crossed her mind and focusing instead on the positive. She would congratulate him on sticking with his pack for so long and remaining happy, that in itself had always been the hardest hurdle for the young beauty. "I'm happy for you, its an accomplishment, really." she said, knowing he would probably not see it that way. 

And then she went on to address his comment about loners, of whom she was confident he held some kind of grudge against despite his attempt to ensure her that he didn't, there was no doubt in her mind that they were probably cancers in his mind. "I'm alive and strong enough to scavenge without help. I think I'm doing quite well." she said, staring him down ever so slightly before allowing her gaze to drift to something that wouldn't so easy catch her off guard, she settled on the backdrop behind him. "would your pack accept me?" she asked, more so for humor than anything in this instance. He had made the pack life relatively off putting and she had no interest in joining anything before she was confident that she was ready for that commitment but for Askan, she would make conversation.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Perhaps he was being a little too harsh,too judgemental on the loner. She was still fairly young, she hadn't yet graduated from the school of hard knocks. And yet, at the same time he knew he couldn't baby her either, patting her back and saying that everything was going to be fine would be cruel, an outright lie really. It was possible for a wolf to survive on their own, but surely they had to want to remain a loner to truly thrive. To take advantage of the freedom it gave. And yet this one, with her weighted, bright gaze, was this what she really wanted?

Rory said she was doing fine, but the Selwyn wasn't inclined to believe her. And he made that pretty clear with an eye roll and a snort. Yeah, sure. Did he really have to mention the fact she'd been stalking him in the hopes of a free meal? Did that suggest that she was fine? Hell no.

She sure did bring up an interesting question though. Would she be welcomed into the fold, was it possible for her to become a Rye wolf? She was feisty for sure, adamant and stubborn and unwilling to back down, even to Askan's unrelenting callousness. In that regard she'd fit right in. Rye wolves were hardy, like the grass of their namesake they might wilt bur in time they'd grow, flourish and be such a sight to see. Something to be proud of. That being said, they wouldn't grow by serving as a shelter for the weak. Castel and Niles had shown them that kindness was not always paid back in return. Some wolves merely looked out for themselves.

But the real question was whether Rory was one of those said wolves.<\p>

Askan thought about the question long and hard before he responded, his expression had loosened and maybe, just maybe he stopped glaring at her as though he was trying to shoot lazer beams out of his eyes.

" Probably. The Old Man is a softie for cute faces and sob stories." He was too nice for his own good, sometimes."We're not close to home though, you'd have a long trek if you're really serious."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
As far as Rory was concerned, she was fine. She'd been living the life as a loner for over a year, it was all she knew, and she was accustomed to the harshness of being all alone, it like many things she'd encountered as a loner was just the daily of everyday life. It was times like this, when others thought to question her that she wanted nothing more than to prove them wrong--Askan would see no weakness from her. When she asked whether his pack would accept her she was merely entertaining him, she had no intention of joining the male or the pack he'd sought refuge in, but that didn't stop her from answering. "I may have to visit it sometime." she spoke, giving him the most sincere smile she could in his direction. She knew that her commitment for a pack was limited and she couldn't give them all her attention, when she was ready and nothing pulled at her loyalty, then she would definitely consider settling down.

He mentioned that his pack was far from them and she wondered where exactly he had ventured from. "What is your pack called?" she asked, head cocking to the side. She would store this information for future use, like when she needed to find him later and the pack he had spoke so highly of. She thought about it then, the fact that she had no idea just who the male she'd been conversing with was and she suddenly felt so naive for having never asked earlier, it wasn't normally like her. "I'm Rory by the way, and you are?" she offered, a smile on her lips as she waited for the male to answer.
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2017, 06:30 PM by Aideen.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Well wasn't this an interesting turn of events? One moment they had been snapping coarse words back and forth, and now there was a possibility she would come north, and perhaps even join his ranks. So what was this then? A stalemate? No, that sounded a little too antagonistic, as though their conflict was going nowhere. A truce then?  That sounded about right. She had accepted his blunt nature and he understood that she was just trying to survive, that she was doing what she had to and didn't want to sugarcoat it. He could respect that, he'd done the very same thing months ago and so wasn't in the position to drag her over the coals. Not that it stopped him from doing so but...

"Wild Rye Fields." He told her, without a second of hesitation. He was a Rye wolf through and through, he had nothing to fear nor was he embarrassed by it. It was a badge of honour, something he had worked for long and hard.

As to whether she would actually fit in if she did join, well that was to be seen. From the way she was speaking he wasn't entirely sure she would even join, or at the very least any time soon but she was welcome to try. Some effort was better than none after all. The Gods knew that they had enough wolves who just took the piss, who used and abused their hospitality. This one though, whatever he name was, maybe she was different. Then again, maybe not. It was so hard to tell, to push all of their verbage aside and see what they really meant when they spoke. Askan felt as though she was honest, that she meant what she said but...

The Selwyn frowned. He wasn't so good at this, it was starting to make his head hurt. She at least made an effort to help and offered her name. Rory. Wasn't that a boys name? Whatever, it wasn't his business nor did he care.

"Askan Selwyn." It was a knee jerk reaction at this point. First and last name, which were more or less one of the same. For what it was worth anyway.

(This post was last modified: May 03, 2017, 06:59 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Askan sorry for the wait! I'll leave this open in case you want to add on another post! Thanks for the thread, we should have another! :D

i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thane

The name of his pack she could easily remember, it flowed like that of a poem even from the lips of Askan and momentarily she smiled from the very idea that the wolf standing before her could be anything but brash and outspoken. Though she was judging based off of their limited and casual interaction, nothing about the wolf would make her assume that deep down he was sensitive and kind, the vibe he gave off was too harsh and critical and apparently he wasn't ashamed to show it. She only hoped, that if and when she decided to visit him and take him up on the offer to join his home, that the other wolves of the pack weren't as cold as he was.

He gave his name shortly after mentioning his home and she nodded first in response before tying her thoughts with words, "It was nice meeting you I guess Askan," she said, her voice a bit softer than before. She wondered if he considered her company as welcoming as she had his'; even despite his attitude, the presence of a warm body was always a pleasure, given her predicament. The words were soon forgotten with the interruption of loud rumbles from her stomach and she remembered that she hadn't found anything of substance in a few days, and it was beginning to show. Dipping her head, but not before first biting her thin lips, she seemed to glance around nervously in explanation of her sudden need to leave.


"I should get going. I'm sure we'll run into each other again, and hopefully it won't be on the grounds that I wanted to steal from you. " she winked, a weak smile formed on her lips. There was no doubt in her mind that food would allow them to cross paths once more. Without another word she walked past him in search of the scent of prey that had suddenly grown strong in the wind. 

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2017, 04:39 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Was this really a nice meeting? Well, he supposed it wasn't the worst. No one was bleeding, even though she had outright stalked him. But whatever, that was a hurdle they had since jumped over. It was in the past, it didn't matter anymore. He supposed, she wasn't the worst wolf out there and the thought of seeing her again didn't make his blood run cold. So surely that had to stand for something, right? Whatever, he wasn't going to linger and think about this for much longer as it was both a waste of his time and hers.

"Yeah sure, Rory." That was her name, right? He might have not been the most polite man, but he at least had the manners to try and remember her name. It was the least she deserved.

She seemed eager to leave and yet somehow still certain that they would meet again. He was fine with the former but the latter, he wasn't so certain. How could she know that they'd see each other again? Did that mean she was coming north as promised? Well, he'd believe her when he saw that, when she was standing at their borders with her paws on neutral ground.

"So you say." He huffed, with a slight hint of mirth lingering in his tone. She wasn't so bad, even if she was a creeper.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]